In the coffee shop within the military base, four robots, also known as the Coffee Shop Quartet gathered around a table. Unlike the other robots, they were waterproof and the digestive systems installed could handle more liquids. Sia Bucks and her team called them the coffee shop quartet. These robots, in particular, did not leave the military base until they were the only robots alive on the island. Whilst they seem innocent chattering away about randomised nonsense, they had their sadistic tendencies.
During their breaks, Sia and all the staff would sit in the coffee shop just to listen to the banter between Gold, Silver, Red and Blue.
"I've known these guys for years," Sergeant Dust said admiring their galactic armour. He brushed off cake crumbs from his mouth before taking another bite. "They still don't understand me."
"Perhaps it's selective hearing," Daz suggested, tucking into his sandwich.
"I can't believe they were made in some nerd's shed in Glasgow."