So I know i have been gone for quite a while but i have been busy writing my other story which I totally recommend to read!
But yeah I guess I could say were getting closer to the end but not..?🤷🏽♀️ it's completely about how long I would like to make this!
But yeah let's start!
Sorry for any mistakes
Jin pov
Shit shit SHIT! Why did i tell Namjoon. I already know that absolutely nothing good can come out of this. He's probably gona go psycho mode or something but that'll just get us both in trouble AHH Jin why are you so dumb!! Jin was crouching down while covering his head. Oh no 10 minutes!
10 FRICKING MINUTES! And I have to be there to explain it all to him. I can't, he won't understand, he'll freak out for sure. AHH I feel like crying I can't do this I just can't. Jin sighed and sat on the chair that was in the corner of his room. But at the same time maybe he'll understand and help me? But what about the others!
*Tick Tock* *Tick Tock*
The times just going faster and faster at this point. Lord's aren't you on my side. Everyone's probably sleeping right now. Maybe now is the time to go? Jin stood up and went to his closet to pick an outfit.
Okey I'm ready to go please lords help me. Jin peeked through his door to see all the lights out just snoring could be heard. He was sneaking quietly to the door until he pumped into someone. AUCH!
Shyy shut up people will hear us Yoongi said placing his hand onto Jin's mouth. Mhmhmhm Jin mumbled. What the hell are you doing here Yoongi asked! You do realize it's almost one o'clock. I should be asking you that Yoongi I thought you listen to the rules but you seem like your actually a troublemaker. Jin looked at Yoongi confused. Why do you have a pillow with you? And.... Your sleepwear? It's cute tho!
Thanks? Yours really cute too! But anyway explain yourself!
I-i what no i was taking a stroll!. That's a lie if I ever heard one Yoongi said. Jin looked at Yoongi and smirked I'm doing the same thing as you Yoongi.
Can't you see Yoongi I'm going to Namjoon and you..? Probably to Hoseok. Maybe Yoongi said turning around blushing slightly. It's fine Yoongs Jin said patting Yoongi's back but anyway i have to or Namjoon's going to be worried.
MAKE SURE TO USE PROTECTION! Jin shouted while running. Arghh you bitch Yoongi mumbled turning around and walking towards Hoseoks sell.
Jin was slightly nervous standing in front of Namjoon's sell. W-what if he's going to just shout at me. Duh Jin ofc he's going to!
Are you just going to stand there?
Jin looked up and saw Namjoon standing at the door. I-i... yeah Jin said walking inside. Sit down Namjoon said pointing at the bed. N-Namjoon i- um I'm just going to be fast with this and then leave. Namjoon sat down next to Jin
"You are not leaving anywhere"
Jin gulped and looked down. Now start explaining!
Omm.. well you see as I said I can't leave. And you might think it's simple but it's really not. You do realize I'm really poor and i i got thrown out of my own house for being gay. And just overall my life has been shit. So when i got thrown out and saw that this place was hiring people I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for me... but turns out i was wrong this place is more messed up then you think Namjoon. W-when i got here they asked me to sign a lot of paperwork which I thought was completely normal to get a job but later on I thought that the papers I signed were not just some normal paperwork.
What are you talking about Jin Namjoon said grabbing Jin's shoulders. Jin started to shake and silently sob.
Y-you see the papers I sighed were that this company owns me from n-now on Namjoon. Jin said crying in Namjoon's shoulder. W-what Namjoon said shocked.
Y-you have to help me! I can't get away from this place trust me i have tried. IM FUCKING STUCK HERE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!
Okay okay let's calm down my princess Namjoon said patting Jin's back.
"Namjoon was shocked he was definitely not waiting for something like this and he had no idea how to solve it"
Don't worry my princess will get through this Together. Are you sure Jin said staring up at Namjoon. I'm positive. Jin hugged Namjoon tightly. Thank you Thank you so much! Namjoon hugged Jin back. Namjoon placed Jin on his lap comfortably. They were both staring at each other while the moon was shining through the little hole in the wall.
N-Namjoon Jin stuttered. Yes? Namjoon answered.
I love you
Namjoon was completely taken back from what he just heard. Y-you love me? Namjoon pointed at himself. Jin shyly nodded his head.
Even if your a criminal I don't care you have shown me that you care about me. I-i have never received so much love from anyone when i was little my parents were always too busy to play with me and show me the effect I needed but y-you.... You were here for me from the start Namjoon Jin said looking down.
Namjoon was shocked just a month ago they were arguing and now his crush was confessing his feelings towards him. I-i understa-. Namjoon smashed his lips onto to others. Don't complete that sentence i fucking love you too princess. I know i was a complete dick few months ago but i care about you lot more then you think princess. You have made this hell hole actually enjoyable.
I love you too my princess~
Namjoon said kissing Jin's forehead. We should sleep it's really late and maybe tomorrow we can tell the others about what you said okey. Mmhhhh... Jin mumbled laying his head on Namjoon's chest.
Goodnight my angel
Eheheh that's it!