Chapter Eight

“Nel! Are you ok!?” Helena quickly rolled off the body and helped you up. She quickly scanned you from head to toe, concern written clearly on her face.

“We need to find another way. We won’t be able to hold them for much longer.” From over the top of Helena’s golden hair you saw another Sandarian jump your group's crate made sanctuary, eyes trained on Helena’s back.

Can’t let Helena have all the fun. Reaching out, you pull a surprised Helena into your arms, slipping your arms around her, your hand grabbed the handle of a knife strapped to her back.


Pulling the knife out you pulled your arm back and with practiced precision due to one on one training with Helena, you threw the knife with deadly accuracy. The blade flew through the air with unnerving speed as it hit the Sandarian between the eyes, it’s body hitting the ground in mid run as it slid to a halt by our feet.

Helena did a twisty turn around as she looked back and forth between me and the dead brute. She beamed, her lips curved into one of the most gorgeous smiles you’ll never tire of. “See, all that training did pay off, huh?”

A non committal grunt escaped your lips. Until another explosion rocked the ship again dropping everyone to the floor. A new gaping hole was breaking through one of the walls, smoke and flames billowed out.

“Helena, Nel, Sorn! This way!” The Captain appeared from the hole, a large turret anchored in his hands as he let loose a volley of heavy concentrated plasma fire. The Sandarians that didn’t find cover in time were torn apart from the large rounds from the turret. Sorn threw his fist up into the air triumphantly.

“It’s the Captain!”

“Follow me and keep your head down!”

“But!? We would be heading straight into the line of fire! The Captain will hit us!”

“Sorn, one thing to know about the Captain.” A Sandarians plasma bolt splashed by your feet making you swerve to avoid any splash burns. You are now shoulder to shoulder with Helena, Sorn directly behind you. “Never, ever underestimate him.”

“Argh!” Another Sandarian came rushing the squad from the flanks. Raising your rifle you quickly bring the behemoth down.

“Nice Shot, Nel!” You give her a playful wink that she catches and returns with a heart melting one of her own.

“Watch out Helena, I might be catching up to you!” Helena’s playful snort had you laughing which caused the contagion to spread as she burst with laughter as well as the three of you continuing running through incoming fire. You and Helena welcome any and all challenges. In a way, it is it’s own aphrodisiac.

“You girls are crazy!”

“You have no idea!” The adrenaline coursing through your veins is the same as Helena. You wouldn’t say you were adrenaline junkies, only that it definitely does something to you. Maybe it’s the fact that you have Helena by your side and so adds this whole other level of possibilities. When Helena is there, you feel like you can do anything, because you know that you have her to pick you up if you fall.

“How can you be laughing at a time like this!?” You glance at Helena from under your lashes. Her face was flushed, her eyes bright and beautiful. Her battle armor dented and scratched from the battle. Her rifle poised and ready to take down any who dared venture too close. These are the moments where Helena comes alive, in the face of danger, and damn, does the girl look like an, Avenging Angel. Her golden blond hair fluttering as red and green plasma fire flying past. Her baby blues, cool and collected, bright with life. Helena’s crystal blue eyes meet Sorns.

“What can we say? We like danger.” Finally the three of you made it through the gaping hole created by the Captain. The Captain stood stoically, blood covered most of him, some his own and most of it a mixture of Sandarian’s green blood, which comes in all sorts of hues.

“Keep moving! I secured an escape route! I need you three to keep moving! Get back to the Titanus and give them this. Nel?”

“Yes, Captain!?” He grabs your hand and places an interesting looking cube in your palm. You’ve never seen it before and you're not sure what it is, but a heat emanated from it. Looking up at the Captain with a confused expression.

“What is this?”

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, the Sandarians are hell bent on getting it. That’s why this ship was attacked. Take it and figure it out! Now go, all of you!”

“But, Cap--” The look in his eyes booked no room for argument.

“Yes, Sir! I will and I promise you they will pay!” His features softened a degree and his lips quirked.

“Your Father would be proud of the soldier you’ve become.” Then his face hardened once more resolutely. “Now complete your mission!”

The Captain turned back towards the Sandarians and with a thunderous roar he charged all while blasting the remaining of the turret. Completely surrounded, you watched helplessly as he threw the heavy cannon at a Sandarian, who dropped his war hammer to catch the turret. In the Sandarians confusion the Captain fired his pistol and blasted the stunned giant in the face. The Sandarian dropped to the floor while two other Sandarians charged the Captain.

In a blur of motion he shot the knees out from one and pulled a knife from his chest harness. Breathing heavily from exertion the Captain jammed the knife into the second Sandarian before spinning and blasting another coming at him from his blind spot. The Captain was relentless as he took out one after the next, until one of them slipped under his defenses and grabbed him from behind and threw him into the nearby wall. The Captain crumpled to his knees, lifting his head he wiped the blood covering his eyes with his arm, reaching down he slowly slid a large knife from its sheath. Finding the strength to stand once more, he smiled up at the Sandarians as he took a fighting stance.

“It won’t be in vain, Captain.” Helena watched with you, her arm looped through yours as all the attention was now on the Captain. She gently pulled you away from the scene as it descended into chaos. The three of you ran down the corridor, tears threatened behind your eyes but you shook them free. There will be a time to mourn later.

“Over here! The Captain was right, hurry!” Sorn calls out from up ahead. The halls were lined with smooth polished walls, neon emergency lights offer some light from the grated flooring that helped aid the way. A loud explosion sent the ships alarms blazing as the hallway filled with sporadic red and yellow lights. That is never a good sign and you only hope that there hasn’t been a breach.