Meet again with the man

Lyngli finally arrived at his room. He took a deep breath. "Never mind, I'm so tired. I better take a break, this afternoon is the new student association." Muttered Lyngli, then lay down on the bed.

Lyngli doesn't share a room with Cici. They are different spaces.the room that Lyngli now occupies is still empty. The two beds are still not filled. He was the first to come from two of his roommates. Slowly Lyngli's eyes closed and finally, he fell asleep.

Lyngli had a nightmare, he deliriously called his mother. "Don't go, please don't go," said Lyngli in his sleep.

"Friend, wake up." called a woman who was none other than Lyngli's roommate.

Lyngli, suddenly woke up from his sleep. He was surprised to see two women standing in front of him. "Are you all right?" Asked one of his friends.

"Yes, thank you for waking me up. " You're welcome, please introduce. My name is Liny. "Said a woman." Also introduce, my name is Sasa. "Said another.

"Nice to share a room with you two, my name is Lyngli. "Said Lyngli with a smile.

They began to share stories and experiences. Lyngli himself lied about his identity, as well as where his hometown was. He felt guilty of the two roommates. They look good as well as sweet. But he had to hide his identity.

"Let's get ready, in an hour we have to gather in the school field as new students," said Sasa.

They were ready to go together But at that time, Lyngli asked his friends to go first. Suddenly his stomach felt uncomfortable. "Are you okay? Want me to accompany you?" Said Sasa who was worried. "No need, I will take medicine and then follow you," said Lyngli.

They left Lyngli with a heavy heart.

Lyngli returned to the toilet. After that he took medicine. "What's wrong with my stomach, it feels very bad," complained Lyngli, rubbing his stomach. Two minutes later, his stomach started to improve after taking the medicine. He ran towards the school field. But the rarity stopped for a moment, He looked around." Am I lost? Ah, damn it! My blindness has flared up again," whined Lyngli. "Why did they build a campus that is so wide, even wider and bigger than three times the size of my school first."

He slowly walked his way looking for someone, so he could ask questions. Lyngli saw several students who were gathered. "Ah, there are some seniors. I better ask them."

Lyngli approached his seniors. He could tell them as seniors, because the suits they were wearing were different from the suits of new students.

"Excuse me sis, sorry to disturb your time," said Lyngli in a friendly and polite manner. "What's wrong?" asked a woman curtly.

"I wanted to go to the new student union, but I got lost and couldn't find my way."

"Oh, new student? Why are you late? Do you know what punishment you will get if you are late on the first day of your orientation?" Said the woman again.

"Never mind, let him. Because you are beautiful and also lost, brother will help you, direct the way to you." said a senior man.

"Thank you, senior brother." Lyngli was very happy to hear that. "Hey! You." called the senior woman curtly. "You'd better go alone, before you get into more trouble," he said curtly.

"I'll be kind enough to show you the direction, you just have to go straight and when you get to the T-junction you have to turn right. If you see a white building, then that's where it is."said the woman's senior sister.

Lyngli still doubts the statement from his senior brother. But the senior brother who offered to help her, said that what she said was true.

Lyngli chose to believe and went the way they said. From afar, he could see a beautiful and majestic white building. He hurried there before it was too late.

However, Lyngli began to suspect that the place was so quiet that not even a single Voice could be heard. "Are they tricking me?" Said Lyngli who began to hesitate.

"I'd better just make sure, what should I be afraid of? If anyone dares to mess around, I'll just beat it," he said. Lyngli continued his steps, he opened the gate and went inside. In that place, he passed the flower garden. Where flowers bloom so beautifully. 'This place is so beautiful,"

Lyngli, who wanted to enter the building, was suddenly stopped by a security guard on duty. "Sorry miss, miss is not allowed to enter this place without permission," said the security guard.

" I'm sorry, uncle, but I'm looking for a new student association," said Lyngli.

The security guard realized that Lyngli was a new student from the clothes he was wearing. "You're in the wrong place, miss, where the new student association is over there. Maybe it will be finished soon," said the security guard.

Heard the security guard's words. Lyngli decided to return. But he was still curious about the place. Moreover, behind the building there were trees that were so green as well as the sound of water can be heard from his direction.after the security guard turned around and went back to his post. Lyngli decided to go towards the back of the building. When he got there, again Lyngli was surprised by the beauty of the trees and the flowing water.

" Wow, little river, very cool." Amazed Lyngli.

When Lyngli was enjoying the scenery, he accidentally saw a leg stretched out from behind a large tree. "What is it? Has anyone died?" He muttered frantically.

Lyngli slowly walked over to see whether it was a corpse or not. How shocked Lyngli was when he saw a man lying on the ground. "Is he dead? Oh! my God." Lyngli turned to run for help, but the man suddenly woke up in surprise by the rare sound of Lyng's feet.

"Stop! Who allowed you to enter this place ?!" Asked the man with a cold and scary look.

"Shit! I got caught," muttered Lyngli and tried to run away. But the man quickly grabbed Lyngli's bag and managed to make him stop.

"Tell me, who allowed you to enter this place? !!" shouted the man irritably at Lyngli.

Lyngli was taken aback by the man's anger.

He immediately turned around, to apologize for making mistakes. But when Lyngli lifted his head and looked at the man. They both were both shocked, Because that man was the man that Lyngli and despicable almost kicked at that time. The man knew Lyngli very well. He could not possibly forget the girl who hit him with dirty shoes, even saying that the girl's shoes were more valuable than his handsome face.

"You?!" said the man. Lyngli was a little annoyed, but he realized one thing. That that man was her senior brother.

"Aaa ..., why am I so unlucky!" her muttered. Then threw away the man's hand and fled.

"HM, apparently a new student." said the man with an evil smile on his face.