Star Labs

Bruce looked at Lucius who was asleep with quite sorrowful eyes. He had done what he had promised to but it turned out they weren't after anything in the company but Lucius's home itself. Apparently, these thieves had come to know he worked for Batman because of a small mistake on both their parts and now they have the schematics to the Batmobile!

"I'm sorry Lucius, I couldn't get there in time to stop them," Bruce said as he massaged his head. Because of his tardiness, Lucius's son was almost killed but his whole safe was cleaned out! He bade Lucius goodbye and got to his car then drove back home. From there, he went down to the Bat cave and started doing some research on the guy he fought earlier. Two days later, the only lead he got was a business card with a number on it and it was for an Assassin called Terror. At first he thought it was a pompous name so he didn't give it much thought but still called the number.

"Hello," a heavily muffled voice came from the other end.

"Hi, I am calling because I got a business card with this number on it. Are you the assassin?" Bruce asked as he switched on the tracking system.

"I am his agent. Please be advised trying to track this phone will lead to failure, trying to record this conversation will make you a target and if you tell others about my client you will get a ten percent discount on the next job. So, who do you want to off?" Bruce looked at his computer and confirmed he couldn't track the phone down. He was impressed because that meant the other party had technology he hadn't seen or heard before.

"I would like to put a thirty million dollars bounty on Bruce Wayne's head," Bruce answered, waiting to hear the other party's response.

"You want to send my guy after yourself? Fine. But you have to pay upfront,"

"Why? You haven't killed me yet," Bruce argued.

"If my guy kills you, who will pay? Mommy? Daddy? That's right. So, you have to pay upfront and be prepared to make news," the other side said then hang up. Bruce looked at Alfred and nodded.

"Gear up and let's give our guest a good welcome," Bruce said.

"Right away, sir," Alfred answered.

"So, Bruce Wayne sent a target on his own back?"

"Yep. Are you up for it? It is a trap, you know that right? Perhaps the cape crusader, Batman will be expecting you,"

"I hope so," Harry answered as he smiled. He knew Bruce was Bats and if he put his head on the chopping block then it means that he knew who he was.

"Did he pay?" Kyle asked her.

"Yep, the money is in the bank and already withdrawn, the bank account scrubbed off the records. When are you going?" she asked him.

"Right now. But first, I have a lab to break into," Harry answered then hang up. He smiled to himself as he started packing. Once done, he got into his car and drove to Central City, the home of the Flash and Star Labs. If Bruce wanted him, then he was going to go.

Reaching the city, he got into his suit and ran to the lab. With two Spidermen's powers in him, he was way stronger than most. If they really pulled an effort, Peter could lift perhaps 100 tonnes or more (A/N: Got it from Fandom) and Miles was stronger than him! Harry got to the lab and using his wall climbing ability, he crawled to the roof where there was a giant hole thanks to the particle accelerator explosion. He jumped in, landing on his feet quietly like a cat, looked around to make sure he wasn't spotted then made his way to where they kept their weapons while crawling in the wall. He came to know that it was like a law in superhero universes that nobody bothered to look up but he wasn't using that but skills.

He passed the control room where he saw Wells, Cisco, Mr West and Snow talking about Barry who was still in a coma. He smiled to himself, continuing to where the weapons were kept. When he got there, he got down from the ceiling and approached the door.

"Password and fingerprint protected. Good one, Cisco, but not gonna keep me from getting in," he said. He clenched his right fist into a fist as golden lightning lot his right arm. With a grunt, he hit the door causing the electricity to shot it and the door hissed open. But with it came the alarms.

"Huh, gotta hurry. I don't feel like kicking that bastard's ass again," he said as he got in and started looking for what he wanted. Seconds later, he smiled and picked up a futuristic gun.

"Cisco, I love you," he said as he held it like a child.

"Don't move!" someone said from behind. Harry recognized that voice as Joe West immediately.

"Detective, there's nothing for you here. Go back to your foster son or you will be treated for a concusion," Harry warned him.

"Who are you?" Joe asked as he crept closer. Harry suddenly turned and shot his web at Joe's gun with his right arm, his left arm throwing the gun in his hand on a shelf, picked another then yanked Joe's gun away from his hand and fired the gun at him. Joe was thrown to the wall behind him, knocking him unconscious when he slammed into it.

"I'm keeping this too," Harry said, put it on a holster behind him and picked up the first gun.

"Detective West!" someone cried out as he got in. Harry took this chance to rush forward. Be jumped over Cisco, for it was him, his legs sticking to the wall as he ran out then jumped with an added spin to add the flare, passing Caitlin who was shocked, landed on his hands then pushed hims of for a somersault, flying past Wells who was giving him a murderous stare, landed behind him and took off. By the time everyone looked behind, he was already gone!

"What was that?" Cisco asked as he looked at the direction Harry disappeared in.

"Don't know but he was wearing some kind of armor, mask and he was holding the Annahilator," Caitlin answered. Cisco suddenly panicked as he went to the rows of weapons, trying to find it.

"This is bad! He took a weapon that can destroy a full block with only one bullet!" Cisco cried out.

"Cisco, did you put a tracker on the gun?" Wells asked him.

"Of course I did otherwise I would be irresponsible. C'mon, we'll track whoever did this and get the gun back," Cisco led him to the control room as Caitlin gave West some first aid. He then started doing his thing and soon, the screen showed the map of Central City with a red blip moving fast!

"Whoever has it is moving fast, probably 120m/hr. But he wouldn't be with traffic," Cisco said. Wells was having his speculations too as he looked at the screen. "I'll need to hack into city cameras and try to see who it was." He started tackling the keys on the keyboard as he predicted where the target would pass in then connected to a camera. The footage was of bad quality but they saw a man swing past the camera, two of their weapons strapped on his back.

"What the hell?" Cisco exclaimed when he saw this.