Ahhh I'm back finally to update!! It actually took me awhile to think what to write next but um enjoy!

Sorry for any grammar mistakes <3


Bts pov

Okey guys let's begin Hoseok shouted while slamming his hands to the table. As we know we have to help Jin out of this mess he has gotten himself into but then again why didn't Yoongi or Taehyung have anything like that. Weird. So Jin any ideas?

Uh... no? That's why I asked you guys. Oh yeahhh Hoseok said while shaking his head. Well me Namjoon and Jungkook have been thinking about how to escape this prison for awhile now butttttt now that you told us about the mess your in I don't think it will be that easy anymore. A huge *Sigh* left from the members mouth's. What are we going to do Taehyung asked.


I know

Huh..? The members turned towards Yoongi who was staring at them emotionally.

We just burn the papers


Yoongi honey em this is not the time to be joking around Hoseok said. Who said i was joking just think about it guys if we burn the papers there won't be any evidence and I'm sure he can't copy them cause it won't be original so the easiest way is to just burn it. "Silence filled the table" Wow your a genius Kitten Hoseok said hugging Yoongi who was secretly enjoying it. Honestly it doesn't sound that bad Namjoon said. I think it's the easiest way and after we have burned them down we have a good hour to get the fuck out of here. Sounds good?

SOUNDS GOOD Everyone shouted.

You guys do realize we are in the cafeteria Jungkook said. " And everyone started laughing"


But how will we get into the bosses office? We don't have the right keycards Taehyung said pointing at Jin and Yoongi. Well... everyone was silent no one thought about this 5 minutes ago.

I can help

A quite short looking guy walked towards our table. And you are? Oh my bad the names Park Jimin pleasure to meet you all.

And why would you want to help us? Well the thing is Bunny boi I have a quite same problem as your friend over there well except you

"Jimin said pointing at Namjoon" your his Boyfriend or something?! Honestly its so obvious but continuing I have been stuck here for a good 3 years now I signed the papers too it was an accident ofc I never knew i had to stay here for the rest of my life "Jimin started to laugh". He's scary Taehyung said whispering to Jungkook. So? Namjoon started what does that have to do with anything.

Jimin stared at Namjoon. I have something you guys don't have but you need. He pulled a black card from his pocket and started to twirl it around his finger. "Looking for this guys" EH? He has the keycard but how?. You see guys i have been here for 3 years i have been through a lot so at one point i got promoted to be the bosses secretary.


HAH you guys didn't think he just owns this prison right?. "Silence" God you guys are dumb af our boss aka (Let's just name him Lee Hyuk) is a fricking drug dealer plus I think he's a part of some type of gang honestly i have no idea. So I could help you guys into his office with one condition.

My minds spinning too much information in 10 minutes Jin said collapsing on Namjoon's shoulder. You'll be fine princess anyway what's the condition then?. Heh Jimin said you'll help me out of here too by burning my papers at the same time.

Everyone was just kinda eyeing each other.

Ok it's a deal but you better not trick us into something bigger got it! Ofc ofc why would i do that anyway Jimin said shaking Namjoon's hand. It was a pleasure to meet you guys but I have to go You and you (Pointing at Jin and Yoongi) meet me at the lobby tomorrow at 12pm Bye guysss!!

I got to say it but he's weird. Agree!! Everyone said. So we got the keycard what's next. Om what will we do when we get out of here Jin asked. Namjoon looked at Jin and smiled my sweet angel why was i in the prison again!?. Your a mass murderer? Jin said. Exactly so where do you think i got my money through my career. By killing people? Jin said. Exactly so does things add up yet i get money for killing people. ...? Omg Jin i am rich. Eh? That came out of nowhere. What does you being rich have to do with anything. I can buy us a house all of us and we can all live together. Really? Jin asked existed. Yeah princess Namjoon said ruffling Jin's hair. I can't wait i have always been living alone but the thought of living with my boyfriend and my best friends makes me happy.

"Everyone was smiling widely"

We can't wait either Jin! Everyone shouted.

But are you guys going to continue your careers Taehyung asked? Jungkook, Hoseok and Namjoon look at each other and smirk. Will see will see.


Imma end it there for now but I thought of bringing Jimin into this story since i can't leave him out! :) But yeah he's part of the story now not a main character but a side character.

Hope you enjoyed ❤️