Hello me name is Min Yoongi who might you be?? Oh you must be the new guy everybody has been talking about!!

Oh yes i am my name is Kim Seokjin nice to meet you :) might i say i love the outfit!!

(I also have my story on wattpad and you can see the outfits there :) )

Ahh i know right its so nice and tight but it's your lucky day you see you will be getting one too! Really! Yes bitch its in that closet over there go and change and after that i will be telling you what to do!

Yes sir!

I'm ready i shout! Cmon out then Yoongi said!

Omg.... you look so hot wtf!! Thank you Yoongi now would you tell me what i have to do? Ahh yes ofc this was he said walking out of the room.

So jin I think you don't really realize what you have gotten yourself into but i guess since you hmm how should i say this you as gay as it can get it probably won't bother you. So have you thought why this prison is in the middle of nowhere?? Hmm not really.?

Yeah that's what I thought so you see this prison where you are currently holds the most powerful prisoners and dangerous so you have to listen to me and be very careful!! I will be giving you a sell that you guard pretty much everyday.

Ok but i don't see anything dangerous about that?

You see prisoners are... their really hot I didn't believe it first either but...

"A-ahh~ H-hobiii why so deep~ you better listen to me kitten or else~"

Well let's just say they are hot you know. And if i could I would gladly choose the prisoner you would guard but thats not my job so! But let's get started now should we. Yes ofc!

We walked to a booth and Yoongi asked for my prisoner. Name please? Ahh Kim Seokjin sir i aswered.

Good luck sir your prisoner is Kim Namjoon

K-kim N-namjoon Yoongi stuttered. Wow he's such a hottie your lucky you know Yoongi said while hitting my arm. Who is Kim Namjoon?

Well i guess the only way is to find out now isn't it Jin!!! I guess..

Here's your keys please keep them safe and sound the guard told me. Yes sir! Go two floors down the 12th sell is his i wish you luck. Umm is this Kim Namjoon dangerous? I asked Yoongi. Oh you don't remember he is a high school mass murderer he killed at least twelve girls and boys until he go found and brought here! Oh... well Jin i wish you luck but i really have to go and see- i-i mean watch my prisoner!

Oh okey well see you! Let's catch up later and with tgat Yoongi was gone and i was alone. These shoes arr something else thou they are so high!! But this isn't the first time i have walked in heels so!

Let's see sell number twelve..... oh here it is! I walked to the sell and opened the door.. ..

Oh shit-

Wow so the rumors were true~ i will get such a hot guard~

I guess it's you lucky day Kim Namjoon~

Wow so fisty usually the new ones are shy Namjoon said getting up. Who said i was shy i said smirking. I guess my imagination princess~

We were so close right now that i don't know what to do....

Why don't we start with that you call me Daddy~ Namjoon said whispering to my ear. Oh shit!! He has a deep voice!

Oh why thank you princess~

I said it out loud didn't i... You did!

So tell me one reason why should i call you Daddy~ Hmm where should i start maybe by the fact that you are mine Kim Seokjin~ He said biting my ear. A-ahh~ Wow you already submitted to me how cute he said still biting my ear. S-stop..N-namjoon-ah~ Now now that isn't what I asked you to call me. Cmon say it!



D-daddy~ Oh princess your turning me on so much right now but since you are new i will let you go. But the next time we see i cant say I won't do anything i mean you are mine after all.

Oh shit.. I realize now what Yoongi was telling me.. i feel like my legs are going to give up any moment... i feel so submissive under him. I-i have to go! I was about to walk about when i felt a slap on my ass. OW!! Wtf why did you slap me I asked angry!! Sorry princess i had to feel how soft your ass is. Tch! Pervert i said and left the sell.

Oh dear lord what have I gotten myself into!


Geesus I didn't realize i was so kinky wth.... well that's it for this chapter 😂