Chapter Thirteen

The officer that was shoved aside earlier came back into view, as much view as Helena would let him. “We can have a ship prepared in 10!” You listened, feeling beyond hopeful. You can’t wait to see her, to hold her in your arms. You wish you could just pounce and hug the hologram and never let go.

“Is there any place you can hide? Lay low?” Helena asked urgently. Her strong and confident voice had an underlying note of fear tagging it. I’m not out of danger yet and Helena knows that. “I don’t think---”

The Spaceships alarm systems blared, the intercom systems cackled to life with a guttural roar. The room was bathed in flashing cautionary lights. Desperation took over as you turned back towards the hologram, “I don’t think I’ve got much time left. Hurry Helena! I’ve sabotaged their engines but I don’t know how long it’ll be until they figure that out.”

Helena doesn’t respond but stares intently at you. Her eyes move over your body and are acutely aware of her eyes as if they were hands, feeling, prodding with the softest of touches as she glazes over your body. “Are you ok?” The sincerity in her voice had your lips quiver with need, but you dragged in a ragged breath and smile.

Helena’s lips dipped into a frown and all you wanted to do was kiss that frown away. “I’ll be fine. Nothing I can’t handle. I’ll see you soon, Hel.” You promise her.

“Be safe, Nel. I’m coming, I promise you, I’m coming to get you.” The hologram died and Helena was gone, leaving you alone in the bathing lights of red and orange. Hearing her voice was worth it, you tell yourself. She’s coming and you just need to hold out until then.

“Grag….” A warm putrid breath blasted across the back of your neck. You struggle not to gag as you slowly turn at the Sandarian standing behind you. “Ever heard of personal space and most definitely hygiene, or dental hygiene. Ugh.” Everything went sideways as the Sandarians fist connected with your cheek. You hit the floor with a bone jarring thud that sent your ribs into painful overdrive of heat and lancing pain. Interior of the bridge and the myriad of flashing lights were drowned out in black as darkness took over your vision.

Your face throbbed. You tried prying your eyes open but one remained swollen shut. Your arms were pulled taut over your head, your limbs pulled to the farthest extent, felt like they were being ripped out of their sockets as you dangled helplessly from the chains that dug into your wrists.

“” Talking was painful, Your throat felt like you swallowed a broken glass. You kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Loud banging echoed throughout the ship. No lights enter your cell as you sit in your own pit of darkness. Only source of light was a very faint red corridor light that flashes intermittently. Not enough to see your feet however. Assuming they were still attached, you couldn’t feel them you thought vaguely. You couldn’t feel much actually.

“Nel!” Hmm, Helena. You’ll always dream of her. She’s always been the woman of your dreams. “Love you, Helena.”

“Oh my god. What did those bastards do to you!” Concern? Even in my dreams she’s still worried. Not sure why I never told Helena how much she means to you.

“Medic! We need to get her out of here, NOW!”

“Right away! Calling for a med lift!” a foreign voice echoed somewhere in the dark.

The voices were all distorted as you lost consciousness once again. You vaguely felt yourself floating as you imagine Helena’s beautiful smile, her soft golden locks, her tempting lips...her smooth flawless skin…

“I’ve got you. Hold on, Nel.” She’s always been your Angel. You’ve always thought the transition into the afterlife would be smooth, not rift with turbulence as you shake and roll throughout this darkened world. You latch onto the one comfort you’ve always known.

“My...Helena…” You smile and finally fall into a dreamless slumber.

“How is she, Doctor?” Voices. Least you think their voices. They sound so distant, barely audible as you struggle to clear the static from your ears.

“Nellita had some serious head trauma. She had some broken ribs and some internal bleeding. Pains me to say it but she’s lucky to be alive. Other than that she should be fine and will make a full recovery given a few solar cycles. With the nanites running through her blood stream right now repairing her tissue and mending her bones, she’ll be up before you know it.” Another voice, heavier, definitely a male.

“Helena, listen, when you brought her in she was in terrible shape, worse than I’ve ever seen. I don’t know what happened to her but due to the severe trauma to the head you should be ready for the unexpected.” The male’s voice trailed off, almost like he didn’t want to finish his thought process.

Helena turned fully to the doctor, scrutinizing every word. “Is. She. Ok?” The rising tension in Helena had you fumbly trying to reach out into the white room. You’ve tried to open your eyes but nothing but white greeted you. You’ve opted to keep them close and try to move your numb hand again.

“Keep calm, Helena. It won’t do Nellita any good if you start over reacting. She’s safe now, and out of harm's way. That is the best we can ask for.” You’re starting to recognize that voice as Titanus Doctor. Dr.Lyle.

You vaguely remember him but you do remember he’s an older man. Another Human who has seen and tended to many disasters. The years have not been kind to him. His face is full of exhausting creases but that’s not saying he’s frail or weak. On the contrary, despite his older age and frail appearance he is one tough S.O.B. You remember that he used to train diligently with your father and your late Captain.

“For now, Nel won’t be at her best. The nanite bandages will help mend her ribs and make the swelling go down. For a while she’ll be experiencing instability, sore muscles and most likely temporary mood swings.” He says.

“You’ve just described what happens every month. I’m pretty sure it’s not… never mind, continue Doctor.” Helena jokes, but she must have noticed Doctor Lyle isn’t the joking type. If your memory serves correctly, he’s always been by the book and a serious man, taking his job on the Titanus and the health and safety of his patients with utmost dedication, to rival the burning core of a Sun.