Chapter 6 tournament part 2

Koga was exited because as soon as he got the system he was able to develop a new spell, it allowed for the users senses and reflexes to greatly increase practically slowing time down for them.

As Koga stepped into the arena he felt an overwhelming amount of excitement for being able to test out his new spell. Everything slowed to a crawl except Koga, the judge barely said start before Koga had combine fire, ice, and lightning magic to create explosive icicle shrapnel. Before the opponent has even dropped his hands to attack he was blasted and had shrapnel impeded in his legs, arms, and torso. The medic quickly rushed over and started to stabilize the patient, the medic looked with a hint of horror in his eyes to the monster of a first year that could cause this much damage.

Koga won as soon as the match started and went on to the final taking place in an hour. Koga went through his spell list and noticed that he had enough variety in his spells to be considered a legion( someone who doesn't focus on one or two types of magic but all the types). Koga decided to work on a strategy for the last match seeing as his opponent was as strong or stronger than him and his name was osahi takatru.

Koga walked on the field already siphoning his power to the summoning tag on his wrist. Koga summoned serpentine, it measured at 15 ft long and had a 10 ft wingspan. After several minutes of attacking the creature osahi was no closer than he had been to winning at the start of the match, until about four minutes later he hit the creatures wings with several ice bullets. Sadly as osahi had defeated the dragon he got hit by kogas first high level myriad spell combining all the elements into one spell to create a beam of doom.

Koga annihilated his opponent, osahi has a couple of defense magic barriers but they only weakened the power a bit. Osahi was sent flying and hit a wall completely destroying it. Several bones were broken and many burn marks. The only reason osahi survived was that the beam only put a hole in the barrier and not didn't completely destroy it.

For winning the tournament Koga was gifted a 1000 gold, a wand that doubled his magic power and cut in half his casting time, a pair of magic shin guards the protected him from fire, a chest piece that increased defense by 20, a pair of magic boots which increase his speed by 15, a sword of demonic fire which bonded with his conjured sword making in more powerful, a shield much like the sword which allowed for him to increase his regeneration rate from 1.0 per second to 10 per second and access to a secret library only tournament winners could go into.

Koga equipped all of his armor using the system instead of having to put it on." You have won your first tournament you have been gifted 10,000 exp". Koga was shocked because he hadn't received any exp till now, but Koga had noticed that you need exp to upgrade the system. System upgrade cost: 2500 exp, Koga upgraded it without knowing what it would do. Exp: 7500

System has been upgraded the user had unlocked many things such as: ability to cast magic from a rank above him, unlocked new spells, you have unlocked the ability to another ring around your heart. Koga was puzzled by the last thing he unlocked so he clicked on it. System allows user to advance his magic by putting rings around your heart you break through and are considered to be a wizard the more rings the stronger you become and the longer you live.

Koga drew the magic circle on the floor which should allow him to add the ring to his heart, the system told him that rings develop around your heart with out you knowing, to break through to the next rank you have to become strong enough for your body to develop this mana ring allowing for you to cast stronger spells. The system helped him to cast the spell and gave him a step by step on how to complete it. Visualize your heart, then concentrate your mana to that point, next visualize your mana grouping together to make a ring and finally seal the ring.

After completing the circle his body erupted in pain his heart rate accelerated, his chest felt tight his eyes and brain felt like they were on fire. He started feeling the pain reduce after an hour of hell, Koga noticed that he could see the magic particles better and it was easier to coax them and some even gathered as he thought of it. The behavior was almost as if they obeyed him as it he had an authority over them.

Koga decided to look at the new spells he had, Koga noticed that all of the spells were combo spells instead of being single element like they were before. These must be the effects of being a legion. To have such a mastery of particles they combine with little effort.