Chapter 14

Nathan Walker

"N-nathannn!" She screamed loudly as I penetrated very deep into her shallow p**y. I turned her over, angrily shoving my d!ck into her p**y consecutively. She let out a loud gasp as I added one last deep thrust, wiping off my sweats. I walked to my wardrobe, throwing bundles of cash on the gigantic bed, walking towards the door. I opened it up, after dressing. The guards trailed behind me as I walked into my Car, driving off.

They're all gonna pay for what they did to my sister, I swear they're gonna pay endlessly.

"Boss, are you sure you wanna go for this mission?" One of the close guards to me asked as I increased the volume of the ongoing music playing, sliding my spectacles over my face.

"Fuck I am!"




Andrea Rivera

I blinked my lashes back repeatedly, trying to process all what that Sassy girl said to me. She really got the nerve huh. "That girl makes me sick" Claire replied settling on her seat. The teacher did all the necessities on the projector, facing us.

"Who can list just one planet out of all the planet we have??"

I raised up my hands and she gave me a little nod, I stood up, but not without hearing a sarcastic scoff from her.


"Sorry, Stupid!" The sassy girl mocked standing up as well "But Pluto's not longer a planet" She objected, smiling at me mischievously .

The teacher approved of her answer and everyone started clapping for her. She raised her eyebrows mockingly at me, settling down very close to Xavier.

"Hey! It's okay not to know everything" Claire soothed as I sat down, gulping hard. Heaven knows I felt like ripping off her fake hair from her scalp.

"Okay class you'll be paired up in two's, and also asked to make planet Mars. Based on scientific research, that planet is too sunny and really not suitable for dwelling. Each group would make the planet and submit it here early tomorrow. I'll group you guys now for the project" She elaborated.

"Aleah Rivera" She called out from her list and the Sassy bitch stood up, showing off her coral pink polished nails.. Wait! Why the heck does she bears the same last name with mine??

"Grayson Ramirez" she called out and a cute chubby guy stood up, making a frown activate on her face.. I was extremely glad she didn't get paired up with Xavier.

Suddenly, the lights went off and a blue light flashed in making us gasp.. Next thing we heard was a very loud bombarding robotic voices.

"Attention all units!! Attention all units!"

"What the heck is happening right now." Claire spurted out, her voice entangling with fear. The loud blaring sound got louder and scarier, as I felt a strong firm hands rapped around my waist.

I breathed out in ultimate relief when I managed to see it was Xavier. His exotic fragrance cooled my nose as I rested my head on his broad chest.

"I'm always here, okay?? Whenever you're afraid." he soothed assuredly, caressing my hair, as I shut my eyes closed, nodding in response.

The blue lights went off, making the white lights boom in again. Two robots appeared before us, and I heard Claire mutter strings of curses. "All Students should exit the school premises now! All students should evacuate now!" Their distorted voice rhymed robotic-ally, as I quickly exited the building.

"Wtf??!" I heard someone gasp surprisingly, I turned to the direction of where their gaze averted to and a loud scream escaped from my mouth.

A dead Student?? Oh my gawd!

My heart began to thump intermittently than its ribcage as my gaze never abandoned the corpse that was placed on the stretcher.

"Isn't that??...."

"One of the J. A. Y girls! She was stabbed in her dormitory an hour ago." Claire completed, holding my hands firmly. It was obvious that she was really getting scared, and I wasn't excluded too.

They searched all of us respectively, and couldn't find any weapon or anything that was suspicious. We later walked back to Class, and students couldn't stop murmuring.

"Are we here to learn or watch dead people." Aleah scoffed sarcastically, not affected one bit about what happened. Sometimes I wonder if she's really a human being, coz she doesn't have any sense of humor at all.

We were asked to stay in our respective dorm rooms, I bade Claire goodbye before emerging into the X. O. X. O guys abode. I was really surprised when that Sassy girl walked with us too.

Wait??! Is she actually staying with us?? Like... We're living under the same roof??! I watched disgustingly as she kissed and pecked Xavier all over, clinging unto him like he was her lifeline.

"Let's all play a game!" She shrieked excitedly leaning unto Xavier's jacket. None of the X. O. X. O guys replied her which got her really infuriated. She scoffed in total embarrassment, jerking her Chin towards him.

"Xavier?? Are you just goanna watch them? While they snub me intentionally??!"

"Well, what'd you want me to do about it??? C-mon Aleah! I can't force them to do what you want." He tried to reason but she flickered her teal blue eyeball in dissatisfaction, nudging Xavier's shoulders in an annoying manner. The rest of the guys rolled their eyes at her, continuing with whatever they were engaged in, while I just starred intently, watching the whole scenario.

I mean.. I don't get?? Why's she acting annoyingly, especially towards me.

"No! No one ignores me and you know it. I want you to force them to join this game right now!!! I don't know how you're gonna do it, but they're participating in the game by force!!" She yelled angrily, almost bombarding my eardrums with her squeaky voice.

He ran his hands through his hair, sighing deeply, muttering dint of curses before starring at the rest of us, with pleading eyes. "Oval? Oliver? Guys please just join, I don't have time for her troubles." He starred at me but I threw my face away.


"I can't."

He sighed again, walking towards me, piercing his green alluring eyeballs with mine, and that made my heart really accelerate excitedly.

"Please." His Voice was soft but demanding. Seeing that i was in a non-argumentative situation, I raised my hands up in defeat.

"Fine! I'll join" A smile curved into the Witch's face as she sat down on the tiled floor. We all mimicked her actions, anticipating for the so-called game she forcibly dragged us in.

"So we're playing. Seven minutes in heaven. This is how its done! I ask you a question, if you get it wrong, I'll hook you up with a guy of my choice and you'll both spend seven minutes in the Lavatory!!"

What type of a game is that??? I turned sideways only to meet Xavier's pleading eyes. I exaggerated a sigh, turning back to the supposed direction.

"Andrea." She called with sarcasm as if being forced to mention my name. I rolled my eyes st her, sinking my fingers through my chin anticipating for her question.

"When was Washington DC created??!"

I mentally racked my brain but couldn't find a perfect answer to her question. A smirk plastered on her face as she starred at me.

"Uhm.... 1340?" I replied unsure.

"Wrong!! Now I want you to hook up with Xazix for seven minutes." She replied smiling as Everyone gasped loudly except Xazix who had a victorious smirk on.
