"Sweetie go get the door, Your father is back earlier today.
Dahee groaned as she finally got up lazily from the bed,She opened the door and saw that it was some little girls that were giving out cookies.
"Hello, Eonnie, we're here to hand out cookies today" They said in unison and smiled brightly their little cheeks tinted red a little.
"Hello to you too"she smiled in return and beckoned them to come in
They gave her the cookies and she put a 2 dollar bill in their jar after her mom gave them 3 bottles of yoghurts
"Thanks Eonnie,Thanks Ahjumma, We'll be on our way now"
Dahee proceeded to lie down lazily on the couch again,she was almost in dreamland when the doorbell rang again,she cursed under her breath and went to open the door ready to give whoever it was a piece of her mind
"Why exactly do you all disturb my sle--,Eonnie?
She was shocked,she was standing face to face with her crush of 15 years,her ex crush as she liked to call it now in sweatpants,messy hair and drool all over her face
"Silly,you didn't miss me?" Heesun mock cried and proceeded to engulf her in a warm hug
"I missed you so so much,my baby"she said and mock cried
"Eonnie, you're just 3 years older than me"Dahee said with an eye roll
"Whatever, you're my baby and will always be my baby"
"You're taller than me now"
"Wow, what has Aunty been feeding you with?"
Heesun continued to ramble on and on as she entered the house
"Wait here eonnie I'll go get mom from the kitchen"
Dahee briskly walked to the kitchen and put a hand over her chest,she was so sure she had stopped liking Heesun, why did this feeling come back now?
She had successfully moved on and she had a date with seojoong in two days time
"What bad timing was this?"
All sorts of thought passed through her mind
"Dahee, strange you're actually wanting to help in the kitchen today"Her mom teased her because she never helped her mom with cooking unless forced to
"Eomma,Heesun eonnie is here!!!"
"Your crush?"
"Mum,I told you already I've gotten over her"
"Yeah,yeah whatever calms your tits"
"Eommaaaaaaaaaa"She whined
"Let me go and meet her, it's been a while now,she must be wondering where you disappeared to" She said and washed her hands and proceeded to the sitting room
"Heesun ah"
They both said at the same time and hugged each other
"How is your mom doing?"
"She's doing very well, thanks"
"How is work going?"
"Work is also going well"
"How is the eatery doing now?"
"Very well,I have about 10 employees now" The older said with a smile
"Woah, that's so nice"
Dahee watched their interactions quietly from the kitchen where she was hiding from God knows what
"Actually,I came here to give you guys a good and wonderful news" Heesun beamed her one sided dimple showing
Dahee came out of the kitchen now and watched curiously as Heesun brought out an envelope and gave it to her mom
"I'm getting married!"
Dahee held her gaze with her mom and felt her jaw drop....
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