Chapter 16

Klyzer walk out of the room and go to the canteen. Ron and his friends also got up and let Ryle buy their food, Ryle who was accustomed to this treatment got up and follow their orders.

Vladimir saw this and just ignore it as he continue reading.

Ron walk towards Vladimir who was engrossed by what he was reading he slap Vladimir's table and most of the students around the classroom look towards Ron and Vladimir.

Vladimir slightly looked up to Ron who was glaring at him but he ignored it and just continue reading.

"Hey! you sh*t do you f**king know me" Ron said to Vladimir but he didn't seem to be listening at all. Ron got really pissed by Vladimir and he was going to grab the book that Vladimir was reading but he felt something hit his head and found out that his face had been slammed by the table, it was so fast that even him who's reaction speed was improved because of the game Ravaryn, Ravaryn didn't increase the strength of an individual but their reaction speed was still the same and if you improve on virtual world you will also improve in the real world, so Ron really thought that he can atleast dodge a punch or if he can't dodge he can atleast see it but he cannot see through what just happen to him.

Ron's friend was dumbfounded seeing Ron face being slammed at the table while Vladimir's palm was on his face.

The other students around the room look at Vladimir with astonishment because they know that Ron was a top level player in the Tavaryn and he was also the champion at Taekwando.

Vladimir tighten his grip on Ron's face and said

" Don't f**k around with me"

Ron's friend was going to stop Vladimir but Vladimir glared at the and they were frightened at him.

Ron recovered his sanity and said " You f**ker, don't you know who am I, Kevin what are you standing for help me"

Vladimir look at Kevin and said " If you take two more steps I will let your boss face hell "

Kevin stop at his tracks and look at Ron whose face was flattened in the desk Kevin took anoter step so Vladimir tightened his grip more to Ron's head "Ahh!!! ... stop! stop!!! "

Kevin rush forward to Vladimir and swing his fist towards his face, Vladimir who was so fast remove his grip from Ron's face and hold Kevins fist and pull it and use it to hit Ron's face, whose face was already lying in the table.

Ron was hit by Kevin's fist and he was so angry about it and he said "ahhh... You sh*t why would you hit me " Although he knows that Kevin didn't really inteded to punch him, he still blamed Kevin because he wanted to blame someone.

Vladimir remove his hand on Kevin's wrist and pick up the book then he sat like nothing happens, Ron was so angry because the students were still glaring at him, he

thought ' wait till I get back to you '

Ron swipe the blood beside his lips and turned around to Vladimir and face Kevin who was so scared because he knew that Ron will vent his anger at him.

Ron hit the back of Kevin's head and walk out of the classroom.

Klyzer walk back unside the classroom holding paper bag, she sat beside Vladimir who was still reading a book, she pulled out two sandwhich and two can of soda out of the paper bag and place it above the table she pick one sandwhich and ine soda and said to Vladimir. "Do you want some? Here! "

Vladimir saw the can of soda in her hands and thought about what it taste likes and he was also curious about what other food out there he can eat so he accept it and thank Klyzer.


Klyzer said "You're welcome " and unpack his own sandwhich

Vladimir also unpack his and and took a bite, his expression was out of the world because he taste the combination of the beef, cheese, cabbage, and tomatoes that taste heavenly because the first time he ate burger it was only a plain burger only patty and bread so he choose ramen as his favorite food.

Klyzer who was watching Vladimir was dumbfounded because Vladimir's reaction was out of the world but it was just a simple sandwhich she thought ' does he usually have that reaction while eating or is it because I gave it to him, no let us not assume things '

" Does the taste that good? " Klyzer asked Vladimir with a teasing tone.

Vladimir immediately change his expressiin into a serious one and said " I am just enjoying the taste of the food that you gave me "

" Oh! really? "

Vladimir replied "I am " then take another bite of the sandwhich until there is nothing left, then he grabbed the can of soda and drink it.

Klyzer watch Vladimir's entire action and when Vladimir gulped the can of soda, she can clearly see the movement of Vladimir's adams apple which was very alluring and it was the same sight as those commercial who were drinking seductively, Klyzer thought ' so hot ' but she shook this thoughts and think ' no, no that's absurd we just barely know each other, don't be like that self '

After finishing his drinks he got up and walk to the back to throw his trash in the trashcan but he heard a noise.