Chapter 1 Awakening

Today was finally the day that Koga Marsora was waiting for, it was finally his 15th birthday. As he lay in bed he felt something completely different from anything that he had ever felt before, a surge of power sent shock waves through his body. The power was to great to handle at first, he almost passed out. Slowly but surely the power calmed, he finally noticed a game like screen had popped up in front of him.

The screen was a grey background surrounded by silver bars on each side. The screen said " You have awoken your power" Koga looked at the screen with a puzzled expression on his face. At the bottom right corner of the screen there was a button that said "press to continue". Koga hesitated for a moment before finally pressing the button, a new screen popped up at the top it said "stats".

Koga Marsora

Level: 1

Age: 15

Birthdate: August 13,2012

Weight: 145 ibs

Blood type: o-

Class: beginner mage

Power level: 16

Ability: borrow

This ability allows the user to use the aura of others as a way to increase their power side effects on others is a little bit of energy drained. This ability also allows the user to borrow others powers.

Strength: 12

Dexterity: 11

Defense: 14

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 14

Magic: 6

Mana: 8

Magic type(s):

Fire, and conjuring

Fire spell: fire bolt

Conjuring weapon: short sword

Kona's mom called you from down stairs "Breakfast is ready dear, hurry and eat so you won't be late to school." Koga hurries to get ready, then grabbed his backpack and went down stairs. A nice steaming plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast with grapes jelly on it, was waiting for him along with his mom in the kitchen. "Hey sweaty, how did you sleep last night" she said as Koga sat down and started to eat.

"I sleep pretty good last night" he said after finishing the food in his mouth." The bus is coming in 10 minutes so finish eating and get the rest of the way ready.

He waited at the bus stop a couple blocks down the road from his house for only a couple minutes before the bus showed up. He quickly got on the bus Adler he waited for the door to open, he sat down alone in about the middle of the bus. He felt nervous and excited at the same time because today was his first day at the magic high school.

The bus ride was quick only about ten or fifteen minutes before the bus driver called out " we're almost there now" when the bus came to a stop outside the school Koga was a bit shocked that there were so many people here. As he walked through the ground door he saw a reception office to the right. He walked over to it and waited in the line for his turn, the line hadn't been very long when he got there only about four people.

After a couple minutes or so he made it to the ground of the line , where a receptionist sat with a computer and a big list of names on a clip board. " What's your name" she asked in a polite tone. " Koga Marsora" he replied vastly to her question with. After a minute or so she finally found him on her list. " Ok, I found your name please wait a minute while I prepare your school Id and your class schedule" in no time at all Koga was handed a card with a picture of his face, his age, the word freshman, and his Id number. He also got a list of the classes he had to go to.

Time: 8:30

Room 105

Home room

Mr. Tompson

Time: 9:45

Room 123

Magic studies

Ms. Faust

Time: 11:00

Room 305


Mr. copper

Time: 12:15


Time: 1:15

Room 100

Magic practice

Mrs. Birch

Time: 2:30

Room 105


Mr. Tompson

Time: 4:00

Return to dorms

Room 645

Time: 6:30

Personal training

Room 220

Time: 8:00


The first thing Koga did was check his watch to see what time it was. 8:00 the watch displayed, as he was walking away the receptionist yelled " Go to room 300 to get you school supplies". Koga walked over to the school map in the middle of the massive entry hall, the map showed where he was and the he quickly found room 300 on the map and headed of to go get the supplies he was going to need.

When he got there the lady at the front door asked for his I'd card, he quickly obliged and after inspecting it she let him in. The room was a decent sided room full of student and faculty members, along the right wall the was a couple of changing rooms, on the back wall the was several desks with employees sitting at them. Koga quickly walked over to one of the people the weren't busy with other students. " Can I see your ID card I need to know what supplies to get" she said. Koga handed her his basic looking ID card, she looked it over then quickly ran to the back and came back with a medium sized box that had Koga a name on it. " Here take this and go try on the stuff". Koga went over to one of the open changing rooms.

The box consisted of a magic steel chest plate, a pair of magic steel forearm guards, a pair of magic steel shoulder guards, a pair of magic steel shin guards, a spell book, a holster for the book, and a small rectangle shaped present box, Koga had already put on every thing before he finally payed attention to the box. On it's out side it said " To Koga" he opted the note " Koga happy birthday I love you sorry I couldn't make it there, love dad"

Koga opened the box and saw a silver necklace, as he put on the necklace he felt a strange feeling, like there was a weight being pushed on his chest. After the necklace was fully on he finally noticed a contract hanging in front of him.

The contract was a type of soul bound with the spirit that resides with in his new necklace, he had to promise to protect and assist the spirit as best as he could and the spirit would boost the power he gained from training and would help him master the techniques the spirit knew about. Koga thought it over for a little bit then finally signed on the dotted line of the contract.