Chapter Forty-Four

Rudderwick comes down the open ramp with a scowl on his face. “About damn time! Let’s go! Kaltia is piloting and is preparing for launch. Also, Minka is in the back...she’s...uh...hiding.” You and Helena share a look of confusion.

“Hiding? Hiding from what?” Rudderwick scratches the back of his corded neck.

“She says she senses something not ‘normal’. Whatever that’s supposed to mean. She’s in the hold under sme blankets hiding away. She thinks there’s danger.” His eyes scan the forest tree line.

“Have you done perimeter scans?” You ask. The scans would pick up anything in the area and would let them know of any encroaching danger, unless they had some high tech gear to keep them shielded from the scans.

“Yes and thermal scans and still nothing. Nothing is out there within a few hundred kilometers. I think she’s just a tada loony.” He says.