Just A Fool

Nickolas' POV

I went back to our bedroom. Our bedroom. Whats happening between us isn't what i planned, and i don't know what to do here. I made a resolve to keep a distance, for both our sakes. But as soon as i saw her, that resolve went to shit.

I lie down on the bed and stare at the ceiling for a minute before i turn to look at her side of the bed. Marco's words echo in my head, and the image of her crying comes to mind. I made her fucking cry. Twenty minutes later am walking back into the library but she's not there.

Am about to start searching when i receive a text message from Lola saying Ally is in her room and will sleep there tonight.


"Hold on" Lola shouts when i knock on her bedroom door.

"What? "She says upon opening the door.

I scoff and try to side step her and go into the room but she quickly stands in my way and pushes me backwards into the hall.