Jake Torres

Jake Torres was a millennial who was against smoking, drinking, was in a lot of Black Lives Matter Protests since he was A Dark Skinned Black Man like his cousin, Plexus, except Jake was in an interracial, secret relationship with a white woman named Emma...

You're probably thinking "How can Jake be on black lives matter while dating a white chick ?!" Well, number one, a lot of White Chicks were in Black lives matter although they might be mixed...

Another thing you're wondering is "Why would you keep it secret in a world where interracial relationships are seemingly accepted?"

Let's be real, black women, black men, white women and white men have no issue when a black woman is dating a white man but whenever it's a white woman dating black man everyone has a fit.

Black women had something to say and if it wasn't black women, everyone was assuming that he hated black people, everyone was assuming that he didn't like black people, black women especially, everyone was asking why he chose to marry a white woman instead of a black woman.

Jake would answer "Well, I just so happened to fall in love with the white woman but if you feel like you have to butt in my life every four to five seconds, I guess you could just come to my wedding and start yelling 'No!' as I personally marry my wife!"

Racist white men would beat Jake because he got with a white woman because Jake was dark-skinned.

So, Jake told everyone he broke up with Emma and secretly married Emma with no guests, they got married with a pastor in a pastor's office where there was only him and Emma, That's all.

Jake felt guilty, Emma felt like she didn't want the trouble, But Emma was shocked to hear the black woman that insulted their relationship saying in a store, one day...

A Black Woman named Angelic: "It's great that he left her, now, he can be with me!"

It was never REALLY about race, now, you know...


This influenced Emma to yell out loud in a rampaging tone of voice "WE'RE MARRIED!!!" Then ram to the lingerie isle, buy transparent thong panties and a transparent, heavily revealing bra and then drive home, secretly put it on in the closet then surprise Jake when he got home!


Jake got Emma pregnant with Jacob!


Jacob was born 9 months later.


Jake makes Jacob go to boxing matches, to man him up. Emma lets Jacob go to make Jacob a good fighter.


"I love you! My darling, too!" His mom says as her son goes to box.


In all Ironicy, Emma actually knows that Jacob doesn't really have to box to be manly because she's had a lot of relatives that were men that grew up that didn't really fight people, never knew how to fight but were still manly and masculine.


Emma yells "And all I want to see is you learning how to fight!" To Jacob.


Jacob is 11-years-old. Jake is 30. Jake had his son when he was 19.

The boxing fight began and things got a little heated between Jacob and a little bitty Mexican boy named Rodriguez, Jacob accidentally knocked him out and felt bad.

Jake yells at his son as his son is in the ring trying to slap Rodriguez, who is 11-years-old, awake.

Jake yells "GOOD JOB!" Jacob was one of those big guys in the boxing ring and Rodriguez was tiny, Jacob really doesn't like fighting little people.

Emma says "His guilty little face reminds me of when I insulted Justin Bieber and made him upset so I went and apologized. I didn't think he'd actually be hurt by what I said. it was the first time I realized he was a person with emotions. it was also the first time I realized I don't feel good insulting people to their face, and telling them their mothers shouldn't have had them. Especially since his mother was right there and slapped me in the face. I'm sorry, Justin Bieber..."

Jake asks Emma "Why did you do that?" Jake was confused as to why she would insult anyone but was also confused- Well, No, he wasn't confused as to why she apologized, Jake was just confused as to why she would insult somebody.

Emma said "I didn't like his music. So, I told him shouldn't have existed and that his mother shouldn't have given birth to him." Jake asked "Why?! Usually, when people say that kind of stuff, it's just jokes! I never thought anyone would actually mean it, much less say it to his face, no one really says that kind of stuff to people's face, I mean, they may grab a famous person's hair and try to keep them there and kind of be intrusive on their life, like a stalker, but still! Why do you think they're called internet warriors?!"

Emma says "Keyboard warriors, dear. It's keyboard warriors."

Jake says "For a reason, these aren't things you can say!"

Emma says "There was also that time I found out a famous singer died and his daughter was right next to me and I said 'I don't really care that he's dead because I don't know him' and she started crying."

Jake was disappointed... Jake was disappointed mainly that his wife didn't have the decorum to try and voice her opinions about people's loved ones in private and not in front of their face, especially if their loved ones were dead.

Emma is really nice to non-famous people.

Emma really cares about their lives.

Emma tells Jake "I'm not a bad person it's just that these people were placed in a compartment in my mind that basically said 'I don't care about how you feel!"

Jake is actually pretty upset because this seems like his wife is kind of a jerk.

Anyway, Jacob is currently getting escorted off of the boxing ring and after they go home, they forget all about today.

To be continued...