Beautiful Disaster

Alaia's POV

On our way to the hospital, am trying not to panick, because we don't know what state they are in. I really don't know what to feel, i am so angry at Nick, but at the same time i know i would die is something happened to him.

Mum takes my hand as i sit next to her in the car. Angelo is driving and Marco is sitting on the passenger's side. His parents have taken another car. We have a team of security with us in another car as well. The rest have stayed home.

Arriving at the hospital we find that Nicky is unconscious. We're told she had a severe wound on her thigh and is resting. Aaron is already with her. His group must have reached them faster since they were already in town.

Nick is sitting in another room and a doctor just finished stitching up a wound on his side, he has some bruises and scratches on his arms and face. He looks beat, but he is ok thankfully.