Chapter 10

Let me tell you a little something about myself: I can sleep anywhere. I mean that literally.

I might be sweeping the floor and before you know it, I'm asleep bent over the broom. I've fallen asleep where I was washing dishes and it was the clatter of the stainless bowl that fell from my hands to the floor - thank God it wasn't breakable/glass plate, which woke me up

I have fallen asleep where I was turning a pot of Semo; At the dining table over dinner (a lot of people can relate); While riding on the back of a motorcycle (Okada) - I jerked awake when I dreamt I fell off the bike; Sitting at that precarious perch at the front of a tricycle (I almost fell off that day. I was so scared); even bent over washing clothes - I tumbled headlong into the basin of full of soapy water and dirty clothes