
When Splice was 13, Robert had made amends with Splice's mother but not without an agenda.

Robert began to send MORE calls to Bommy that sounded like... Alicia.

Random calls to get Bommy to turn to him for comfort.

Robert calls Bommy saying in the voice of Alicia "You are an abomination, you are nothing, you are making babies with Robert, you scum!"

One day, Splice was in a lab room, a White female scientist named Beth was sitting in a chair in front of her as Splice sat on the floor asking "I need a chair." Beth called another Scientist named Potter who was a Dark-skinned black Man came in with a chair he was already gonna bring for Splice because he assumed they naturally wouldn't give her a chair because Splice was black.

Potter left the room giving Splice a look of "I got ya'." She said to him. Splice looked at him and thought "I know." Then gave him the "Black "Nod" a Sign they understand the struggle.

Beth told "Splice, Robert cloned you," Splice nodded because she knew, then Beth continued by saying "You are a thing, a construct, an object, they grew you in a lab!"

Splice thought to herself in feelings of...

"Bruh, the fluff? What did she just say to me? I know I ain't- What is 'Construct' supposed to mean?!" She thought, felt in anger, and said out loud.

Splice had emotions like anybody, and she just expressed them like anyone else.

Splice wouldn't characterize herself as shy; it's just that Splice thought of herself as an individual, as opposed to being a thing, an object, etc.

It was safer and easier that way, especially since her best friend Mom had unexpectedly taken her here for a check-up due to her doctor being late for work. Just Splice doing Splice's thing—an assertive Teenage Black Woman.

Splice said, "I feel like I have experienced three different types of disrespect." Feeling Offended, I mean, "That was just disrespectful." Splice complained, "I have NO problem with expressing that to you. Is it because I'm black." Splice wasn't asking a question, she thought it was, already.

Beth said, "It's hard to believe, I know, me actually being a human, Stray notes from a mental guitar still bounce around the mountains like ghosts."

Splice knew that whatever species was cloned, that was the species the clone would be, AKA, Splice knew she was human, too.

Splice explained in anger to Beth that "curved through trouble and joy—YOU HAVE A DISRESPECT PROBLEM."

Splice and Bommy just desired A place where they feel comfortable and accepted,

like in their own home.

Early on in Beth's training, she attempted to ruin formal poses. She instead focused on capturing moments based on authenticity that was more than what met the eye.

Beth was drawn to Splice's Behavioral Humanity, Beth went and got a camera, she came and filmed Splice, trying to capture that slice of humanity within Splice.

Splice knew what was happening, Splice felt so offended, she started moving her head out of the way if the camera saying "Chick, please, I'm a frickin' human! Get your facts straight, Mrs. SCIENTIST, SUPPOSED TO BE SMARTER THAN EVERYBODY!" Splice's head stayed away from the camera's view in spite, anger, and the feeling of every level of disrespect.

Bommy walked in and took Splice to the hospital because Bommy heard and saw the whole fight.

You should NEVER insult your doctors. They can poison, you give you the wrong medication on purpose, do horrible things to you and even mess up your body because they know how to do it!

After the doctor's visit, Splice was bought a camera for her troubles at the science Facility of Robert.

As a child in Houston, Texas, The City, Splice would say she had a "cloak of invisibility" that she used to watch all of the people around her on her long strolls.

The independent young woman loved observing life around her.

The success Splice found photographing her friends in Houston, Texas.

The joy Splice took in photographing her family in a studio in specific poses.

Splice sat in the chair, her mom sitting at the table across from her.

Bommy felt regret, Bommy regrets being unhappy in 2020.

It was because Bommy got to be by herself, free of judgment, free to watch whatever movie she wanted, free to watch all the cartoons she wanted, free to move around and do whatever she wanted.

All because she was confined to the comforts of her home, away from the public.

Bommy loved time alone, she felt like she knew why the introverted loves being alone so much!

When you're an introvert, you can be alone and do whatever you want and enjoy as much as you want!

An extrovert enjoys being outside and talking to people, which is a good thing, but when you're an introvert, you can be alone and do certain things and say whatever you want without judgment.

Bommy went to the attic of the cottage, Bommy got a vacuum cleaner, Bommy was scared to do this because a vacuum cleaner may hurt her skin.

Bommy felt invigorated by the freedom that she got, in fact, she felt so invigorated that she wanted to do something that she probably never should have done.

Bommy vacuumed the dirt off of her body, you know that tube on the vacuum that you use to get stuff underneath couches because the rest of the vacuum is too big?

Bommy used that to vacuum her armpits, any part of her body that was itchy, her belly button because it was usually dirty and it seems like you can never get it clean and it took her using transparent alcohol, you know, the alcohol you can't drink or else you die, to clean herself out in her belly button!

Splice walks in as Bommy says "So that this won't bruise me, I need you to quickly move the vacuum across my back!" Splice was confused and asked her "What the fluff are you doing?!?!" In such deep confusion, her confusion and shock was like watching the dead body of a headless horse being carried by the living body of a headless pig.

Splice got the vacuum hose and tried her best not to hurt Bommy. Bommy said "Can you do my butt?" Splice said "Okay!" In concern. Splice vacuumed Bommy's booty. Splice gave Bommy the vacuum, Bommy used it to vacuum underneath her "Breast'pits" which is basically underneath your boobs.

Bommy closed her eyes and vacuumed her face. Splice helped Bommy vacuum her nails by holding the vacuum to her nails as Bommy tried to stretch her finger away from the nail so that the vacuum could vacuum out the creases.

Bommy took a shower after they were finished vacuuming her. Bommy did this because she was afraid to vacuum her more private parts.

Splice washed her hands with Dishwashing soap then went outside. Dishwashing soap was all the soap they had and frankly they didn't care what kind of soap they used.

Splice went to the store to buy Dove Soap for their private parts where she met Frida.

Frida was an extrovert who was Splice's friend, Splice is okay alone and in public.

Splice doesn't care, she can spend time alone for about several days and then go out and talk to several people for about several days.

Splice doesn't mind talking to people nor does Splice mind time alone, she doesn't really mind small talk or long talk but with long talk, Splice likes to be interested in the topic and usually changes the subject to something she's interested in if she's bored.

Splice is totally okay with small talk because small talk is not really talking for that long, Splice isn't really given enough time to feel bored by the conversation.

Splice avoided both with Frida as Frida Monologued this chick. Frida seems completely normal as she Monologued with Splice. Splice got annoyed at how she can't get a word in, "I have thoughts, I want to talk!" Splice said. Frida felt awkward and shut up.

Splice noticed Behavior S in Frida, the Monologue was known as Behavior M, Frida was special.

Behavior S was basically Shy, Frida would get on the floor and lie down, then she set back up, leaned backwards and forwards, back and forth as she hummed to herself.

Frida was wearing a tank top, belly showing and long legs with her daisy dukes and high heels.

When Splice tried to talk to her, Frida refused to speak and hid inside of a clothes rack.

Frida then exhibited Behavior A, A stands for Aggression.

Frida jumped at Splice from the rack, tugged on her hair as Splice scratched Frida's face brutally to get Frida off, cuts and scars were attached to Frida's face from Splice nails. Bruises risked Splice's body as Frida's body became riddled with long scars from Splice scratching her like an animal driven by self-preservation.

Splice immediately scratched Frida in the eyes once she realized Frida wasn't giving up. Frida's eyes bled with tears as Splice ran away from the store, Shop Customers noticed the brand on Frida's back saying "Robertizenz."

Splice ran home, Splice was very self-defensive, but Splice scared the crud out of herself even though Splice only did those things because she didn't know how to defend herself using karate.

Splice asked God for forgiveness.

Splice looked in the mirror and noticed that her hands were covered in the blood of Frida, specifically, her nails and fingers!

Splice practically CLAWED Frida. Splice was breathing heavily. Splice's heart raced as she got in the shower and washed her own blood and Frida's blood off of her body.

Bommy had no idea what happened, so Bommy was sitting alone, eating ice cream and candy in her bedroom, enjoying judgeless solitude.

When Splice got out of the 💦shower 🚿, Splice scratched her armpits then dried herself off.

Splice went to her adoptive, celibate mom, Bommy, Bommy was on her bed doing a "hand stand" on the bed.

Bommy walked on the floor with her paws instead of feet this time, because she wanted to.

Splice asked "Why are you using your paws to walk?" Bommy jumped with her paws saying "Just because."

That night, Splice laid in bed.

Bommy Told Splice that tomorrow, they would be having a "Stay-at-home day."

Splice just laid there. Splice wondered "What was wrong with Frida? Why did I hurt her? Why the heck did she attack me?!"

A phonecall buzzed on her mobile, app chocked phone.

SPLICE looked at the number, it was Alicia. Splice growled then hung up before answering.

In the morning, Frida was just outside Splice's window of her bathroom. Splice went in there, saw Frida's face and screeched.

Frida screeched in response then ran off.

To be continued...