Sanjay Ramapuram, the Mandal OSD of Vaikunthapuram, was in a good mood. He was going to a hospital to supervise the first batch of medical checkups of young female staff of XYZ Corp. He had made his presence mandatory during the examination as one of the conditions for granting approval. So he was going to watch 10 females who were slotted for medical check-up today. He whistled his favourite tune as his car pulled into the spacious company that housed a medical facility for the staff. It was one of those companies that had complied with the new laws at the earliest. So he had chosen them for his first official visit. He was pleased to the see the MD Mr. Rakesh Ravikrindi, waiting to receive him. His face broke into a smile as his attendant opened the door and he got out. He felt like a VIP as he should, for, he was a Gazetted Officer equal to a Sub-Collector in Rank.