Chapter 11

Laura Smith

What...! No! No!

I starred plainly at the Doctor in shock, trying to digest all what he just spurted out.

How can it be?? I'm not pregnant! No I'm not! I've never had $ex all through my life before, guys never courted me and I never foreplayed with anyone before, so how could this Pregnancy Test Result says otherwise huh? How? Mom starred at me disappointedly, standing up. Before I could blink twice, a massive slap landed on my face immediately, bombarding my eardrums and I couldn't hear a word for good two seconds. Tears filled my eyes as I looked down to my feet in immense shame.

"Mrs, Smith. Please you don't have to hurt her physically. We can sort this out amicably." The Doctor said, putting his stethoscope to quick adjustment, Mom starred at me disdainfully, spurting out her fingers at me.

"You worthless child! After everything I did for you ever since your father died, you were still not contented?? You had to go sleeping around with guys, opening your legs cheaply for them?? Oh God, I can't believe this. How could you do this to me Amanda?? How could you get pregnant??!" She yelled angrily, disappointment and hatred entangling her voice, and it made more tears rushed out increasingly.

"Miss. Care to explain what happened ? Were you raped or deceived?" He asked softly as I sobbed the more. I don't even know what's happening to me. I haven't slept with anyone before, how could this be? Why is all these happening? I'm innocent!

"Doctor, you don't need to ask unnecessary questions that aren't beneficial. This whore that calls herself a daughter can't just deny the fact that she had been flirtatious this past few weeks! I'm so disappointed in you and I'm so ashamed to even call you a daughter!" She spat out making the tears flow gushingly the more. She stole one quick glance at me, hurriedly picking the black bag on the table. I followed suit, crying very loudly.

I can't just assimilate the horrible fact that I'm pregnant. I've heard terrible stories about premature pregnancy and the effect on teenagers like me. How the fallopian tube of the female organism dismantle if care is not taken.

Oh God! I'm not ready to be a mother yet. I'm not! I can't!

I watched tearfully as Mom entered the Car, I walked slowly behind her, but she screamed loudly at me, making me blench fearfully.

I quickened my pace, hopping inside the Car. I can't just believe this! I can't keep that thing in my stomach, I have to get rid of it totally.

The drive was a very silent one coz Mom was trying her possible best not to meet her gaze with mine

There's only but just one way to end this and that's to kill myself once and for all. My mom now hates me. I have no one in this world, so what's the essence of living?? Absolutely nothing.

Nothing at all. I shut my eyes close, opening the Car, ignoring the fact that it was still in activation. I heard the loud calls of Mom but I jumped out of the Car to the nearby fly over, letting one of those cars hit me. I heard the sound of honks from different cars, and then I slowly faded to ultimate darkness.




Aleah Rivera

I sprinted out to my Car igniting the Car- Engine, as I quickly stepped on the brake, placing my hands on the steering wheel. I played one of my favourite song 'Stuck with you ft. Justin Bieber and Ariana grande. I nod my head rhythmically to the slow song. The gate opened, automatically, as I drove off.

It's time to attend Black ville high, and get my Xavier back.

I smirked grinningly at the bare thought of it, when a girl jumped on my car deliberately.

What the fuck! What the hell was she thinking?? I loosed control of the brake and it made a loud screech. Blood filled the tarred road and the girl seemed dead, the blaring of the police alarm engulfed the atmosphere and I quickly zoomed off to avoid implications.

That was close! But wait! Did she really died? Oh my gawd! How could someone in her right senses hop in front of a speedy moving Car. Just how??

Well, that's none of my business, it's her fault, not mine at all. I breathed out a huge sigh as I starred at the road ahead carefully this time. I halted the car at the Parking lot of the School.

Sliding my spectacles on, I hopped out of the Car and wowed at the massive teal blue building that stood triumphantly before me.

So this is the new school Xavier got admitted to?? Humph! Time to take him back and make him mine permanently.

I catwalked inside the School premises, slinging my fashion backpack around my shoulders. My heels made clicking sounds as I walked through the hallway. I got to the House Mistress 's office, knocking severally on the Door, but it wasn't opened. I made to knock again, but was disrupted by the unmistakable moans and screams that excavated out of the atmosphere

What the hell could be actually happening?? Isn't it what I'm thinking??? No. No it can't. I sighed exasperatedly, making an attempt to knock on the door, but a very loud scream boomed out again, confirming my suspicion. I rolled my eyes in sarcasm, cracking the door, open. My eyes almost dropped out of it's sockets as I starred shockingly at the events occurring before me!

A female teacher?? With a student? Grazing on each other's p**y? WTF?? Is this the school my Xavier is attending?? I watched in awe as they increased their pace and loud screams. I wanted to head back, when I felt a strong grasp on my palm.

A bitch cupped my ass forcefully, squeezing my breasts. What the hell?? I slapped her loudly, making her gasp surprisingly in shock.

"Whoa! We have a feisty Bitch here! Can't wait to have a taste." One of them whispered, pinning me to the wall as I gulped hard nervously.

It seems they don't know I practiced Martial Art. Before I could blink an eye or move a finger, one of them took off my skirt, leaving me half naked. Mocking laughs polarized the room as my heartbeat accelerated nervously.

No...! This isn't happening..! No...!!!




Andrea Rivera

I gasped loudly in shock, using my palm to cover my mouth from screaming as I starred at the plasma T. V before me.

They were actually watching pornography while one of the X. O. X. O guys was masturbating with a pink fluffy pillow, in shape of a doll. Roosevelt Christ!


My eyes lingered around the room and I found Xavier on the other side of the room, inhaling Cocaine. He kept hitting his two hands with his head habitually.

Different stenches filled the room and I couldn't help but cough out loudly, my throat was starting to seize and my breath was becoming unbreathable. I was practically choking. They all turned to stare at me coz my presence was already made known. I starred at Xavier who tried to talk but he stopped immediately.

Oh my gawd! He's a freaking Drug Addict!

Silence followed, but Xavier Martins eradicated it.

"Andrea, it's not really what you think." he stood up trying to explain himself, but I ignored him, finding my way to an empty room. I finally found one and I quickly settled myself on the Huge bed that was gigantic enough to harbor twenty people.

I still couldn't get the thoughts off my mind. Now I'm fluctuating whether to Stay here or not. It's like I made the most stupidest decision.

"From frypan to fire!"

Yeah, you could use that as an idiomatic expression coz it corresponds to what I'm feeling right now.


The rest of the day seemed really boring to me, coz I snubbed Xavier throughout the whole time, anytime he tries to start up a conversation with me, I discard it instantly.

We had classes, real classes this time around. I couldn't really hang out with Sherry coz I had loads of assignments to solve, especially Math-bowl.

It was already late in the Evening, and I decided to have a quick shower. I tied the white short towel firmly, walking back towards the dorm room, only to meet one of the X. O. X. O guys smirking at me lustfully. His gaze raked all over my body, especially my wet laps. Water was dripping from my hair to chest, coz of the recent bath I just had. I gulped hard to nothing as the atmosphere became tensed.

What's he doing here??

"Chill..! I don't bite." he whispered pinning me to the wall forcefully. I tried to scream but he palmed my lips strongly.
