Where are they? I sent Snyder and three of my best guards to get my son days ago and they are not back yet. I am a very impatient woman when it comes to the Republic. I mean business. The hell with everybody else. Damn that son of mine. What he did to me is inexcusable, but I'm going to give him a second chance to make it up to me and the Republic. My son knows me he knows how I am he will do whatever it takes to piss me off, I won't let him get under my skin. I can't wait any longer. I'm going to find my ungrateful son myself. when I am about to leave my office the door swings open.

I stand there piss off. "Where the hell have you been?" I stand in my office looking at them. What is wrong with them? "I asked you guys a question. I want an answer." Snyder steps forward. "It's your son. He insisted on relaxing upon his arrival in the Republic." My son is smiling at me. Who the hell does he think he is? "Mother. it's never good to see you." I look at Matt up and down. "Matt. You are still alive." I give Matt my winning smile. Matt smiles back. "Lets get down to business." Everyone take a seat, but Matt. "Take a seat Matt." he doesn't respond.

Okay if he doesn't want to listen to me I will just begin. "Matt look at me. I need you to do a special job for me to make up for the things you done and to the Republic." Matt looks at me with unforgiving eyes. I don't blame him. "What kind of job?" That's what I like to hear. I show Matt a picture of Melanie Santiago. Matt stares at the picture. He doesn't look at me. "This is Melanie Santiago. I received word that she arrived in Virginia. Matt look at me. He turns toward me angrier than ever. His eyes are still focused on Melanie's picture. "I need you to go to Virginia and bring her to me." Matt shakes his head. "No one disobeys me and I mean no one. Do you hear me."

"No mother. I will not do your dirty work for you or the Republic." I can't believe his answer to me after what's he done to me and the Republic. I thought he would want a second chance to prove himself to me and the Republic. I need to convince him to go. "Are you kidding me?" Matt walks away from me. Why is he doing this to me again? "Snyder bring him back to me." I will not take no for an answer. Matt will do this job whether he likes it or not. Snyder brings Matt back to me. I can always trust Snyder to do the right thing for me and the Republic. "Listen Matt I don't care if you like the mission. You will do this or else I will bring you back to the prison you escaped from and then I will public execute your teammates and their families." Matt doesn't say a word to me. He actually looks scared. "You will obey my orders, find Melanie Santiago and bring her to me." I hand Matt the information about Melanie then he leaves. "Follow him Snyder and make sure he gets the job done." I will not stand for this. My ungrateful son will do as his mother instructs him to do.