
Hey there! Here is your rescuer from all of this mess that Jade and her lover made before! Of course, it is me! NOAH!!

Hehe. Nah! Just kidding. However, I am indeed here to change the mood a bit and to light up your day maybe. Only for the moment, I seriously do not know what is going to happen later. Well, I hope so…

Anyways, I guess you all remember the first time that eyeglasses girl introduced me to you. Didn’t you notice anything different about me? Well, If you did not… Let me help.

Ehem, Ehem. *clears throat*:

1- My personality is not as she said about me before, I am actually; if you ever remarked, kind of joyful and likes joking around. It is just that when the evening comes, I already get tired and just want to go home and sleep and of course cuddle with my lovely boyfriend.