Chapter Seventeen

“Oh, yes…” Helena’s moans spurred you on as you relinquished your hold on her skin and nibbled a delicate path down to her collar, leaving a cherry bite then moving further south. Releasing your hold on her you grab the hem of her tank and lift it exposing inch after inch of glorious skin. Dipping low you slipped your tongue into her belly button which made her squirm under you.

“That tickles!” She moaned, her hands tangling themselves in your hair. The firm grip she had was arousing, your core aching with need. Savoring every moment, you finally made it to the bottom of her regular size cups, the smooth milky skin calling out to you from under the tank teasingly. Pushing the tank up further over her breasts but not yet at her nipples, the dark round skin peeked out from below the tank, hidden and yet partially in view. You know full well the perky nipple will be standing erect and demanding your mouth. As you were about to push her tank top over the threshold of no return, a loud banging echoed in the bunk room as someone pounded on the door. You and Helena separated faster than an astroglider in an asteroid belt. Faces flushed and heated beyond cooling, you stared wide eyed at each other, neither one able to break the silence that sat heavily between you.

Another pounding persisted resonating off the walls. Helena was the first to make a move, but to get off the bed and her boots back on. You’d be lying if you didn’t say you were disappointed. Your heart sunk as she moved further away and you were unsure on what to do. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came to your lips. Your tongue felt heavy like a cinder block as you sat like a gasping fish watching Helena prepare to open the door.

“We should....probably…” Helena blushes seven shades of pink as she moves towards the door on wobbly legs. Your own heart beat thundering in your ears, your body felt volcanically hot. Damn, whomever is on the other side of that door!

“Ya, we should…” But then you and Helena both burst out into nervous fits of giggles as Helena opened the door with a scowl.

“This better be---! Admiral! My apologies…” Admiral Mira!? Shit, shit, shit became a repetitive tempo in your head as you scrambled off the bed and quickly pulled a pair of cargo pants on.

Admiral Mira was the authority figure on Titanus. This is her ship and she is your commanding officer. She had penetrating eyes that always looked devoid of any color, it always unnerved you.

“Admiral!” The admiral stood tall in the doorway. Her lithe frame stood, glaring daggers at both of you.

“Ladies.” One word and you Helena shrunk from the weight of her disassembling stare. “I expected a report from you, Helena.” Her eyes scan over Helena and land on you, her head nods once, a hint of a facial cue quirked but to the untrained eye it would have looked like nothing. Did your Commanding officer smile?

“Glad to see you recuperating and back on your feet.” She steps back and looks at both of you. Her eyes scanned the frazzled state you and Helena were in, a knowing smirk graces us. She quirks a brow as she backs out of the doorway. Her delicate features, with well earned age lines yet they still made her look graceful and beautiful. “ You’ve got half a solar cycle. Then, I want your report. Good day, and ladies?” you and Helena snap to. “Welcome back.”

The door swooshed closed. The fact that your and Helena were getting to some fun stuff and then your Commanding officer decided to pay a visit had you both doubling over like hyenas.

“Admiral gave us some time, let’s make it count. Come here, Nellita.” She purrs as she kicks her boots off that go flying across the room.

“I like hearing you say my name…” You take one step towards Helena. Her eyes were trained on your movements as you sauntered up to her. Placing a finger on the rim of her belt, toying with the small hairs.

“Nellita…” Hooking your finger in the rim of her pants you pulled her towards you and the bed. Spinning her around you push her back down onto the bed. She gazes up at you with longing. Helena reaches out and grabs your waist as you swing your legs over her lap, straddling her. At this close your breasts graze each other, the only barrier is the thin fabric separating the needed touch of skin on skin.

“Think it’s wise to keep the Admiral waiting?” You ask between kisses. Helena pulls your bottom lip with her teeth before letting go. The urgent need is clear in her eyes, and you’re sure you have the same look.

“For you? Always…” Both your lips came crashing together in a beautiful ballet, fusing into one. No more words, everything you both felt was put into the kiss and the next one as you lose yourselves in each other’s loving embrace.

“Nel? You fell asleep.” Your eyes flutter behind your eyelids. The sweet sound of a butterfly teasing your ear into submission but not enough to take the final step into reality. Rolling over you blindly throw your arms around Helena’s warm, naked body and burrow into her, your sanctuary.

“You’re so comfy...and no I didn’t fall asleep!” You exclaimed with a lazy drawl.” Helena’s hands land on your sides mischievously slow. A sudden poke on your ribs had you screeching as you tried to flounder away. You no longer felt pain, so the ticklish poke was a welcome, albeit surprised need.

“This is what you get for falling asleep on me you tease!” She pokes again, your body convulsing off the mattress as you attempt to get away again, but Helena has her arms and legs on you like a 8 limbed creature, keeping you encaged within the prison of her limbs. Despite your frantic attempts you remained locked in her long limbs. Her foot slowly running up and down your ankle, a soft caress that had you melting back into her again despite the danger of her teasing hands.

“I’m not a tease!” Your eyes snap to Helena, jutting your lower lip out you pout like a blowfish. “I. Am. Not.” With one last effort you wrap your fingers around her wrists and pry them off your body. With the new found freedom you pushed away across the mattress with a giggle.

Helena’s eyes glowed brightly in the darkened room, her smile was predatory, her gracefulness on full display as she crawled across the bed like a minxy cat. She was naked and she exudes gracefulness and the way her muscles moved under that sleek skin, she was like a prowling panther ready to pounce on her prey.