Soooo... i know i was gone for like a good month or two but im back. See the reason was that i really don't know what to write😂
So if you have any idea that I could add please HELP ME!!
Jin pov
My day has gone like every other day I wake up next to Namjoon i drag him to the cafeteria i stay right next to him since we don't want the same thing happening again.
But one thing i have noticed that Isn't the same is that man... what was his name again oh yeah Jackson wang. I don't know what his problem is staring at me all the time like yeah i know im handsome but that's too much. Even Namjoon has noticed it and let's just say he Isn't letting me go he's been stuck to my side these past weeks and it's getting pretty annoying. I should say something to him about it but i know it'll just annoying him more so maybe later.
Yet again im sitting at the cafeteria next to Namjoon keeping my eye on him so trouble doesn't get him. But i turn to my right and see Jackson staring at me again.
WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM!! I was not part of his and Namjoon's fight so leave me alone!! I look back at Namjoon and i can see him clenching his jaws. Oh no... i decided it would be the best if i just sit next to him.
" Namjoon?"... no answer "Namjoon stop staring at Jackson and eat something".. he looked at me with a blank face. "Pleaseeeee" i said looking at him with a pout.
God danm Jin stop staring at me like that i heard him grumble. " So your going to eat?" I said looking at his eyes with hope! "Not until that fucking Wang gets his eyes of someone who's mine" he said clenching his jaw again. "OK THIS IS GETTING REALLY GOD DAMN ANNOYING NAMJOON!!" I shout at him. He looked surprised at my sudden attack. I grab his arm and start dragging him to the bathrooms. "Calm down princess what got you so angry suddenly" he tried to reason with me. SHUT UP!
" That is not how your supposed to talk to me" Namjoon suddenly snapped and slammed me to the wall with both of his hands beside my head. I-..... "So now you're unable to speak" such annoying words came out of your mouth its really annoying. Frick frack how does he look so handsome while he's mad this is not fair. I mumbled to myself.
"Are you listening to me or not"
i-i yeah I tried acting tuff while crossing my hands. He looked at me and started to laugh. Look at you acting all high and mighty but your so cute he said pinching my cheeks. As i was staring at his face while he laughed I could feel heat rising to me cheeks. "S-shut up" i said hitting his chest.
"I have to tell you something Namjoon" I changed the mood completely. You have to stop staring at Jackson all the time it will get me and you in a lot of trouble and you know that but you still do it. I don't want the same thing happening again. "So know it's all my fault" he said. W-wait i never said that!! "Yes you fucking did and you know what jin I don't give a shit what you think about you're just as weak and useless as you'll ever be and i know you would do the same if you were in my place" Namjoon said staring at my face.
W-weak and u-useless... so that's what you really think about me just weak and useless. Wow I can't believe I actually fell for someone as COLD AND HORRIBLE LIKE YOU!! "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME NAMJOON ABOUT MY PAST LIFE ABOUT MY FAMILY OR HOW I WAS TREATED AS I WAS YOUNG!" "SO DONT YOU DARE START SCREAMING AT ME LIKE THAT!" I pushed Namjoon away and started to run back to outside where i once met Taehyung.
W-wait JIN!! That's not what i mea-.... but I couldn't hear anymore I already left.
Fuck you Kim Namjoon!! I HATE YOU!!
I was just crying and cursing under my breath when i stumbled on someone . S-sorry i said while smearing my tears to the rim of my shirt. I looked up and...
So i will leave it there but i will be updating soon hopefully!!
I hope you liked this peace of drama and well see in the next chapter..
Bye bye your lovely author💕