The end

Day 17

Peter pov

I sat there on the floor and sighed as I closed my eyes.

In my attempt to stand up, pain shot up my leg and I had to sit back down again.

You know what?

Pain sucks.

Pain can go to hell.

I'm done with it.

I wrapped my jacket around my ankle and webbed it around.

I now have a weirdly soft cast.

I stood up.

No pain.


As I paced around the room, I tried to find an exit.

there is no way to get out other than a vent close to the floor.

which won't be fun for my ankle.

Nonetheless, I webbed a web on both sides of the vent.

Then I pulled myself forward, into the darkness.


I paced the room after seeing what Peter was doing.

Twenty minutes ago, Ivan changed the walls to the footage of peters room.

He had tried to exit through the the vents.

Smart, but it won't last long.

Eventually the vents will become too cramped for him.

He must find Wanda.

I'm so proud of Peter.


the vents are darker than my room.

As I crawled through the small tunnel of metal, a thought occurred to me.


She can help me move faster.

I kept my hands on the floor of the vents and sure enough, there was a grate almost right in front of me.

I pulled it up.

Wait, how the fuck did I get into the ceiling?

I dropped to the floor into the room below.



The screens tuned off, leaving me in darkness once again.

"Ivan stop this! What do you want? I will do anything! ANYTHING! Just don't hurt the kid!"



"Gone soft have we stark?"

I looked at the ground before nodding.

There's no hiding my affection towards the kid.

He laughed.

"He must be like a son to you."

I paused again before nodding.

He stopped laughing abruptly.

"Good. I will make his death slow and painful."

"Ivan no! Please!"



"Hello?" I said.

Almost immediately I felt hands on my neck and I was pinned to the floor.

"Tory, ricochet webs please."

I shot at the ceiling above us and it hit my attacker straight in the back, I pulled on the web rope attached to the web slingers and they were suspended in the air.

"What the- what is this?! Wait, webbing??? Peter?!?!"



Pietro was vibrating in excitement, illuminating the room with blue and silver light.

We are in the living room/kitchen.


I disintegrated the webbing and he fell to the ground.

We embraced and my heart bursted with happiness.

I have found my brother.


I can't let Ivan hurt Peter.

I can't.

Turning around to face the room, I started to blast randomly.

Which probably is not a very smart idea.

But I have to keep Peter safe.

No matter what.

As I blasted the walls, only one part actually gave me any results.

It started to turn orange.

As I continued blasting around it, it became an orange rectangle.

A door.

I gave it one last blast in the corner and started to bend outwards.

Although it made a heck ton of noise.

I'm coming Peter.

And when I find you...

No one will ever hurt you again.



"What was that?!"

"It sounded like it came from upstairs."


"And what was that?"

"I don't know Peter..."


"It's getting closer!"

"I know!"


"What do we do?!"

"We fight. Get ready."

We both got into fighting stances as the sound got nearer and nearer.

The clanks sounded like they were right outside our door.

Then it opened.


I walked down the hall, a hand in front of me and a hand beside me, both extended.

Every once and a while I turn around and my arms swap places, so the one that was in front of me is now at the side of me and my other is in front of me.

There is nothing there.

I turn back around.

Ivan is right in front of me.

"Ivan." I said.

"Mr. Stark." He said, sitting on air.

He's not real... he is a projection.

"What do you want."

"Mr. Stark. I have been thinking about what you said earlier." He chuckled. "About how you said that you would do anything, ANYTHING, to save the kid."

He stood back up and walked over to me.

"I've also thought about how this is taking too long."


In the doorway, a metal dog was standing there, looking at us.

Before my eyes, the dog began to sparkle with electricity, metal spikes raised from its forearms and its teeth came out needle like, some kind of green serum dripping from them.

We both backed up into the wall as it crouched down, getting ready to pounce.

As it lunged into the air, me and Pietro closed out eyes and screamed.

Then there was a clanging sound.

We opened our eyes.

The dog it on he floor.


Then the lights flickered on.

Me and Pietro looked at each other and hugged.

We walked through the doorway, looking into the hall.

The others walked out of their own rooms, and we all embraced.

My ankle has healed, thanks a to my super healing.

I must have hugged everyone there at least twice.

"Wait, where is tony?" I asked.

We all started to look around.

But no one could find him.


Ivan locked me in a large fish tank and chained me to the floor.

It doesn't take a smart person to figure out what he is about to do.

I heard a dripping sound echo around the room.

The dripping sound turned into a gush, and soon my ankles were submerged.

Then my shins.

Then my knees.

My thighs.

My chest.

My shoulders.

My neck.

My body started to rise as the water reached my jawbone.

I tried to tread water, but as my forehead became level with the top of the tank, my chain pulled taught.

As water filled my lungs, I focused on one thought and one thought only.

I Love you Peter. Live true and happy.


We all ran around the building, searching for Tony in pairs.

I am paired with Wanda.

I heard a sob and turned around to see Wanda crying on the floor, curled in a ball.

"Wanda... what—"

She looked at me.

"I can... I can see him dying..."


She looked at me again.

"No... no... NO!"

I collapsed.

"He can't be dead... he can't..."

We hugged.

A tearful, wet mess.


The funeral was sad.

And wet.

Not just from tears, but from the rain.

We all left him something.

Steve left his shield.

Wanda left him one of her rings that he made her.

Pietro left him his favorite book that he dug from the rubble of the avengers tower.

Bruce left him his glasses.

Natasha left him her widow bites.

Clint left his bow.

Bucky left one of his arms.

Vision left in general.

He couldn't handle it.

Everyone else left something.

I left my mask.

He didn't want me to be Spider-Man.

So i won't be Spider-Man anymore.

As we walked out of the cemetery, everyone shed tears.

Because we all know that we won't be the same without him.


Hi guys! I hope you all liked this book!

Have a great day guys!