Third-Person POV

“Execute the plan.” that word signaled for everyone.

To all Ranker's and Prime underlings surrounding the area.

Those in the room were shocked to hear a series of explosions.

“What happened?” asked the big boss who was now standing up from sitting even some people who had been sitting in front of, are now confused.

Contrary to the black figures, they were calm but suddenly changed to see another colleague who suddenly fell down. Many had escaped but some did not survive.

They moved quickly, as did the men around. Finding the opponent knocking down the comrades.

“Sniper!” a shout from one.

Yes, a sniper is the cause of the opponents' fall. No one knows how many of them, because different angles have knocked down by the sniper.


“Old Maid!!” thrilling voice from Agatha, but she was answered by just smirk. Agatha attacked Athena first.

“You will pay for this!” Agatha shouted again.