The resourceful Pravallika walked shakily into the garden full of red grass. Red grass? Why was the grass red instead of green? Where was she? She looked around her and realised she was in a sea of red grass that seemed to have been grown in an ascending pattern; small neatly trimmed one, the medium sized one and the tall ten feet tall one that could hide an army in it. It was as if she was standing in the midst of fire. It seemed familiar to her. Where had she seen such grass before? She thought hard trying to recall where she had read about it.
According to the geography lesson on Plains, Plateaus and Mountains in her 9th class (grade) geography text book, red grass was grown only in the Province of Aruna Darbha Seema which literally meant Red Grass Land. This province was connected to the main land by air and water. She had heard that there was also a secret underground route that was used only for special situations.