Chapter 13 Ahriman and the cloaked people

After Daniel had returned to thinking logically he had returned to his room, as Daniel walked in he realized something was off. He looked all over the place but the book his grandpa gave him was gone. " where the hell did that book go". He couldn't help but say in a quiet low voice. As he was about to quit searching he heard a response in his head." The book that was received has been absorbed by the system, user can now open by saying the word system in his head". Daniel was shocked to hear this thing in his head, unintentionally he thought system.


Daniel harlet

Age: 13

Blood type: a-

Birthdate: July 23,2015

Weight: 127 ibs

Class: ????

Strength: 3

Speed: 2

Intelligence: 2

Fitness: 3


[ unknown ] level: max, [ basic martial arts comprehension ] level 0, [ amateur elemental particle control ] level 0.

I was confused at this and what was I'm supposed to compare his levels to. I mean I'm a bit pudgy but how would that translate to my fitness level. He didn't want to pay much attention to that part, he was more interested in his abilities. He clicked on the comprehension skill.

[ basic martial arts comprehension ] level 0:

After helping out around your grandpa's dojo, you have gained a basic understanding of martial arts. As your comprehension levels up, so will your skills in terms of power or increasing the percentage.

Current ability skills: punch, block

Punch(level 1): you can deal a range of 5-10 damage with a hit.

Block(level 1): you can block and oncoming attack. Chance: 10%

At the top of the screen, there was a second tab. After clicking on the tab, a screen that had a single category on it.


Daily quest: to increase your power, complete this quest. There is a penalty if the quest isn't completed on time: Ends at 12 pm.

Complete 100 punches, 100 kicks, 100 pushups, 100 squats, 100 pull ups, 100 sit ups and a 5 mile run.

Daniel wasn't looking forward to this, but he sucked it up. He was determined to be strong, for his grandpa. Daniel grabbed his keys off the counter and threw on his hoodie. He headed towards the woods, seeing as it was more private than the slums. The first thing he did was head deep enough in to find a small clearing, he knew this area like the back of his hand, as he had been there many times after school.

After a while of searching, Daniel finally found a majestic ten feet wide by four feet tall boulder, there was large sturdy looking trees that loomed over the area, the ground was dirt, leaves, and small plants scattered around in a beautiful way and lastly there was an array of hidden compartments high in the trees they contained rations, weapons and a pair of training clothes that Daniel had put there for when he was practicing his particle control.

He wanted to get it over fast so he started punching and kicking the large bolder in this center, he had already completed the tuning on the way there, so all he had to do was finish off the physical exercises.

After a while he had finally finished, his whole body was sore from the intensity of the workout. He rested a while and set up a little camp. Half way through setting up his thoughts where suddenly interrupted.'Host has finished the mission, the host will receive his rewards soon.'

He was exited about that, he knew he would get the rewards soon enough and decided making some food would be more important.

'The monarch of hellfire has blessed you, his blood flows through your veins. The demons of the abyss will recognize you as their master, your journey to the top will provide you with many hardships...'

Choosing system warden.....

Warden has arrived, good luck...

When he read this he was the most confused he had been in a while. As he was about to ask the system what it meant, his soul was ripped from his body and he felt something attaching to it, then he was thrown back into his body just as "gently" as before.

He tried to get up but was too dizzy, it was finally over and he stood up. Suddenly some one stared talking.

"That crazy woman, dragging me out of the underworld and putting me in charge of a human soul again. Just because I talked back to her one time, 'sigh' I'm your new warden, so what's the name kid".

The last part was directed towards him but he was still confused about what he said before.

"I'm Daniel and apparently the descendant of the monarch of hellfire apparently" he said to he strange middle aged voice in his head.

"Ah so that why she sent me, my name is Ahriman the lord of darkness. Let's go back to your house it's starting to get really cold here."

He had put out his fire and packed up everything, as he was walking away he hadn't noticed the crack he had left on the boulder.

When he got home he later on his bed, but he didn't realize how tired he was. As soon as his head hit the pillow he passed out cold.

'Bang' 'Bang' 'Bang'

He was woke sharply by loud banging on his door. He quickly threw on a clean shirt and checked to see who was at his door.

As he opened the door he saw a couple of people in dark robes at his door.

"Are you Daniel Harlet" the biggest meanest looking one said.

"Yes why"

"Good we though we made it to the wrong house again, ok we need you to come with us to the mage hall".

"WHAT..... why"

"We need to test your affinities and see if you're capable of going to a magic academy.".