Chapter 7. Red

where there is no trust , darling, there is no love..... these lines from my past were still roaming in my head paying me an emotional state when my eyes,now, sitting in the middle of sofa daydreaming my past suddenly got fixed on him,again...

He was sitting in my front ,on my right side . He was laid back on the sofa like some carefree bird ,two buttons on the top of his white shirt open ,showing his bare chest . 'God that's hot....Ember look away you can't be sounding like a pervert', I said to myself . His both hands were stretched sideways ,his right holding a 'red' beverage , Bloody Merry i guess or something else ..and was directed to his mouth ,so close in a goblet. His right ankle on his thighs and his eyes were again staring I mean what!!,why?!!.

" He gives total bad boy vibes ", i decided that i won't be talking to him ,

"he seems like such a pervert but why is he staring at me with that intensity ?

Do you want my attention? If you think that staring will just help you talking to me and i will go crawling to you like others , then you are wrong but i really want to know the reason of that devilish stare , which sometimes creeps the shit out of me ".

'Why is he staring ?' , as soon as this line clicked in my head , he up from his seat ,'maybe to leave ',thinking this i gave a sigh of relief but the next moment he started forwarding towards... me and my heart started palpitating on the extreme rate and automatically a nervous and shocked expression was plastered on my face . Realizing my stupid expression i quickly regained it to normal . I was showing off my bold side but inside I was nervous and he finally came to my table and sat on my right . I did not let him speak first and uttered,

"Wait , me first!!",i said and the song switched to Ed Sheeran's I DON'T CARE.

"Why do you always stare me like that? You may be finding yourself very attractive but i am not one of those girls who is desperate to be fucked by you", i said giving a fake smile which i instantly removed after asking the question. I can easily feel that how fast blood was pulsing through my vessels indicating my nervousness.

Am i really like this, confronting boys was not really my thing but i did it . Huh! I am proud.

Waiting for his answer i smiled , trying to make him little nervous with my question . Smiling creepily and sliding little closer really makes people nervous and makes me feel relaxed but this tactic was really ineffective on him. Neither a frown nor a muscle of is face moved . In return he also turned towards me and surprisingly 'laughed'.

Putting a smirk on his face he stated ,"Neither i am that desperate for you . If i want something i just go and get it . Why to wait for a whole day?".

As if i was begging . Huh!

Then he continued with that stupid smirk " Whatever I do has a reason behind", but this time suddenly there was some kind of softness in his eyes when he said ,"....and this time i was thinking that what made you this romantic atmosphere?",hearing this i put my fingers near my eyes i realised that i had really cried , the area around them were wet with tears. At the same time i also realised that this person whose picture i had painted to be a pervert, was not really that, instead he cared". I had really framed his image as the wrong guy , i was embarrassed and was feeling myself to be foolish.

I was looking directly into his soft eyes but then his question clicked.

"Its..its very complicated, and sorry i really thought you to be a pervert ",i replied with a natural smile,looking away ,towards the ceiling."....which you still are", i said with a snort.

"Why are you not joining the dance gang? Common go ask any of them , ....see many are staring with those eyes" ,i continued speaking ,pointing those girls staring us and snorted teasingly and then looking back at him.

"Same.....Its also complicated and second thing ,i don't find the reason to dance with them right now",he said with a casual expression.

"Interesting ", i thought .

"Ooooooo.So since how long you are here this city?",i asked as there were so many questions from this newly acquainted stranger.

"Few couple of days", he replied after giving a little thought ."So who was that stupid guy who... did the sin of breaking the heart of this beautiful lady?", he asked flirting. Ahh, not again his luring words ,he is already looking very hot .

"It was motherfucker ....will tell you about him some other day", i replied with a laugh, using the best defense mechanism to hide emotions.Still a thought of Rik makes me feel weak. I saw he was watching me as if looking inside my soul. Probably he uses the same technique sometimes.

I was going to ask him what he had when Rela arrived with Fizz .

She enlarged her eyes and said raising her eyebrows " Oooooo, what you both are doing together and you didn't introduced me to this handsome ?"

"Actually we didn't know each other completely till now",i said with a serious expression ,clarifying the misconception.

" Hey i came here to call you for shots ,let's get drunk", Rela said excitingly .

Earlier i wanted to refuse but then i saw Rela's enthusiasm and then said ,

"Just one shot and i'll be home ",i jumped towards them but looked back at him and asked,"Wanna drink?"

"No not today ,save my shot for later, actually i's leaving ",he said .

"Tomorrow is Sunday and also a party at my place. Ember i'm gonna pick you up ,ask your friend if he wants to come",she said, forwarding ahead towards the beverage area.

First time after a very long some stranger cared and not inviting will be very rude ,plus an idea suddenly struck my mind. Let's see how 'magnetic' his personality is and if he is able to 'get' what he wants ,this thought almost made me laugh .

I turned towards him and said, " Jensen ,it would be very cool if you join us all in the party tomorrow in D-45 ,Camie's Bow at around 8p.m.

"Great! ....I'll be there", he said with a devilish smirk .

"See you tomorrow ", i said and he repeated and walked out of the restaurant.

Whatever i say but it would be exciting to see him there .

Why Ember doen't talk to a lot of guys will be cleared later in the story.

I did what i said . I finally brought Jensen's chapter . Next chapter is going to be wild . I already love Jensen a lot . If you all loved my work please don't forget to upvote😀and spread your love in the comment box ❤.

Eat🍫and stay safe 😁😷.