Parasuram, the Principal of AVM Girls High School was in his office receiving the delegation from Bharat. He had been surprised to get a call from Ms. Anuhya Bhosale, the Indian Ambassador to Sourabha Rajyam. He had been told to receive a business delegation from Bharat for a business proposal they had. He had not been able to understand what a businesswoman like Sonal Bora could find in a girls high school. Nevertheless, he had given an appointment and the delegation had arrived right on time. He liked those who were punctual.
“We are a high school, Ms. Bora. I can’t understand what business you have in mind.”
“Sir, we intend to provide infrastructure and furniture and such amenities to the girls’ schools in this nation.”
“You know Ms. Bora, that this is an advanced nation and already has the best facilities. So what else can you provide?”
“Everything and anything you might need in the days to come, Sir.”
“What do you mean by that?”