Book 2 - Prologue

This book is the second book of a three book series. It takes up from where it stopped in book 1 and continues the story from there. Those who read book 1 would notice that the plot basically dealt with how too much power can be harmful. When laws are made in favour of one section of the society, then the balance of the society is disturbed, leaving a great mess. Millions of lives are affected, discont brews in the minds of the victims and one day it explodes phenomenally, blasting the society to smithereens. The society in medieval ages gave way to the industrial society which in turn gave to the present age.

Humans are social animals and seek recognition and approval from fellow humans living in the same society. The need to be accepted is present in all humans irrespective of gender, caste, creed religion, gender, race, nationality etc. However, problem arises when one or more sections of the society become the reason for the imbalance, chaos and discontent in the society they live in.

In the previous book, the reader went through the evils of a male dominated society where all the laws were in favour of men. Some of the questions raised by the story in that book are, "Why did this happen? What led to this kind of a misogynous society? What will this lead to?" This book attempts to answer those questions.

The first chapter will be released soon. Happy Reading!