As the cramping resumed Alice allowed the transformation to take place, this time she didn't grab the mirror image of herself, she simply turned away from it waiting for the light to hit. As the brightness emerged she felt a hand touch her back, startled she quickly turned only to see the mirror image staring at her solemnly with one hand extended on her shoulder.
"What the hell?"
Before she could pull away the light immersed her, causing her to close her eyes. This time she awoke in a strange area. The place was stunning. Glancing around she had awoke in a small office that had a connecting den. Books lined the walls with a computer desk placed neatly by a sliding glass door overlooking a balcony. Standing from the soft leather chair she looked around in surprise. Even though the square footage was smaller than the den it didn't look overcrowded. Walking into the dining area a grandfather clock chimed in on the time.
3:30 p.m.