Chapter 85

The leader did not falter at all after hearing Mia's word, he cared about his team but he was the one who caused damage to him. He knew full well that the man was not going to last unless there were healers around but their healers had long since died because of the old man. 

He looked warily and as the man in the distance ordered him he said, " Cripple that old man now, cut both of his legs." 

The man who was standing behind the old man pulled out his sheathed sword and prepared to cut the old man's limb. But before he could pull it the old man suddenly rotated his body and then as he placed his remaining hand on the ground he kicked the man's foot and tripped him.

The man fell down but he was fast enough so he forcefully rotated his body to land on both of his feet but before he could do that a palm struck his stomach. He was pushed back and was thrown away by the old man's attack.