Day One

As I walked up the steps of Solidary Ridge the nipping cold air seemed to wrap around me and embrace me in a cold hug that I was eager to escape from by entering the facility. The inside of the building blocked off the wind but lacked the warmth my body craved but I ignored it as I walked up to the desk.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Codwell-Nakajima and today's supposed to be my first day here." I informed the nurse.

"One moment, please."

I patiently stepped back and waited as I observed the main floor of Solidary Ridge. The desk the nurse was sitting at was long and blocked off a door that seemed to be for the other nurses seeing as a male nurse came from back there and took up residence standing behind the desk at a farther end.

I spotted a waiting area to my right, where a janitor was cleaning around. It was nice to know that they cared enough to clean because there have been many places I've visited that had poor conditions. In fact, as I did a quick glance around there didn't seem to be even a speck of dust resting and I could even see a bit of my reflexion in the marble floors.

The sound of someone walking echoed and I turned around, back to the desk, to see a man coming from the hall wearing a suit. I caught sight of his name tag and decided to meet him halfway with a smile on my face.

"Dr. Nakajima, it's a pleasure to have you here with us for the time being." He shook my hand with firmness and eagerness as he spoke with a grin.

"Likewise, Dr. Camel. It's always an honor to be a part of something so amazing."

"Well, why don't you follow me to your office and we can talk more in detail." He suggested and I nodded in agreement.

We walked back down the hall he had come from and made a left before coming to an elevator where he scanned his ID and it opened up. As I stepped inside the elevator I noticed the two cameras and took note of the odd elevator music playing. I stood next to Dr. Camel as he pushed the only button there and the elevator started moving down.

It felt as if the elevator was moving faster than any other one I had been on before. It was in a matter of two minutes, at the most, that the elevator stopped and the doors slowly opened up to what looked like a scene from a movie. I even had to hold back my looks and sounds of awe in order to remain professional.

"This is our main laboratory, it's where we do testing for everything, but don't worry it's all humane." He laughed and I chuckled with him, although a part of me wondered if he was telling the truth.

We kept walking and with every twist and turned I became more amazed with the amount of things I was seeing. It was like one level with infinite amounts of space with different set ups. It made me wonder just how special the patient I was in charge of was because it made no sense to need me if they had all of this.

"Here we are." He scanned his ID again and the door buzzed before he pushed it open and it seemed like the hall we began to walk down was colder than before. There were several cameras and nothing else for a few steps before we stopped at a door already open.

"This is your office, we had it upgraded with a bathroom and bedroom so you can solely focus on the task at hand." He gestured as he spoke to the two doors on the left inside the office.

"You want me to sleep here for thirty days?" I was surprised because that part was left out before I signed the contract to work here.

"Yes, will that be a problem?" I knew by the tone in his voice, while nice, there was a right and wrong answer.

"It's fine. I would just need to collect my things from my hotel." I reassured him.

"Nonsense, we've assigned you an assistant so we'll just end her to get your things. I've also left your ID card and anything you need on the desk there."

I walked over to the desk and picked up the ID card, analyzing it before clipping it on. I noticed a handbook and a thin file with the stamp 'Case 01' on it. I picked up the handbook and realized it was more of rules of do's and don'ts.

"We take the way we run things here very seriously so do to memorize the handbook. The file is all the information we were able to get from Patient 000 but it's only the minor things like height, blood, minor genetics. That's where you come in."

"Getting information from patients is my specialty." I laughed and Dr. Camel joined me.

"Exactly, you're the reason the CIA caught three of their most wanted before even going to med school."

I glanced up at him in shock, "I was aware you knew of that."

"Ms. Codwell-Nakajima, we make it a point to know everything about a person before offering them a job here. After all, we can only have the best if we wish to be the best."

"You are correct there." I smiled as I pushed down my discomfort.

"Down the hall you can see the double doors, use your ID to enter and you'll be met with Patient 000 staff and security. All meetings you have with Patient 00 are to be reported back to me with full details on anything learned." He explained to me with a serious expression washing over his face.

"Are there no cameras?" I was confused as to why everywhere else had eyes watching but not pass those doors leading to Patient 000.

"I'm afraid not. Patient 000 doesn't respond well to cameras and seems to know when there is a bug so we have to do things the old school way. Although I assure you your safety isn't in harm's way at all."

I let out a light laugh, "I wouldn't expect you to put me in harm's way."

Lies, the little voice in the back of my head whispered but I brushed it aside as just the anxiety of such an important task.

"Good, I'll leave you to get acquainted with the handbook and file. Your assistant should be here shortly and it'd be ideal if you could start as soon as possible with your work." He smiled and gave me a nod of the head before disappearing out the office door, closing it behind him.


My assistant was indeed a female, but a bit younger than me. She stood taller and more ridge but nonetheless she was good at her job from what I saw so far.

She brought all my things to my temporary room and introduced herself as Kiley Jones. She was still attending college but was past her masters and she had been working here for quite some time.

She explained that she would be at my service from 12pm until 6pm everyday. She wasn't permitted to go past the Patient 000 staff area but was to be the one to hand in the report when I finished.

"Well, I've ready as much of the handbook as I could for now so how about I go introduce myself to the patient." I smiled at Ms. Jones and she gave me a tight lip smile and nod back.

She's definitely not going to be a relaxed one, I thought to myself as she followed me out my room and down the hall to the double doors.

I scanned my ID and the doors opened up. I walked in and was greeted with a lounge area, 3 workstations, a security office, and another office. It was a decent size room so it didn't feel too cramped and it seemed to only hold about 15 people inside.

There were a couple of nurses in the lounge area and you could spot some of the security in the security office. The work stations held nurses and scientists alike, who seemed to be absorbed to notice me and Ms. Jones.

"ID?" A security guard came up to us and I held out my ID. He took it and glanced at it before back up to me before handing it back.

"Welcome, Ms.Codwell-Nakajima. We've been informed to allow full access and anything you need you can ask one of us." He said with a smile on his face that was very welcoming.

"Thank you. I just came to introduce myself to Patient 000 and see if I can gather anything before I rest." I explained.

He nodded, "If you scan your ID you can go through that door to the meeting room and we'll unlock the patient's door for him to join you. If you need any help press this button." He handed me something like a clicker but I knew it was a sos button.

I slipped it into my pants pockets and turned to my assistant. "I assume you can't go in there so just wait for me here."

"Yes, ma'am."

I walked past the guard and gave a wave to the others who noticed me. I scanned my card at the door and with a beep it unlocked and I walked into the meeting room.

The meeting room was pretty big but empty at the same time. It also seemed as if the temperature was lower than anywhere else in the building. I took notice of two couches that had a table between them with magazines to my left. At the center of the room was a medium size table with four chairs, two on each side.

As I moved to take a seat at the table the sound of a low buzzing reached my ears, drawing my attention towards the door opposite to where I came in but a bit further down to the right. I watched with butterflies in my stomach as the door opened and out came Patient 000. He stepped out enough for the door to close behind him with a clicking sound following it.

He stood at 6'6 with shaggy dark brown hair that could be mistaken for black. He had one white cotton pants and a white cotton shirt that seemed to be just the right size. His feet were bare and it made me wonder if he couldn't feel how cold the marble floor was. In fact, his short sleeve shirt also didn't seem warm enough to keep from getting cold in this room.

"You're the new doctor." He stated as he walked over to the chairs opposite of me and pulled one out to sit down. Although he didn't scoot in and stayed a distance away from the table.

"Yes. I'm Dr. Codwell-Nakajima and I'm going to be the main one in charge of you." I smiled at him to try and show that I meant no harm.

He didn't respond back and just stared at me in silence before I decided to break the silence. "If you don't mind? What's your name?"

"I don't have a name," He leaned forward in his chair and flashed me a smile, "But you'd be the first one to ask me for one."

"Well, how about you tell me what you would like to be called."

He was silent for a moment before responding, "How about...Nathan."

I held out my hand, "Well, Nathan, I look forward to working with you."

"Likewise, doctor."

And when he reached to shake my hand it felt like ice traveled throughout my entire body.