The Hunt

Me, Jax and Eliza were standing waiting for our guide. The blue-haired man was more distant while Eliza and I started talking to pass the time.

- Eliza, I always had a sensation but... have we met before? - I ask curiously, looking deeply into the young woman's eyes.

- Not exactly, you know my sister. - She answers me with a smile.

When she tells me that, I put my head to work. I focus on trying to find someone who is at least like Eliza, a few seconds pass and when I finally come up with a possible answer.

- Liz ?! - I ask with confidence and surprise.

- Right! - She says excitedly that I got it right. - Liz warned me that you would come.

- She said? - I ask curious.

- Of course, she told me some things, such as Alexander-sama's cute fiance. - She says keeping that nice smile.

The moment she says that I feel my face flush slightly and smile at her from the corner of my face.

- How can you be so calm? This is not a school trip. - We heard the cold and calm sound of Jax's words, still far from us.

As soon as we turn to him, the young man starts walking slowly towards us.

- So what should we do, keep turning in circles until the guide arrives? - I ask trying to look nice but without mocking him.

- Whatever. - He just ignores the joke I made. - But if we are playing question and answer game I have one.

- Well, ask. - I say interested and curious with what he would ask me.

- At the training ground you said you were here to get used to it, what did you mean, for what? - He asks me keeping calm and serious.

I remain a little silent. I begin to analyze the best answers I could give at that moment. I'm not in the mood to tell the story of my life or the reason for my revenge, to someone I met today.

- I need to do some things, that's all. - I say hoping to be enough to satisfy you.

- It didn't convince me. - He says quickly and coldly.

"Damn, I need to think about something... well... maybe this could work."

He looks at me with some indignation and a little anger. Jax is silent for a few seconds but then replies:

- Why this concern? Are you worried about me, Jax? How lovely. - I say smiling.

- Fuck it! - He grumbles, turning his back on me.

Eliza remained quiet, just watching the scene. She gave a small chuckle as she saw Jax's angry face. I just follow her and keep smiling until I hear footsteps behind me. I look at the direction of the sound and see a man approaching our group. He was a young man with straight, short and black hair, a little taller than me, wearing a short gray shirt and long black pants. But what stood out most about him were his eyes.

"Cat eyes?"

It was the first thing that comes to my mind. They were vibrant orange and their pupil was just a slight streak of deep, mesmerizing black.

- Eliza-san, Jax-san and Yuki-san I suppose. - He says formally and with an inviting smile.

- It's us. - Eliza says, taking a step forward.

- It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Kuro and I will be your guide tonight. - He introduces himself.

- The pleasure is mine. - Says Eliza.

- Mine too - I say anxious to leave.

- Whatever. - Jax mumbles.

I take a step forward and approach the guide.

- Everything ready for us to go Kuro-san? - I ask, smiling gently.

- Sure, anytime. - He answers me, making a slight bow.

Gradually I feel the reality falling on me, I am about to hunt a demon. I don't know if I'm nervous or anxious. I'll just watch, so I won't be of any use in the hunt. I start to feel a tightness in my chest, I look at Eliza and Jax, they are skilled captains, I never participated in any kind of combat and little by little I start to realize that I am just a weight. When I think about it, I realize that Alex was right, I hate to admit it but... I will never have my revenge if I continue to be like that... just protected by others.

Eliza notices my discomfort and extends her hand towards me, trying to calm me down. But before she arrives, I feel Jax's hand on my head.

- Honestly stop looking like that, it's already annoying me. - He says messing up my hair. - I'll give you something, so don't worry.

He raises his other hand and leaves it with the palm facing up.

- Inventory . - He says in a soft tone.

A small white magic circle appears in the palm of his hand. From it comes a dagger with a white handle, a smooth blade of shiny silver and a sheath of black fabric. When the two items come out completely, the circle disappears.

- It is a dagger used for demonstration in magic classes, even someone who doesn't have a contract or doesn't know how to control mana can use it. - He hands me the dagger and the scabbard, looking at me with a serious expression. - Say Ice Shield, for defense and Ice Thorn, for offensive. The names say it all, so there is no need for explanation. She has mana to cast a maximum of twenty spells so be careful. - He finishes explaining, taking his hand off my head.

- Thank you Ja... Ah! - I try to thank, but I feel Jax giving me a strong pinch on my nose.

- Don't thank me, I just don't want Alexander-sama to kill me if you get hurt. - He says looking away, breaking our eye contact. - Besides, I don't want my stupid student to die on his first mission.

I don't know if I'm happy with him giving me a weapon and finally accepting me as his student, even though I literally forced him to become my teacher, but at the same timeI feel a little annoyed at being called an idiot.

- Kuro-san, please show the way. - Jax says turning to the man with cat eyes.

- With pleasure. - He agrees with a friendly smile.

With that Kuro follows the path and Jax accompanies him, leaving me and Eliza behind. I am tempted to throw a stone at his head in exchange for squeezing my nose, it still hurts. Eliza approaches behind me and puts her hand on my shoulder.

- Don't be mad, that's how he says he's worried. - She tells me with a welcoming smile. - Come on, I want to debut your first hunt, Yuki.

- Aff... let's go. - I follow Eliza and start smiling too. I put the blade in the scabbard and move on.

Some minutes later:

Night takes the skies and the four of us walk the streets. It was a little lit with the posts being the only light points of the place, some shops and restaurants closed and without a living soul, although it was a normal time for people to stroll the streets. Maybe the serial killings scared everyone.

We were in formation: Jax in front holding his axe, Eliza last and holding her whip, while Kuro and I stood between them. I was alert to any signs of sound or movement around us, while the two captains and our guide were not so nervous, perhaps thanks to years of experience in the position. We kept walking for about an hour and didn't even find nothing. I was already thinking that we wouldn't find anything today and I started to lose hope.

- Let's take a break. - Jax says aloud and looking over his shoulder.

The three of us nodded and went to the nearest bank we found. I sit in the middle, Eliza on my left, Kuro on my right while Jax remained standing, giving the impression that I was not the least bit tired.

- Is there really anything here? - I ask, exhausted.

- Yes, at that time there would be several youkai on the street. - Kuro explains to me, placing one of his legs on the other. - There's something scaring them.

- Intelligent. - Jax says, stroking the white blade of his axe. - They would be a snack.

- I agree, it is better to hide than to be eaten - Kuro says in a low voice towards the axe bearer. - Are you thirsty?

- If you have anything, I accept. - I say with a certain tiredness in my voice.

- I'm with Yuki. - Eliza accompanies me, but seems to be as well as Jax.

- I am fine. - I hear Jax's frivolous voice.

"Damn demonic disposition! I'm dying and you guys seem to be just hanging around."

At our request, Kuro takes a piece of paper from the front pocket of his pants. I pay attention to his every move, curious where he would get something to drink. I look at the piece of paper and it had some letters written on it: 水 筒 (Suitō) *

*Water bottle.

"Water bottle...? Don't tell me..."

Before I could finish my train of thought, Kuro takes the lead.

- Suitō. - He says looking at that piece of paper.

The writing begins to shine and a plastic bottle begins to emerge. As soon as it leaves completely, the writing disappears and the paper is blank. He takes it and offers it to both of us. Before taking it from him, I look in surprise. In a way it reminded me of the spell Jax used before.

- Yuki-san, is there a problem? - Kuro asks with a confused look.

- Ah, it's nothing. - I say a little embarrassed, while I pick up the bottle and take a sip. - Sorry, I was very interested in your magic.

- This? I find Jax-san's Inventory much more useful. - He says raising a little the paper he had used.

- Hum, isn't it the same thing? - I ask, curious.

- Honestly, am I really going to have to teach you everything? - I hear Jax's voice complaining in the background.

I make sure I don't jump with my two feet on this bastard's chest. I bite my tongue slightly so as not to offend him and let him begin to explain.

- The "Inventory" is very useful for transporting large quantities of things, as long as they are not so large, such as: weapons and ammunition. - He begins to explain, not leaving aside his thick and cold tone. - Charging charms can carry very large objects, depending on the user can take a home, but it is only one object per paper.

- I understand. - I say now puzzled by the mini class.

- Both are space magic and are useless in combat, but great for transportation. - He finishes the explaining.

- But... - I try to say, but I am interrupted by a big crash.

We were all startled by that sound and positioned ourselves in a combat position. Eliza and Jax in front and me and Kuro behind them. I pick up the handle of the dagger attached to my waist, waiting for something.

- It was close, do we call reinforcement? - Eliza asks attentively to any sound or movement.

- No, you can scare it, we cannot lose this thing. - Jax says with the same level of seriousness as Eliza. - We should also not use any kind of magic, this can indicate our location.

- Any idea? - I ask a little nervous about what could come out of the shadows.

- Leave it to me. - I hear Kuro beside me, with a smile on his face.

He runs to the nearest lamppost, grabs the piece of metal and with just a slight push, he reaches the top. I just seem impressed by Kuro's strength. He gets up, being hugged by the night breeze. His black hair danced in the night and his clothes moved with the rhythm of the wind.

From the middle of his hair, something grew and started to move more and more. Out of nowhere, a pair of ears the same black color as his hair strands appear. The same thing happens with the back of your waist, a long tail with dark hair is camouflaged at night. He closes his eyes and his ears start to move frantically, for a few moments. When he finishes, he turns his face quickly and abruptly to our left, jumping off the lamppost next. Kuro lands in front of us, with the reduced distance I can better see the new hairy members that appeared in the young man.

"He's really a cat... would he let me touch those ears?"

As the moment was serious, I keep my wishes and remain silent.

- This way. - He doesn't even look back and runs in the direction he had heard the sound.

We don't even say anything, we just follow him. I try to keep up with Kuro's speed, but I end up being left more and more behind. When I was about to give up, I feel someone standing up. I look in surprise and see Jax placing me in his arms. I try to say something, but he speaks first.

- If you say something funny, I'll drop you. - He says without looking at me, just focuses on following Kuro.

I'm ashamed, I can't make eye contact with his face. Which makes me feel even more useless.

But before I could get even more depressed, we stopped. When I look ahead, I get a shock at the sight. It looked like a scene that I could only see in a nightmare. A grotesque figure: light green skin, long and twisted arms and legs, sharp nails as big as the training camp swords, broad shoulders, taller than all of us, a hump with spines covering its top, long neck with several strands of hair long and black covering him, a long tail that made several curves in the air and his face was identical to that of a snake with its two large pointed and sharp fangs in its half-open mouth.

- There! - Kuro points behind the monster.

There was someone lying on the ground, face up. Young and blond, exactly the description of the last person who was kidnapped. He didn't move, his eyes were half closed and he didn't show any emotion. I start to think that we were too late.

- He is alive. - Says Kuro focusing his eyes on the monster. - I can hear his beat, it's just a little low.

I calm down when I heard that, but that monster certainly made things more and more tense. The snake-faced beast still hasn't turned its face towards us, was just looking up confused and seemed to be looking for something in the sky.

- What kind of demon is that? - Kuro asks prepared to attack.

Both Jax and Eliza are a little hesitant to respond. Their reaction scares both me and Kuro.

- No... I have no idea. - Jax replies, extremely nervous. - Eliza?

- Neither do I. It's the first time I've seen a demon like that. - She answers him with the same level of nervousness.

- This is encouraging, any ideas? - I ask, trying to stay calm.

There were a few seconds of silence, until Eliza takes the lead and begins to deliberate orders:

- For now we save the hostage and call for backup. - She explains with a serious tone of voice and emanating an absolute military aura. - Jax and I distract this thing, Kuro-san take the boy and give it to Yuki. Yuki I know that you will only watch, but plans change, takes hostage and hides.

We listened carefully to her plan and nodded. My nervousness increased more and more, I feel my body hot and I can't stay still for a long time, I start to make light leaps in the same place to try to spend this energy. I never felt that way. It must be adrenaline mixed with fear and nervousness, but instead of bothering me, I try to enjoy every moment of that sensation going through my veins. How nostalgic...

"Hum? Nostalgic? Why...?"

Before I could finish my thought, the monster finally moves. I hear the crackling sound of each movement of his arms. He turns to us making eye contact, his big green eyes like a viper looking at his food. It seems that there is no turning back, when I do that I smile from the corner of my face. I must have gone crazy but I have to admit, I never felt so alive.

- Here we go! - Exclaims Eliza, running at high speed towards the green beast. - Jax!

- I know, Pillar of Ice! - Jax jumps and hits his axe blade on the ground, behind Eliza.

Under her feet, a large white circle appears and from it a large and thick pillar of ice rises, lifting the girl up. The monster follows with his eyes, without changing his expression. The pillar stops growing and she jumps, keeping a good height above the beast. Still in the air Eliza makes her attack.

- Flaming Puppet Show! - A magic circle appears between her and the monster.

She attacks with the whip and its tip crosses the circle. As it passes, it splits into an uncountable number of long, thin threads that go towards the target. In the blink of an eye, they trap your legs, arms and neck. When they touch your skin and start to burn it, a small smoke begins to come out of the places where the wire touched, forcing the monster to scream in agony. A sound loud enough to make my ears hurt.

Kuro seizes the opportunity and runs towards the hostage. His speed easily exceeds that of Eliza, making him reach the young man passed out in an instant. When he places him in his lap, the monster realizes our plan and attacks the catman with it tail, a quick and precise movement aiming at Kuro's chest.

- Wind Claws! - In a quick reflex, he extends his hand and from his palm begins to release a sequence of fast blades of wind towards the attacker's tail.

The tail cuts off with the attack and retracts, returning to the monster, still struggling with Eliza's wires. With the boy in his arms he runs back towards me and Jax. When he finally passes the pillar of ice and turns his back on the monster, the tail strikes again. He looks back with surprise and astonishment, he can't move much while carrying the hostage, he wouldn't be able to dodge that.

- Not today, scaly heads. Ice Guillotine! - Jax takes a big leap, raises his axe and cuts the air, throwing a large and thick blade of ice, cutting a large part of the monster's tail.

The cut tail falls to the street floor. The monster screams louder and fights even more. Eliza starts to have difficulty holding it and some of her wires break.

Kuro finally comes to me and hands me the hostage. He was a little heavy, but nothing I couldn't handle. As soon as I feel him in my arms, I run towards where we came from. I look over my shoulder and see Kuro turning towards the beast. The monster breaks each of Eliza's wires, gradually gaining it freedom. Jax moves quickly and hits the base of the ice pillar with his axe, falling on the monster, like a woodcutter cutting a tree. The pieces of ice break and cover the whole body of that green thing. I think about stopping running, but I have a bad feeling. I keep running as fast as possible and try not to move the boy too much in my arms.

Eliza On:

When the last piece of ice falls and breaks on that ugly thing, I fall to the ground a short distance from the pile of ice.

- Finished? - I ask, looking at Jax and Kuro on the other side of the cold pile.

- Unfortunately it wouldn't be that easy. - Jax says with a slight smile.

The monster's hand comes out and throws a few pieces of ice in the air, then its head lifts and looks in my direction. I think he's mad at me for burning his skin. I smile out of the corner of my face and get ready to start the fight again. When he removed the last few pieces of ice from his skin, I lift my hand to send the signal to the rest of the squad.

- Signal! - With my fingertips I shoot a fast and vibrant red signal, which flies and explodes in the starry sky. - Kuro-san, would you mind covering us? - I ask getting ready for the show, and hoping not to need reinforcements to take care of that.

- At your service Eliza-san. - He agrees without even thinking twice. - Storm Kunais!

In the hands of Kuro, small swirls appear that gradually take the form of kunais with black blade and handle with light green detail. He takes an attack position and jumps, standing right behind Jax.

- I was expecting this. - Jax gets excited and is the first to advance, running towards the monster.

The beast notices Jax's approach and finally takes it eyes off me, turning to the blue-haired soldier.

- Aff... always in a hurry. - I say with a slight sigh.

I attack with my whip. He stretches and curls the monster's green torso, holding his arms again and this time I start pulling that thing very hard.

- Let's go for a walk, ugly thing! - I use so much force that even the concrete ground of the street breaks under my feet, making the beast rise in the air. - Kuro-san !!

The cat-eared young man was standing away with his eyes closed, concentrating energy on his Kunais, which begin to emit a strong green glow.

- Go, Winds of Fury. - He opens his smoking orange eyes and throws both blades towards the snake-faced demon, lost in the air.

The kunais begin to rotate the monster's body, as if they were guided missiles and begin to attack. With an absurd speed they start to cut the skin of that thing, so fast that it seemed that more than two blades were cutting it. As soon as they finish, they return to their owner's hand, as quickly as they reached the target.

- Jax-san! - Kuro exclaims looking up.

Jax was in the air, under the monster. With his back to the starless sky, his axe begins to emit an intense white aura. Without hesitating, he cuts the tip of his head on the beast's chest, dividing his face in two. When Jax cuts it in the air, I put a final force in my hands and finally throw that thing on the ground, opening up a giant crater. He looked dead, but just in case.

- Hell Flame! - I tightly grip the handle of my whip and a flame of an intense red, meanders past my palm and goes to the body of the monster, still trapped in the embrace of my weapon. When it touches the green skin, it expands and covers your body. A few seconds pass and I make a movement with my free hand to extinguish the flames.

Then the flames disappear, I pull out the rest of my whip and drop the burned corpse. Both Jax and Kuro approach me relaxed.

- It wasn't that difficult, I think we shouldn't even have sent Yuki away. - Jax says, almost yawning. - But... what the hell is this thing?

I look in the direction of the dead monster, covered in burnt skin and ashes. When I lay eyes on him, I feel discomfort when I see that pile of green and twisted meat. In my years in the army, I have never seen anything like this.

- I have no idea. - I say still looking at it, with disgust. - Let's wait for reinforcements and meet Yuki. We will send a sample to the Envy lab, they should get something.

- I agree. - I hear Jax, sitting on the floor and supporting the axe in his lap.

Kuro just kept quiet, but it was possible to see his relief in his lowered ears and his tail that moved in a calm and distracted way. I put my whip on the floor and turn my back on what was once our target, untieing my ponytail as a way to relax. I wanted to lie on the floor and rest, happy that it was resolved without problems

A crack. Something starts to move behind me. I get scared and a little incredulous at what I hear. Kuro and Jax, make the same expression. I don't want to look back, I hear something rising and the pops are increasing, I just come back to myself and give a slight sigh.

- Looks like we're not done, guys. - Put my hands back in my hair and pin it again, redoing my ponytail, pick up my whip from the ground and turn around.

That thing squirmed, the injured head, stitching and joining the skin and flesh where Jax had cut, the burned skin disappeared and the cuts on his body close. He gets up again and looks at us, as if he hasn't felt any of our attacks.

- I'll get drunk after that. - I say, getting ready for the second round.

- I'm with you. - Jax says confidently, getting up and standing next to me.

- I have great sake in store, how about we take a few doses later. - Kuro says, walking to my other side.

- Let's get this over, I'm thirsty. - I say with one last crack of my whip and I can already taste the sake in my mouth.

Yuki On:

I keep running. When a community flees, I see a big red flash in the sky, it must be Eliza's sign. After walking for a while I managed to get to the bank we were on before that thing appeared. I lay the boy on the wood gently, as I fit on the seat I can see the details of his face: blond hair, short and a little curly, a youthful face, white jacket and jeans.

"His parents must be worried."

I hear footsteps coming from the darkness. I am relieved to hear the sound of feet touching the ground, the reinforcements arrived faster than I thought.

- Hum... - I hear the young man grunt. I kneel and approach him to check his condition.

- Are you alright? - I ask, a little worried.

- Wa... watch... watch - He tries to say, but his voice fails.

- Don't worry, help is coming. My group is already dealing with that monster. - I explain trying to calm him down.

- ...o... o... - He keeps trying to tell me something.

- Don't say anything, rest. - I keep trying to calm him.

I hear the sound of footsteps increasing more and more. It was just a person approaching, but it was enough for me to smile with satisfaction.

- Here please! - Still kneeling, I raise my arm, as a signal. I look in the direction of the steps and see a figure in the dark approaching, but I turn my gaze to the boy when I feel him pulling on the sleeve of my clothes.

- The... other... monster... - He says before closing his eyes again and lets go, letting his hand go weak and hanging.

- Hã...?! - I get desperate when he says that, my spine freezes and I can't move.

A crack. I begin to hear that horrible family noise approaching, louder and louder. I turn my face very slowly in the direction of that crack. My blood freezes with what I see. From the shadows, the black silhouette gradually gains color and your human form distorts and gradually begins to distinguish itself. The light of the lamppost gradually reveals the green skin and the deformed body, as well as the familiar face of a snake.

Fear makes me remove my dagger from its sheath and stay in the defensive position. I was shaking a little, but I prevent my nerves from disarming me. This thing was a smaller version of the other monster we encountered before, about Alex's height, but even with the difference in size it was still scary.

Before I can move, that thing runs towards me, raises its arm and advances with its claws towards my head. I can't move, although I know I would die, I freeze. As these blades get closer, I start to see a film go through my head: my life, my family, Haru, Izak.

When I finally accepted my destiny, I heard something strange:

"Come on, you've done it a thousand times already."

"Hum? What was this?"

I start to hear a voice in my head, as if whispering in my ears. Time seems to be in slow motion, looking like the universe is trying to give me one more chance.

"If you're fighting a new enemy, dodge and watch. Use your speed to your advantage."

As soon as I hear that, I see that blade getting closer and closer to my eyes and time seemed to return to normal little by little. On impulse, I move again and manage to dodge. I startle with my movement, almost as if something is controlling me, but I don't have time to think, that beast attacks again. With the same arm he tries to cut off my head. I jump back, those claws tear my clothes, but they can't get through my skin. The monster is between me and the hostage on the bank, he looks at me with those murderous eyes. He opens his mouth slightly, showing that pair of pointed fangs and with a few drops of some kind of green liquid dripping from them.

- He... - I hear a sound coming out of that thing. - He is mine...

I am surprised when I hear that monster say something. It was a thick and scary voice. But for some reason I am no longer afraid, I raise my dagger and prepare to fight. He runs towards me and tries to hit me with his claws.

"He's not as fast as Jax or Eliza, I can win!"

I dodge again, stopping beside the monster and leaving the clear path to the back of the grotesque hand. I aim my dagger at the target and use the spell.

- Ice Thorn!

The blade emanates a faint white glow and casts a sharp point of ice, piercing the beast's hand, crossing the palm. He gives a cry of agony, while struggling he strikes his tail towards me.

- Ice Shild! - I exclaim, making an "X" with my arms.

The blade shines again and now a shield, the size of my torso appears in front of me and protects me, but I am thrown away. With just one hit, the ice breaks, but it has absorbed most of the impact. I recover and become defensive again.

I stay focused, I don't take my eyes off him and he doesn't take his eyes off me. He was moving more slowly, due to the ice that went through his hand. It looks like he was mad at me. I smile a little with satisfaction, but inside I was extremely nervous.

"I need to distract this thing until reinforcements arrive."

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the blonde still lying there, looking

unconscious. I can't extend this for long if I don't get this over...

"That was the plan, but... how will I do that? If I could hold it... maybe...!"

Ok, I finally got an idea, it's crazy, but it can work.

- Ice Thorn! - I invoke the spell again, aim at his face and shoot three projections of ice.

When those projectiles come close to your face, the beast's tail deflects everyone at incredible speed. When the ice falls to the ground, I can see small scratches on its tail.

"It's not as tough as that other one. I can hurt him easy with Ice Thorn. If I can stop him, maybe a shot in the head will do it."

I go over my plan of attack in my head and get ready. The monster doesn't move, just extends its tail and attacks me. I wait until the last moment, when it almost hits my head, I jump back. His attack hits the ground hard, making the concrete break.


- Ice Thorn! - I point the blade, aiming the part of its tail on the broken concrete.

The ice crosses the tip of the tail and then pierces the ground, nailing it to the ground. He screams in agony again, trying to pull his tail with his good hand. I don't have time and I move fast, running to the side where your hand was still like ice running through it. I point the blade at his head with a smile at the corner of my face.

- Bye ugly, Ice Thorn! - I take one last shot, piercing the side of his head, crossing it from ear to ear, with that piece of ice.

Upon receiving the blow, it stops making any sound and finally stops moving. I take a step back and breathe a sigh of relief. I try to breathe to regain my cool and put my thoughts in order, I head to the bank to see the state of the hostage. I approach and see that he is still sleeping... I wish I had a heavy sleep like that.

When I regain control of my calm, I begin to review what happened here:

"I managed to keep the hostage safe and killed the monster... but what was that? "

I start to sweat cold and get on my knees, trying to understand what had happened.

"What was that voice ?! How did I move like that? What happened!?

I despair, everything was so confused and I start to shake. I use my free hand and grab my other arm, as if it would calm me down, but I fail miserably, I don't know what to do.

I'm so immersed in my own confusion that I don't even notice the movements behind me. I hear the sound of ice breaking and look over my shoulder. Before I could see what it was, I'm hit on my left side and it throws me to the side hard, making me drop my weapon.

When I feel the concrete on my face, I let out a sigh full of pain. I start to squirm. My arm was throbbing, it was completely broken. I try to lean on the good arm and at least get up a little to see what hit me. I look up and the view is certainly the worst possible: it was that damn green thing, he was standing again and looking at me. The ice piercing his head was still there, making it even more sinister. He raises one arm and with his fingertips grabs the stake in its head, pulls it out completely and throws it to the side. All the places I had hit were completely healed.

- Shit! - I say with difficulty, trying to get up, holding my broken arm.

I look to my left and see the dagger on the floor. I advance as fast as I can to reach and have a new chance to fight. But when I feel my fingers on its handle, the monster's tail wraps around my neck and pulls me close to its face. I start to choke, with my good hand I try to pluck your dry skin in a useless effort.

- He is mine, only mine... - the monster speaks again, while tightening more and more, my neck.

I start fighting in despair, I try and try, but my strength is not enough, I will not be able to get out of it. I'm feeling it again... being killed like it's nothing...

"Shit, shit, shit !! How can I be so weak...? How can I be so useless? I can't do anything, I can't protect anything, not even my own life..."

I start to see that film going through my head again, it must have become routine for me to see these same slides of my life, but this time I don't see either my family or Haru... Alex... your face is the only one in my mind. Several scenes of the few moments we spent together and the different features and emotions that he had shown me in that short time. I find it ironic that my last sight is your face. I don't know why but I don't mind it, it brings me some comfort, he gave me the chance to live again, even though he's an idiot, he's not that bad... he is funny and kind.

"I think... becoming his fiance would not be so bad."

When I finally close my eyes and accepting my death, I fall to the ground. The grip on my neck loosens and I slowly catch my breath. When I open my eyes, I see the tip of the tail that strangled me on the gound, separated from his body. I look up and see a tall and robust figure, even from the back, I can recognize him.

- You're late Alex. - I say with a tired smile and holding my broken arm again.

- Sorry we found more of those ugly things on the way. - He says looking at me calmly over his shoulder.

When he looks at me, he sees all my injuries: my broken arm, some scratches on my face from falling on the concrete and the tightening mark on my neck. In an instant, Alex's calm gaze changes to one of fury. Even the monster takes a few steps back when those eyes fall on it. Alex doesn't let the beast act, he punches the monster in the face, managing to hear the sound of the skull breaking. Blood spurted from his snake face, making him stagger back.

- Do you really think you'll get away with just that? - Alex starts and emits a murderous aura for him. - I'll show you what happens to who touches what's mine.

He raises his arm, with his fingertips towards the sky.

- Petals of Lust! - Alex casts the spell with fury in his voice, without losing sight of his target.

Under the monster's feet, which are still on the ground and bleeding heavily, a large navy blue circle appears. Gradually some petals come out of it, with a beautiful blue color and a blinding glow, but before I knew it, a wave of these petals came out of the circle with frightening speed covering the entire body of the beast.

I look at that scene, impressed. Each time the monster's flesh touched the petals, it disintegrated, leaving nothing behind. The screams accumulate in the air, until the monster is completely gone, vaporized in the sea of petals. The circle finally closes and Alex turns to me, he crouches on his knees in front of me and extends his hand, lightly touching my broken arm.

- Anesthetic. - He speaks in a low voice, avoiding making eye contact with me. - I'm not very good with healing spells but It will help ease the pain, when we find Simon he will fix it.

He had his head down, not allowing me to see his face properly.

- Sorry... - I hear him apologize, sadly. - If I had arrived earlier...

I reach his face and place my fingers on the surface of his cheek. I can finally see his expression, he was dejected and with tired eyes, he even looked like a stray dog.

- Idiot, the important thing is that you arrived. - I say while using the rest of my strength to smile gratefully that he came to save me.

He finally smiles, calming me down. He sits next to me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

- You were great, rest. - He tells me, stroking my hair. - I already sent Simon and Bel to help your group, don't worry. A squad is also arriving to take the hostage.

Hearing that reassures me. I snuggle up to Alex and close my eyes, I was exhausted after all this.

- I didn't do so badly on the first day of work. - I say with an air of grace, before falling asleep.

Eliza On:

I'm thrown away, but I can land safely. Nothing we did killed that thing, it regenerated and regenerated every time. Kuro was already without energy, I was at my limit and even though it was not apparent Jax was also exhausted.

"Where are the reinforcements!?"

The moment it crosses my mind, the giant monster uses his tail and attacks us again. None of us will be able to dodge, I take the lead and invoke our defense.

- Fire Wall! - I crack my whip on the floor and a horizontal line of magic circles appears on the ground, from them a great wave of fire comes out and stays between us and that ugly green thing.

But it's no use, that tail goes through the fire as if it were nothing and goes towards us. There was nothing we could do, nor mana to summon anything. I close my eyes in reaction, waiting for the impact.


I hear a shot, I get scared by the sound but what scares me the most is the fact that I didn't feel the monster's attack. I slowly open my eyes and much of the tail has been incinerated, the smell of burning flesh dominates my nostrils. Both me, Kuro and Jax looked surprised, we didn't know what had happened or who did that.

- Looks like I got there on time. - I hear a familiar voice behind me. - Do you need help?

- Couldn't you have come earlier, Simon? - I turn around and see the young man walking towards us.

He wore a uniform similar to ours, but it was all black with little purple buttons. Simon carried a pair of silver revolvers one in each hand, now I know where the shot came from.

- You know I like a dramatic entrance. - He passes us and stands in front.

- Does your dramatic entrance need to include our death? - Jax says, holding on to not hit Simon in the head.

- Don't be like that, you're alive, aren't you? - He says, mocking Jax a little, who seemed to be getting more and more angry.

- We appreciate the support, but what do we do with that? - Kuro takes the lead and points to our opponent.

The monster had retracted its tail with the carbonized tip, but in just a few seconds the lost piece comes back and replaces its tail.

- Relax, I already have someone working on it. - Simon smiles and points to the sky, right on top of the monster.

We look confused and without any warning, something falls from the sky and hits the back of that thing, crushing its hump and breaking some of the thorns under it. Not even the monster knows what happened, he looked confused and in pain. We looked better and it was a spear that was causing all that suffering, its shaft was made of shiny, polished white metal and its blade was hidden within the monster, preventing us from seeing it. Out of nowhere something jumps on the tip of the spear and stays on top of it, with an incredible balance. As soon as we saw the uniform and his black hair, we recognized our second rescuers.

- Belial-sama! - Jax speaks with joy in his voice.

- You guys held him very well, let us take care of the rest. - He says with his arms crossed imposing extreme respect.

The monster turns his long neck towards Belial, coming face to face with him. Then he attacks with its fangs. When it opens its big mouth and places the man between its jaws, the beast suddenly stops moving.

- You gave us a lot of work, this is your punishment. - He doesn't even tremble when he gets so close to those sharp blades inside the creature's mouth. - Silver trial.

Gradually, the entire body of the monster was being covered by a thick layer of ice and in a few seconds the ice takes everything and turns it into an ice statue. When he sees that his job is done, Belial takes his spear from the ice and jumps to Simon's side.

- Do you mind? - He speaks to Simon, with a smile on the corner of his face.

- Okay, - He says excitedly.

Simon points his two guns at the ugly ice sculpture.

- Wind. - He summons and in the barrel of each of his guns appeared a pair of magic circles of light green color. - Storm Bullets.

From each gun, a pressurized wind bullet will come out cutting through the air and crossing the target completely. The ice breaks turning the statue into just a pile of crushed ice.

- Finally. - I say relieved to have really finished. - Now just wait for Alexander-sama to send this thing to hell.

- It's not necessary, Alexander-sama gave me the key and permission. - Belial explains, taking a black key from his shirt pocket.

- Key? - Kuro asks tired, but at the same time curious.

- It's normal that you don't know, we don't use it often, but this is a special case. - I mean, finally letting go of my hair and undoing that damn ponytail. - Aff I feel free.

- It is a magical artifact that only the Generals of Hell can have. - Belial explains, while holding the key and walking towards the pile of ice. - They are used to send demons urgently, to the prison in the purgatory.

Kuro seemed impressed, not surprisingly, opening a portal to hell is extremely difficult. I just step back and watch Belial recite the spell.

- For loyalty to our king, come to me, for the duty to punish sinners, come to me, for the desire to keep all hope come to me. - Under the pile of ice, a huge black and red magic circle appears. He emitted an aura that I hadn't felt in years, it really was... hell. - In the order given to me, chains rise!

From inside the circle, several black steel chains darker than the night come out, we were all impressed by this. Except for Belial and Simon, who must have seen Alexander-sama do this several times in their other trials.

- For the crime of disturbing the written contract, in the name of our king Lucifer I condemn you for eternity in the prison of hell.

He makes the closing movement with the key and the chains pull all the pieces of ice into the circle, leaving nothing behind. When all the chains disappear, the circle does the same. Then Belial keeps the key and turns to us.

- Okay, it looks like we're done here, lady and gentlemens. - He says in a friendly tone. - Everyone was great, now everything is fine.

- Thank you sir, where is Yuki and the hostage? - I ask worried about Yuki.

- I'm not sure, but Alexander-sama went towards him so everything should be fine. - He informs me, which makes me calmer. - Kuro-san, thanks for helping them.

- Oh, you don't have to thank me. I didn't do as much as Jax-san or Eliza-san. - He reciprocates with a smile. - Besides, I promised a round of sake with the two, I couldn't die here.

Jax and I look at each other and have a light laugh.

- Sake? What a delight, do you mind if I accompany you? - Asks Belial, a little excited to go out and drink.

- It would be an honor. - Kuro replies, happy to have more company.

- Yes, yes come with us Belial-sama! - Jax jumps in front of Belial excited, like a dog with a bone.

- How cute. - I hear Simon whispering in my ear as he slowly approaches me. - They make a beautiful couple.

- Okay Jax, let's drink soon. There is no need to hurry. - Belial says a little confused by Jax's animation, which is quiet as soon as they hear the man's words.

- Too bad this one has the emotional feeling of a concrete wall. - Simon says discouraged and a little sorry for Jax.

I nod.

- I have an idea, will you accompany me? - Simon asks me.

I look directly at him, curious and interested. I bring my ear close to him, with a good feeling. He approaches slowly and begins to explain at an extremely low volume. When he finally walks away, I give a malicious smile. Simon follows me with the same expression. It seems that none of the three notices our intentions, so we started the plan of attack.

- Divide and conquer. - Simon says going towards Belial.

- Divide and conquer - I say going in the direction of Jax.

I approach Jax calmly, still a little upset, and wrap my arm around his neck.

- Let's go. - I pull the depressed young man and lead him in the direction we came. I move my lips close to his ears and start to whisper. - If you can get him really drunk I think it will be easy for you to throw yourself in those arms.

At the same moment he blushes from head to toe, I make sure not to laugh at his face.

- D-don't say something so ridiculous Eliza! - He whispers in panic, trying not to show his nervousness too much.

- Oh don't give me that, those muscular arms would carry you easy. Come on, it may be your chance to get closer to Belial-san in a more intimate way. - I try to convince him with a soft and seductive tone of voice. - If you did that, you might have the opportunity to touch those abdomen or those glutes.

- Eli...! - He tries to refute, but I put the tip of my index finger lightly over his lips in a sign not to interrupt me.

- Don't play dumb Jax, until when will you just watch? - I ask looking deep in your eyes.

"I threw the bait, I just have to wait for a bite."

- You always wanted to monopolize him, this could be your chance. - I continue, he looks away and looks towards the ground.

- I... do I really have a chance? - He says without making eye contact with me again. - I'm not that attractive, he can get something better.

"He bit! Now I just need to tire him out."

- Don't say that, you have a cute and beautiful face, as well as an ass that any man would love to have, especially Belial-san. - I keep provoking. - I heard that you're exactly his type.

- Hmm? - He finally looks at me, with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Now just pull."

I reach even closer to his ear and use my secret weapon.

- You don't want to know his size. - With each of my syllables I see his face getting redder and redder, but I don't stop there. - Don't you want to see Belial-san's expression of extreme pleasure? You want to be the only one to see that expression, don't you?

I finish launching my compromising questions and wait for an answer or signal. I wait a few seconds, until he opens his lips slightly, making me anxious.

- What I need to do? - He says, a smile opens on my face with a feeling of victory in my soul.

- Don't worry, let me take care of everything. - I say, keeping that expression.

"As easy as fishing in a barrel. How's Simon doing?"

Simon On:

Along the way, I accompany Belial and Kuro. In front of us I see Eliza and Jax talking, the young man's ears were red enough to be seen for miles.

"It looks like Jax-kun fell, now it's the big fish."

- So Bel, tell me your type. - I try to start a conversation.

He looks at me with some surprise, but tries not to make it apparent. Kuro just keeps quiet, starting to take an interest in the conversation.

- Like what? - He asks.

- Of food, of course it's your type of person! - I mean holding on to not kick his face for the stupid question. - And you Kuro-san? - I turn my face towards the cat man, with my friendly smile, masking my inner anger.

- I would like... someone taller, I have no gender requirement, someone responsible and kind. - He tells me with an innocent smile and his cheeks flushing slightly.

"He likes someone... oops, better talk to Eliza later... but one couple at a time."

- And you Belial-san? - Kuro asks if turning to the lieutenant.

"Good dear!"

I think excited about Kuro's help, even without him knowing.

- Well... I never thought about it. - He looks up thoughtfully trying to think of something.

- Really...? Not even a certain man with blue hair eager to have your company. - I try to throw hints.

"More than that, I'll be rubbing Jax's photo over his face."

- Jax ?! I... I never thought of him in that way, he mustn't think that way either. - He turns his face in the opposite direction, but I can see the tips of his ears turn a little red.

"We have a reaction."

- Are you sure? I think he has a crush on you. - I slowly use my baits.

- Wha-what ?! - He looks at me in surprise.

- Why the surprise. If not, why would he be so happy to be with you. - I start to open the game little by little, trying with my words. - Besides, with that ass, anyone would fall for him.

- Simon! - He gets more and more nervous and red.

- That cute face, the nervous way, he's the type of many people. - I keep. - Don't you agree, Kuro?

- I have to admit, several of my colleagues who came with me to be guides were interested in Jax-san. - he says holding his chin thoughtfully.

"Nice, continue Kuro-kun!!!"

- See, if you don't hurry, he can move on. - I provoke excited and anxious with the result of this conversation. - And you never thought to see Jax's face in its pure stasis, the nervous young captain making that expression and you being the only one to see it.

I finish saying, leaving that grown man in a mess of nervousness and indecision. I smile slightly and approach Kuro, on my other side.

- When you want help with your crush, give me a touch. - I offer as a way to thank the help, even if he did not notice.

The young man was confused and his face was flushed, but at the same time he seems anxious and attentive to the favor.

"Now, with a little drink and I can take these two to bed easy, easy."