Episode 4: New Journey

Ahsoka, Maul, and Rex fly in space a great distance away from Coruscant. Fleeing to the Mid Rim world Bogano. Ahsoka had set in the group coordinates and Maul made sure that he landed next to them. They land on an open land of grassy plains. Maul: "Why did you flee to this world?"

Ahsoka ignores Maul. Maul: "Come on, I need your help to kill Sidious. If you care anything about Anakin, you KNOW why you HAVE to do THIS!"

Ahsoka kicks Maul in the stomach and he rolls back three feet. Maul activates his lightsaber and Rex shouts, "Enough!" Maul and Ahsoka briefly stop. Rex: "If we go our separate ways so be it. Maul, killing or being killed by us would make no difference for your plans to stop Sidious. In fact, they would help Sidious. I'm with whatever Ahsoka wants."

Ahsoka: "Then yes, we will go our separate ways."

Maul: "Please.... If we do not kill Sidious then he will not stop until we are brutally extinguished." Ahsoka halts, knowing Maul would not say please unless he is in absolute desperation. She wonders why Maul has so much fear of him, but Sidious must be pretty bad if he manipulated Anakin in such a way.

Ahsoka takes a deep breath and says, "Fine, I will end this. Since I agreed to work with you and it cost me THIS MUCH, I owe it to Anakin to see it through. To try my best to stop Sidious."

Maul: "Together, we WILL stop Sidious. But you have to believe." Maul says this while launching his fist in the air.

Ahsoka: "Ok, but if I am playing along then I have my own condition."

Maul: "What is it?"

Ahsoka: "We must work with the Jedi."

Maul: "No, the Jedi are too incompetent to help us. Did you not just see how we saved them from total annihilation? They will still be shiftless, complacent, and arrogant."

Ahsoka: "I don't need the help and approval of the whole order. I am just asking two old friends."

In the Days of Darkness

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda are in a meeting room on Polis Massa. They are both sitting at a table and looking outside at the vast area that is space. Obi-Wan: "Yoda, did you hear Ahsoka wants to send us both a private message?"

Yoda: "Indeed, but share this with the new council we must. If our order is to preserve its old unity and cohesion."

Obi-Wan: "That's what I wonder about. Perhaps we should just let that go. I think Ahsoka will want us to act quickly and deliberately."

Yoda takes a deep breath and chirps, "Hmmm, a difficult time this is. Meditate on these matters I shall, after the meeting is done."

Ahsoka appears on a hologram in the center of the table. Ahsoka: "Masters".

Kenobi: "Hi Ahsoka, you're looking, well."

Ahsoka: "Don't lie to me Obi-Wan."

Kenobi: "I know, Anakin's loss has been difficult. I felt it in the force. I am not sure how I am going to deal with it. I've failed him and therefore I've failed you too. I'm sorry."

Ahsoka: "No, you were a great master. You couldn't have known."

Obi-Wan: "I'm sorry, I don't believe that. Why didn't he trust me? Why didn't he tell me what was bothering him?" Kenobi puts his hand on his forehead as he looks down in regret.

Ahsoka: "Anakin has, had.... He had a habit of shutting out the ones he loved when things got difficult. He didn't have enough trust."

Yoda: "Lacked faith, he did!"

Obi-Wan: "Let's stop beating a man while he's down. It's not like he's going to get back up."

Ahsoka: "I didn't call for this! I wanted your help!"

Kenobi: "Ahsoka, please don't shut us out, we can help you."

Ahsoka: "You want to help me, then help me as we assassinate Sidious."

Kenobi: "Absolutely not! I remember when the Order wanted Vos and Ventress to assassinate Dooku. This is all too familiar and it will lead us on a path to Hell. I will not walk that path again."

Ahsoka: "This is different. Sidious is not Dooku! He is more evil and sinister. Letting him live is much riskier, as bad as Dooku was."

Yoda: "Yet need the help of a devil, we do not."

Ahsoka: "No one knows Sidious like Maul."

Obi-Wan: "The force will lead us to Sidious, where is your faith?"

Ahsoka: "We can fight Maul another day or go our separate ways. But he wants to kill Sidious just like we do and I will not allow us to risk this falling through. If you wait for the council or refuse to help us then we will still try. If we fail or anyone dies, the lives will be on both of your hands for not being with us and you risk me going to the dark side because of your abandonment. The same abandonment that led Jedi like Anakin, Dooku, and Vos astray."

Obi-Wan takes a deep breath and looks at Yoda. Yoda slowly nods his head and stands up. Then the Grandmaster looks up out of his window into space. Then he looks back at Ahsoka. Yoda: "Go with you, we will."


Obi wan and Yoda are flying in two Jedi starfighters. They suddenly descend and land in the city streets of the outer rim world Canno. The sky is orange and dozens of air speeders fly through the city. This city is known for many musicians playing trumpets, flutes, drums, and other instruments like Chackas (an instrument that you shake and it makes high pitched sounds) for tips. People often leave ten credit tips via coins, some of the better-known street performers will get twenty, thirty, fifty, and even one hundred credit tips in the form of checks or coins.

This was a great place to go to because it was not a major battle sight during the Clone Wars. Although some political conflicts and assassination attempts happened in this area, the Jedi were able to prevent any major incident from happening and kept the Cannoans from siding with the CIS. Palpatine was disappointed because he did not want the planet to be neutral and wanted them to financially back the Republic.

Ahsoka: "I love the Canno culture." Most of the beings are Cannoans. Which are a race with vague skin, blue or purple hair, purple or green eyes, round ears, and long arms. Several other races travel here to participate in the musical fairs, contests, cultural festivals, fitness contests, obstacle courses, and carnivals. Ahsoka is standing besides Maul besides a vehicle depot.

There are several people around the depot. It is difficult to watch for anyone between the flow of the masses. Obi wan and Yoda appear from the distance among the crowd. Ahsoka whispers to Maul, "Ok, do not get anything started."

Maul: "Now, Tano, does that sound like me?" Maul says this while extending his arms. Then Obi wan and Yoda walk towards him. Maul: "Ahhh, Kenobi, it is always a pleasure. Grand master Yoda, I've heard so much about your skills." Maul runs up and hugs Yoda.

Yoda: "Lucky you are, that we are in public. Otherwise, embarrass you I would."

Obi-Wan: "Why are you acting like this?"

Maul: "I've finally decided to listen to young Tano and become less serious. She has taught me quite a lot during our adventures together."

Obi-Wan points his finger at Maul and says, "Don't think you can fool me. You took something very dear to me away and I will never forget that. I forgive you, but I don't trust you and I will strike you down if you give me a reason to."

Maul: "Such rage. You speak Jedi values, but do you really intend to live by them?"

Yoda: "A right to be cautious, he has."

Ahsoka: "Let us proceed to the gunship that Maul has secured."

Obi-Wan: "Why should we trust Maul?"

Ahsoka: "Good question, you don't fully have to. I made sure a good friend kept an eye on the ship. But Maul is an expert at stealth."

The team advances and sees a black freighter. The ship is sleek in its design and shiny. It has dark purple stripes and dual tubrolaser guns. The hatch of the ship suddenly opens.

Kenobi: "That must be our 'friend'."

Ahsoka: "He is a friend." Yoda and Kenobi enter the ship behind Ahsoka and Maul. They notice Rex in the ship.

Rex: "Hello, Generals." Obi-Wan and Yoda gasp in surprise then Kenobi activates his lightsaber and gets in battle stance.

Obi-Wan: "Oh Ahsoka, you lured us into a trap. I thought I sensed compassion in you, but I guess the dark side has really clouded our vision these days. No matter, I will make short work of this traitorous clone."

Rex: "Don't you know me better than that general? Did you see Cody? What happened to him? I'm sure you noticed that clones aren't quite themselves when going through with order 66."

Kenobi: "I didn't run into Cody, but I did notice the men he sent to kill he."

Rex: "Well, one day we can take his chip out too."

Kenobi: "Chip?"

Yoda: "Hmm, sense it I do. Controlled the clones have been."

Rex: "Yes, but Ahsoka removed mine. She wouldn't give up on me."

Yoda: "A touching story this is."

Obi wan: "So, what's the plan?"

Ahsoka presses a button and a hologram comes up of Palpatine's estate. Which is a large building complex that has several guards around it and at least four tubrolaser defenses within the complex. This is a place where Palpatine sleeps, eats, drinks, relaxes, and spends his off time.

Ahsoka: "Maul will sneak us to Palpatine's estate on Coruscant. This gunship will not be detected by Coruscant defense forces. Sidious knows this and will prepare. That is why we must go now before the Republic can increase its stealth detection systems. He will eventually look for a new apprentice, which is why we must kill him before that happens."

Rex: "I will be the pilot. I will drop you all off and pick you up for extraction. With Palpatine's resources, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes looking for us. The good thing about this ship is it uses a unique stealth system that can only be bought off the black markets."

Obi wan: "How could you afford it?"

Maul: "I have plenty of resources."

Obi wan: "Oh yes, I'm sure being a dictator and crime lord has its financial merits."

Ahsoka: "So we will be dropped off and will quickly get noticed. We fight our way through several clone shock troopers and make it into the estate. Maul can sense when Palpatine is at his estate and he knows when we need to strike. Their connection is different and his visions have helped him."

Obi wan: "How do we know we can trust these visions?"

Ahsoka: "He was right about Anakin."

Rex: "We also decided that I will give you firing assistance. The base will be very high tech and guarded by Palpatine zealots. This ship has some special weapons that can help with that, then I will flee and return."

Obi wan: "That is risky."

Yoda: "Trust in the force we must. No better options are there."

Maul: "Then we will enter the base and wreak havoc on them. Defeating our foes as quickly as possible."

Obi wan: "Might I advise a tweak to the plan. Maul, since you are well endowed, you could ensure that we pay for two more stealth ships. Ahsoka and you could go through one entrance on the ship and get dropped off by Rex. While Yoda and I take two different less guarded paths. Maul could use another path. We could use our firepower to punch a hole through the enemy defense, meet up in the facility, take Palpatine down, and escape."

Ahsoka: "That's even riskier."

Rex: "True, but Sidious may flee if you all converge on him together. If you cover more routes then his odds of escaping are less great. We likely only have one shot at this so we should make it count. Don't forget that Sidious likely has his own special interior defenses and traps throughout the complex."

Yoda: "Perhaps, but perhaps just a luxury area a part of it is. Arrogant the Dark Lord is."

Obi wan: "I sense you both are right."

Maul: "Good, with three directions covered, there is no way Sidious will escape."

Ahsoka: "Then why not just cover four directions and come in with our own stealth fighters. Rex can rescue us in the end using the stealth gunship."

Obi wan: "But if two people are together then chances of success will be greater. Any one of us could get overwhelmed and we need someone to take the most attention."

Yoda: "Then take the main route I will. Focus on me Sidious would, then come the rest of you will."

Obi wan gulps in fear. Maul pats Kenobi on the back, "Fear not Kenobi." Obi wan backs away from Maul in annoyance.

Rex: "Very well then. Maul can take the North East entrance, Kenobi the North West, Ahsoka the South West, and Yoda the South East which is used the most. The North East is the second most monitored entrance so, Maul might take some heat. But that will also be fitting since Sidious will want revenge on you both. I advise that Yoda strike first and everyone else attack a little later than the first."

Maul: "Yes, Yoda can attack first. I will strike second. Kenobi third, then Ahsoka last."

Ahsoka: "Then Rex picks us up."

Kenobi: "Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a plan."

Maul: "That was corny Kenobi."

Yoda: "Very well then, we leave tomorrow. Rest we should, for one last time."

Two Steps from Hell

Ahsoka takes a deep breath as she gets ready to head out to Corsucant. Maul has just purchased the four fighters, each unique from the other. Yoda's is small, black, with green stripes, green turbolasers, fast, and moves like an interceptor with the least firepower. Maul's is a fighter with two extended wings that have turbolasers attacked to them that fire orange explosive turbolaser shots and his fighter has a triangle shape with red stripes.

Kenobi has a black oval-shaped fighter that has stronger shields, blue stripes, and fires blue turbolaser shots. It also can scramble enemy sensors during combat. Ahsoka has a heavy fighter that has yellow stripes, fires yellow turbolaser shots, can fire missiles, and has the heaviest armor yet slowest speed. Maul had to get the stealth ships available within such a limited timeframe but, he had them all painted black and outfitted with stealth modifications by an advanced Rodian engineer named Yussek Lidden.

That night, everyone slept in the gunship. Ahsoka steps outside shortly after midnight while Yoda and Kenobi were sleeping. Maul almost never sleeps. Instead, he stares at his wall in his room for most of the night. Sometimes getting three hours of sleep, with five being a usually long slumber for him. However, Yoda has nothing to fear, he can wake up within an instant when in danger. Kenobi feels safer with Yoda in the same room as him.

Ahsoka is used to the situation and slept in the same room as Rex anyway. It is pitch black outside and she is literally standing outside of a depot. So she decides to wander out of the deport and towards one of the nearby beaches that is just a three-minute walk away. She isn't afraid of any potential muggers, though the city is not notably dangerous. And the streets are unusually calm and peaceful.

Everything is quiet and almost no one is out. She bends down and sits in the sand. Then remembers a conversation she had with Anakin. It was during the Second Battle of Geonosis after the fighting was over. The sky was light brown and it was remarkably hot and humid. Ahsoka was sitting on the ground in boredom as clones were shipping weapons back into the Acclamator cruisers. She was just fourteen at that time.

Wounded clones were also being transported into medical frigates and gunships. Barris and Luminara were having there own discussion. Ahsoka looked at Anakin and said, "Master, I hate deserts." Anakin smiles and pats Ahsoka on the back.

Anakin: "I can relate, I hate sand."

Ahsoka: "Why sand in particular?"

Anakin: "It's rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere."

Ahsoka: "Yeah that's true. Sand sucks." Ahsoka gets up and kicks sand.

Anakin: "I also had bad experiences in the desert. I remember when I was slaving in the desert. It was terrible, working for hours on in the heat as a little boy. I would get beaten for little mistakes and I would get so thirsty. I would stray off sometimes, just for a few minutes. I would never run away, couldn't do that to my mother. I just strayed off and would ask people for water. Sometimes people gave me bottles."

Ahsoka: "Wow, that's tough master."

Anakin: "Yeah it was tough Snips. But that's where I picked up some of my swagger. I learned how to adapt to different situations and how to work with my hands. I also learned how to fix stuff, because that was my gift. And my slave master put me to work when he knew I was a little engineer."

Ahsoka: "You learned how to build a bunch of stuff with no training?"

Anakin: "Oh yeah, we all have our gifts Snips. And we're always learning more about ourselves."

Ahsoka: "I don't have gifts like you sky guy."

Anakin: "Of course you do. You're smart, you're brave, and you learn fast. Much faster than I did."

Ahsoka: "I thought you said you could adapt."

Anakin: "I could, crazy fast. But I was stubborn, you are too. But not as much as I was, I was out of control."

Ahsoka: "But look at where you are now."

Anakin: "Yeah, I guess it worked out. But getting back to the lesson, we all have gifts. Find yours and use them to make the galaxy a better place. And never give up. No matter how bad it gets, you can always make things better. I know I did, things used to be much worse. And the one's you love make it all worth it."

Ahsoka suddenly wakes up from her flashback and starts weeping. Ahsoka feels a tap on her shoulder. She immediately snatches the arm and tosses the person over that touched her. She then backs up and gets in a fighting stance. She notices Rex rise out of the sand. Rex: "I just wanted, to say hi."

Ahsoka: "Oh Rex! I'm sorry!" Ahsoka helps Rex get up and brushes the sand off him.

Rex: "How we doing commander?"

Ahsoka: "Not so good, captain."

Rex: "You miss Anakin?"

Ahsoka: "You know it."

Rex: "He was a good general, Jedi, master, and most importantly, person. But he was imperfect like we all are. He made some really bad decisions, but one bad decision can ruin your whole destiny. It's a true tragedy, but we can learn from him and make things better for others. Sometimes all you can do is keep fighting, he told me that."

Ahsoka turns and faces Rex. Then she kisses him on his right cheek. Ahsoka: "Thanks, Rex." Then Ahsoka retreats to the gunship.

Rex sits down in surprise thinking, "We'll I'm physically older than her. But not that much, I'm just twenty-six. I mean she's seventeen, that's the age where things start to change. Maybe not, but I'm mentally only thirteen. I mean, this accelerated growth makes everything complicated. There is no way a relationship with her would last, we are just friends. But sometimes friends must show each other affection, nothing more."

Rex then gets up: "Yeah I'm done reflecting, I don't even want to think about this war. Not alone, too many bad memories. Forget it, I'm going to bed." Rex then heads back to the shuttle.