Chapter Twenty-Nine

“”I heard you spouting that nonsense, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that you thought it’s ok to hit me. I’ve been waiting until you were in your right mind to put you down.”

"Jeeze," you mused. He knows that it’s not like a literal fight to the death. You squeeze the bridge of your nose and sigh. Where the hell was Helena? Why hasn’t she come back yet with this commotion brewing a storm. Looking around you noticed many groups from the nearby tables have stood and are now watching with eagerness. “I’m going to murder you, Helena” You whisper only to yourself.

“You think your so tough. I see some of the special treatment you get. Well, I for one am going to treat you ‘very’ special, by destroying you in front of all these people, your friends and your girlfriend. What do you say to that, Nel? Think you're ‘fit’ to take a shot at the best!?”

What the hell is he even going on about, ‘Special treatment’? And did he say girlfriend> you can’t see over or around this guy so you leaned far left, balancing on your feet precariously as you looked behind him. Rudderwick’s eyes you with a look of confusion.

Once you leaned far enough over to see around the wall of a man, that’s when you see Helena. She stood with two trays of food in her hands, looked as if she was on her way back but stopped at the commotion. Your stomach growled. And you really were looking forward to that food too!

Catching Helena’s eyes, she smirks, extending the food out like an offering, then nods at Rudderwicks back. She’s going to pay for this later, you silently promise with dark intent.

“What are you looking at?” Rudderwicks irritated voice rings through your ears. Your eyes remained trained on the try of food in Helena’s hands as you answer.

“My prize, big boy. My prize.”

The combat training room was situated within the gym. The rooms were square shaped like an arena and had some weapon racks along the walls. From blasters, to rifles to melee weapons that looked dangerous, but were nothing more than rubber. Some even gave electrical shocks that’ll make your toes curl and your hair stand on end. Right now, you and Rudderwick were standing in one of these rooms, the walls were also see-through so the large audience of people that followed out of interest can watch from the safety on the other side.

Your acceptance of the challenge sent a large cheer throughout the cafeteria and the whole trip down you kept giving Helena the stink eye. Some climbing ropes dangled from the ceiling, because in combat you need to adapt and be ready for the unexpected. They add some climbing pivots in parts of the interior arena wall as well to add new dynamic to the fight.

Sorn, Helena and you were sitting in one corner. Rudderick was by himself sitting on the other side, and a whole lot of cheering people on the outskirts placing bets and their faith in one of you two.

“Are you sure about this?” Sorn asks from behind your back. You take your boots off, then your socks letting your bare toes grasp and feel the cool mat beneath your feet. You start stretching because this wasn’t going to be an easy fight. If you are right about Rudderwick and his enhancements, this will be far tougher than you’d imagined.

“Well, Helena is holding my food hostage. I’m starving, so yes I’m sure. And besides, I really want to smack that smirk off his face. It’s starting to get on my nerves.”

Tearing off his shirt, Rudderwick walks to the middle of the room and takes a stance between a couple of dangling ropes. His eyes were bright and the ports on his body lit up like LED lights. His massive arms flexing under the overhead lights, his skin glistening from perspiration. His large legs spread, his feet rooting themselves down.

“Let’s see what you got! I won’t go easy on you just because your girlfriend is Helena.”

“Awe, aren’t you a sweet thing. Unfortunately for you, I don’t need her to fight my battles. I will show you what happens though when you get in between me and my food though. Im am very hungry and the fact that I have to postpone eating just to fix your bruised ego, is very irritating.”

There’s a good ten feet separating you and you closed the distance with a quick dash, aiming low for his knees. He grunts as he reads your intentions and bounces out of the way with lightning quick reflexes landing on the balls of his feet soundlessly. For someone who is heavy he sure doesn’t make much sound, he’s faster than you thought for someone that huge and his very light on his feet.

“You’re too slow!” He goads you from across the room.

Pouncing back up, you don’t slow your movement as you keep your momentum and tried to catch Rudderwick off guard. Rudderwick charged forward to meet you in the middle and his speed caught you off guard as Rudderwick’s giant sized fist came barreling towards your head. You pivot on the balls of your feet and barely miss his fist as it scrapes across your cheek. Feeling the cut twisted your torso and through your fist into his midsection. He grunts and you jump backwards to give you space. Touching your cheek with a finger you bring it down to see blood.

“Damn, you pack quite a punch, huh?” He’s quick, super quick and strong as a nuke. He has to have some weakness to expose. You eyed his form, he stood fists raised like a stone sentinel. His chest barely moving, like he hasn’t even begun to exert energy into this fight.

Eyeing the ropes that dangle at his sides, you thought of something risky. If you can get past his missile like arms and grab those ropes you may get an advantage over him. You have to catch him by surprise or he’ll see it coming from a mile away.

Dashing forward once again, you looked down at his legs hoping he’ll believe that’s your target. Instead of going low you flip into a handstand, your muscles in your arms burning as you propel yourself off the ground soaring through the air. Rudderwicks fist snaps out like a photon blast, missing you by a hair as you fly over his outstretched arm. Grabbing the ropes on both sides of him you use the momentum of the swing to bring your feet up, smashing Rudderwick’s surprised face.

“Gah!” Blood spurts from his nose as his head snaps back, but his body doesn’t move an inch with his feet firmly planted like a tree, digging its roots into the ground.