I blinkly slowly, turning and groaning, trying to remember what had happened that landed me on the floor. I was in pain, I slowly sat up, looking around but found no one. Was I seeing things no one could see? The rain had begun to pour heavily from the sky as I stood up and went to close my window.
I quickly turned around and screamed closing my eyes
"You're not real, you're not real, you're not real" I kept repeating with my eyes closed
"Oh come on I'm real, atleast you can see me"
"You're dead, h-how is it possible?" I said, still not opening my eyes
"I came to keep you company"
"And how are you gonna keep me company when you're dead" my heart was beating so fast this time
"Look at you, there was a time you couldn't do anything without me, now you're trying to push me away"
"Alex, you don't understand, do you?" I opened my eyes "It's been years, I kept myself away from people, people who could have changed my life, I mourned you for years, and now that I plan on moving on, you're thinking I'm pushing you away?" I said and she huffed
"I want you to find my killer, she's out there"
Wait the killer is a she, wow impressive but does she know the living can't see the dead and now that I'm seeing her. I'm scared for my life. What if my mom walks in and finds me talking to her but can't see her. She would think I'm going nuts.
"For the years you've mourned me, I've watched you" she was calm this time "But you know" she looked at me "I haven't been happy, I haven't been able to find peace but the killer as been happy and as been able to find peace"
I slowly walked up to her, her brunette hair still packed into a ponytail and the blue gown she was wearing when we found her dead was still on her
"I just need you to do this one thing for me, please" she said almost in a whisper
"I'd have loved to help but I can't" I sat beside her, her eyes focused on mine "You know when we found you dead, my whole world collapsed, my Dad died a few weeks later so I and my Mom moved. This isn't Durham, this is Chichester, your killer would probably be at Durham or would have left to another country. I'm sorry" I faked a smile and slowly she began to fade away
"I'm sorry" I said when she had faded away
I had a strong feeling that her killer was my Father's killer. But what did I do? I really want to avenge my Father and my Best friend but how would I know the killer, it's not like the word "KILLER" would be written on her forehead.
I sighed as I laid my back on the bed, smiling, I just saw Alex, it's been years and I just saw her. She didn't look like she had died.
I reached for my phone and checked what time it is. I quickly saw up with a gasp. I was 10 minutes late.
I quickly got on my feet and wore a blue harem pant with a white crop top along with a blue converse.
"Mom, I'm off to my dance class" I yelled as I shut the door
* * * * * * *
I got to the door, music playing so loud. I was literally shaking and forcing myself to sweat from the fear growing in me.
I gently pushed the door open as I slowly walked in. Hoping no one sees me. I stood beside a guy. He didn't notice me, his eyes were focused on those dancing. It was Jada and Becky. We used to dance together, now they dance without me. I huffed and looked away. I didn't want to judge them too quickly so I remained calm, nodding my head to every beat. And then it stopped, people yelled, clapped and ran to hug them. I just remained where I was, clapping.
I smiled when we made contact then they started walking over to my side. Maybe I could ask her why she treated me like that the previous day.
"He.." I was cut off when they both walked pass me
I turned to look at who they had gone to meet. Liam, it was Liam. He had registered. Jada hugged him and he hugged back. I turned away, playing with my fingers.
I was going to dance next but I didn't feel like doing it. I just wanted to go home and hide from everybody like I used to before.
I turned to look
"Jemima" I hugged her so tightly closing my eyes
"Oh hello" she was finding it difficult to breath
"I-I'm sorry" I stopped hugging "What are you doing here?"
"You know that cute guy at work?" she asked, I nodded
"I followed him here" she whispered
"What!" I exclaimed
"Quiet, unfortunately he has someone, isn't that painful? I already paid, I really need that money, what was I thinking?" she hit her head
I was forced to laugh "How did you know he was coming here?"
"You know when you left?" she asked and I nodded "I got mad at myself and decided to leave too, hope we don't get fired on Wednesday" she said sighing and I laughed
"Come on, tell me"
I really wanted to know how she knew he would be here. He didn't look too happy at work but here, he's smiling, laughing and holding hands with Jada. I quickly looked away when he turned to look at me. Thank goodness I wasn't caught
"So when I left the shop . I saw him entering a bus and I entered too, not knowing where he was going till I landed here. I'm not even that good at dancing"
I could understand her pain. Following someone, only to end up finding he was going to a place 'cause of his girl
I looked at the crowd then looked at Jemima, her eyes were focused on Liam and Jada
"Don't worry about them, I'm here, okay?" I said
She nodded "I'm just finding everything they're doing strange"
"Strange? What's strange in what they're doing, every couple does that" I said
She shook her head "He wasn't holding her hand and he wasn't smiling"
"Maybe they had a fight and when she danced, he forgave her" I simply said
"Come on, let's get out of here, I don't think I'd be able to dance together. I'm sick" I said
I didn't feel I was lying, I was truly sick. Sick of everything. Sick of Liam's behaviour towards me, sick of Jada and Becky and lastly sick of getting a weird feeling in me anytime I look at the lovers holding hands.
I held Jemima and we quickly sneaked out of the class.
* * * * * * *
"It's so cold" Jemima said
We had sat on a bench staring at the sky as people passed by minding their business.
"Haven't felt this way in years" Jemima said looking up
"Felt how?" I looked at her noticing her concentration on something on the sky
"Freedom" she said almost in a whisper
"Freedom?" I asked
She nodded and sighed before looking down then looking up
"My Mom and Dad got divorced two years ago" she paused and sighed "I-I was forced to choose" she looked at me and faked a smile "I chose my Mom, you know Mothers are the best?" she asked and I simply nodded "My Mom remarried six months later, guess he was her boyfriend, he was younger than her, never interested in her but was interested in her money a-and me" she sniffed "He abused me for months and stole my Mother's money for as long as he could. I tried telling my mom the truth but he was always a step ahead of me. I didn't know what to do so I had to my friend blackmail him, telling him he had a video and was going to show the police, he was told to tell me my Mom the truth or he'd spend the rest of his life in a dark hole, funny isn't it?" she was laughing and crying at the same time
"Looks like the plan worked right?" I asked and she nodded crying silently
"Ever since the day he came out clean to my Mom, she's been blaming herself, getting drunk and her health has been deteriorating, no money left, so I had to work hard all day at different stores just to get money for her treatment, no time to look after myself" she looked at me
"I hope she gets better" I placed my hand at her back tapping her
"I hope so too"
"Why did you tell me all this?" I held her hand this time
"Because I just needed to share my story with someone, my friend and that's you" she squeezed my hand
I was speechless as I just simply smiled. Imagining the hell she went through before the truth could have come out. I'm pretty sure she was underage. I felt bad for her, I know she wouldn't want me to pity her. She is a strong girl and I'm proud of how she can stand up for herself even after her past. Everyone had a past, just some weren't pleasant to the ear.
"I should go, my mom should use her medications by Eight, she's always forgetting so I have to remind her" she stood up carrying her black hand bag
"Yeah, you're right, my mom would be very worried if I'm not home soon" I also stood up
"Till Wednesday?" she asked
"What about tomorrow? You could come over to my place" I suggested
"That's a great idea, can I get your number?"
"Yeah, sure"
She handed me her phone and I typed my number then return it back to her.
"Gonna call you now" she said as my phone buzzed at me back pocket.
I brought it out and saw her number then saved it.
"Till tomorrow then?" she asked
And with that we both parted ways. At least I still had Jemima but my heart ached for Liam. I don't know why I feel this way towards him, maybe I'm about to find out.