WebNovelBY CHANCE37.21%

Chapter 15

"My body hurts in places, I didn't know existed " Hunter wined leaning on the locker next to mine.

"same here bro" I grumbled leaning on mine.

"you don't get to say that" the accused "you have got healing ability".

"that has got nothing to do with this" I retorted, he gave me a blank stare

I shake my head at his tantrum "look, I talked to Christian about this. and he said our body will eventually get used to it, so stop whining " I grunted annoyed with his whining.

"it's already been a week, why don't you ask him to go easy on us?" he bargains with me, I sighed unfazed

"I did, but he wouldn't listen. he said that we don't know what is coming for us next, so we need to train hard and be prepared " I shrugged

our chatter came to a stop when we see Bella making her way towards us, with a very exciting expression. which is kind of scary. because happy Bella means loads of work

"hey guys" she greeted with her bright smile,