“Yes! Ok, so we have a few stun charges here. Be careful though, they aren’t going to be stable, so be extra careful. If used properly, one of these can burn your retina’s out.” You shake your head, proud of your own creation.
“Genius!” Sorn declares.
“You truly are amazing!” Helena beamed with pride. You smile triumphantly, holding up one of the cylinders. They used to be clear, but now a bright glowing liquid took residence in the clear containers. “Can incapacitate a group of Sandarians.”
“Perfect. Those brutes are tough, this will definitely level the playing field. Good thinking, Nel.” Helena’s fingers graze your shoulder, a comforting touch in this time of uncertainty. You both nod, understanding mirroring in each other’s watchful reflection. ‘Be safe’, your words reach each other, your own silent, private promise.
“Alright, let’s go. Watch your corners and keep your head down.” Helena went first, the butt of her rifle firmly positioned in the crevice of her arm. A bead of sweat slid down her temple, down her cheek to disappear in her armor. We followed, sweeping left and right. Our lights barely illuminate the darkened halls. We followed the same path we came from and each step echoed, your heart pounding harder, faster. Your ribs ached from the constant beating, squeezing your clammy hands with a quick shake, re-strengthening your grip on your rifle, your eyes alert, vigilant.
Team Two passed the room Sorn checked earlier, marking the halfway point back to the Hangar. We turned the final corridor and found a door blocking our path.
“Damn it! It’s blocked…” Helena paces in front of the door, if her murderous stare could melt metal, your team would already be through the door.
“Shit. This wasn’t here before. Must have been the Sandarians. Crap, crap, crap…” Swiveling you cover your rears, making sure no surprises come up from behind. Helena calls over to you, “This isn’t good. Nel? Think you can hack into the door and bust this bugger open?”
Did she really have to challenge you like that? ‘If you can’, of course you can. She knew exactly what she was doing, riling you up like that. Her straight lips held no emotion, but her eyes were dancing with humor. Moving to the control panel, your fingers grip the grooves along the side and yank. The panel springs off with a soft clank, exposing it’s complex interweaving mess of wires.
“Of course it can never be that simple.” You spat angrily, your fingers start their exploration through the wiring.
“Helena, something is coming this way.” Sorn takes up position behind a partition that held plants above it. His rifle aiming down that hallway of endless darkness. The sporadic flashing of lights does little to shed light.
“Nel, get that door open, stat! Sorn, when I give the signal give them Hell!” Helena’s voice was sharp. Your fingers work mercilessly as you manipulate the web of wires to force the door open, reestablish connection between the two link ports.
“Incoming!!” A loud boom thundered, swallowing Helena’s warning. Debris rained down all around you, another explosion rocked the corridor. Pipes burst and steam billowed out into the center of the hall, a heavy fog formed and obscured all view.
“Come one!!” Slamming the butt of the rifle against the shitstorm of circuitry in a frenzy. Anger rose inside making your blood boil. Seething silently you redoubled your efforts.
“Nel! We need to go now!”
“Helena, Incoming!!” Plasma bolts burst through the steam like giant sparklers, whistling as they flew by, leaving burn marks where they hit.
“Come on, come on!” You hissed at the wires through gritted teeth. You hit the panel one last time and the lights blinked green, the door sprang open with a whoosh. Turning your eyes met, Helena’s, hunched behind a pillar and Sorn crouched behind his gradually decreasing cover. “Let’s go!”
“Sorn, move! I’ll bring up the rear! Get to the Ferrin!” As soon as you passed the doorway, dropping down to one knee, twisting your torso you took aim, offering covering fire for the others. Making sure that you’ve got Helena’s back.
“Hel, we’re through! Let’s go!” Her rifle blasting heavy concentrated fire through the increasing mist of steam. Her shots flared red as they were swallowed by the steam. She dodged plasma bolts as she shot behind her with one hand, before dropping down to one knee next to you, her shoulder brushing against yours. You caught her smirk with your own, both of you take aim through the door and open fire.
Plasma bolts echoed all around, grunt and hisses from our unseen enemies screeched in the distance. A loud thunder crack shattered the chaotic assault of gunfire. “Uhh...Helena?” Sorn shook with uncertainty and his voice crackled.
Helena turned and her face blanched, even in the dark room. A silent curse left your perfectly shaped lips. Turning, you focus your attention on where her eyes are at. Your blood ran cold, your heart thumped like a caged Lion against your ribcage.
“Oh shit.” Was all you could muster. Oxygen left the room in one fell swoop, where there was once hope, was now torn away by a breath.
“Oh shit…”Helena said, mirroring your own thoughts. Unconsciously you both gravitated towards each other, prepared to be each other’s shield.
“Helena! What do we do!?” Sorn screams from under heavy blaster fire. His cover slowly shrinks from the barrage. His body convulses in fear as he cowers away into the corner. His weapon hanging uselessly at his side.
The Ferrin sat in it’s perch behind your Team, loitering around the ship was a small group of Sandarians and at their feet were the dead bodies of the two soldiers who stayed behind with Ferrin and the Pilot. You hoped the Pilot at least made it out.
“Nel! Sorn! Get down!” Helena grabbed one of the flash tubes you so painstakingly made and tossed it over your heads. As soon as the Flash Tube left her finger tips, Helena, tossed her arms over me, hunkering us low to the ground.
Within seconds a bright light enveloped the area in a blanket of burning white. Squinting your eyes and turning your head away, further burying your head in Helena’s arms, acutely aware that her lips were somehow mere centimeters from your own. Helena’s cinnamon honey scent lingering over you. Knowing you shouldn’t allow this to affect you, especially given the situation you find yourself in, still, there was no stopping the circus like light show fluttering around low in your belly. Your quickened heartbeat which spurred your already frenzied heart from the adrenaline of combat, into a supernatural gallop. The screeches filled with pain as some of the Sandarians no doubt have had their eyes burned out, echoed off the Hangar walls.
“We need to get out of here or we’ll be trapped!” Helena calls out to us. Her voice was steady and unwavering, an anchor in the chaos. A perfect leader you think to yourself with a smirk.
“What about the Ferrin!?” Fear laced his words heavily as they dripped with utter cowardice. His voice was pathetically weak and you wondered how he even ended up on this mission when it’s becoming increasingly evident he has zero combat experience. Helena pushed off the ground pulling you up along with her. Her hand has a tight grip on your arm, like Helena’s afraid to let you go.
Your eyes follow Sorn’s suggestion, once you lock onto the Ferrin, like a hornets nest, the Hangar erupted into a barrage of blaster fire once again. Small explosions boomed as oil drums rolled and burst into flames, bodies of Sandarians fall as Helena takes precise shots, from over your shoulder as you move around some storage containers. The containers offer great coverage but limited visibility, and without knowing the strength of the enemy force, you run the risk of having your position overrun. It’s only a matter of time.