Zeta Tube Technology; Clark Kent Android

2006 - Metropolis, Kansas - Watchtower

"What is that device over in the corner that's glowing? It looks like it's going to explode or make me infertile through radiation." Chloe said.

"It's Zeta tube technology. I've just finished installing them throughout the United States and key places in the world. It's all networked through the use of Kelex. They're in strategic, inconspicuous locations that will be monitored through Kelex, so no one will be able to to use it without or say so. If any damage comes to the Zeta tube locations, Kelex will immediately report the damage so we can investigate and either replace it or relocate the Zeta tube to another location nearby." I explained.

"What the hell is Zeta tube technology? What does it do?" Chloe asked.

"It's a teleporter. The cylinders are capable of fitting large groups of people. There are smaller ones in most locations to ensure they remain inconspicuous. At its back end there is a mechanical iris which opens to reveal a projector that shoots Zeta-Beam energy to teleport people in or out of the tunnel. The Zeta beam requires a tunnel on each end to complete the transport." I said.

"Wow. That sounds impossible. Where did you get this technology? Where do they transport to and from?" Chloe asked.

"I have access to technology spanning 28 galaxies. You'd be surprised what kind of technology I can build. The locations are again in strategic locations to help preserve the identities of members and the locations of transport themselves. Some examples of transport locations include: an archway in Centennial Park in Metropolis, under a bridge in New York City, a back alley phone booth in Gotham, a hidden storage room in Star City, a shed on a Chicago junkyard, and many other places. We also have international locations. Usually, just one in each city. We can ramp up more locations as we continue to grow." I said.

"I'm thoroughly impressed, but that leaves the question: How do you have access to technology from 28 galaxies?" Chloe asked.

"Through Superman." I shortly answered then segued, "Now, if we're done with the questions, Superman tracked down Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Victor Stone (Cyborg), and Bart Allen (Impulse). They've all accepted the watches and the business card. They all appeared interested when they were offered their own apartment here for free, teleportation access that could send them around the world in an instant, offer of money if they need to get paid, and the enticement of answering to a higher calling. Kelex informed me of the conversations and they appear to have gone well."

Chloe said, "It seems we're coming along nicely. When will you be calling our first official meeting so we can have a face-to-face with our members?"

I said, "Sometime in the next two weeks. I want to give them all time to think it over."

But really, the reason I need that time is to finish my Clark Kent android. I've nearly completed the construction of an android that looks exactly like my Clark Kent persona. I've uploaded a personality matrix that is bumbling and awkward at The Daily Planet, slightly more confident in the Watchtower, and an ace reporter in the field. A copy of Kelex will monitor the android. It will be EMP-resistant so it can't be taken down easily. What's taking so long even given the level of technology available in the Fortress is the number of specifications I've made.

Clark Kent Android specifications: Flesh that feels real. The skin has sensors that can detect when it's shot with a bullet or a tranquilizer and respond accordingly. If shot, synthetic blood appears with the DNA of a random adult male of a similar age and health who is not in a criminal database. That way, if anyone comes fishing for DNA through blood, they'll get something for their trouble and fail their mission. And when it detects a sedative, it can act passed out to await rescue from Superman. Through the programming of the personality matrix, it will be able to perform the reporter job maybe even better than myself, so I can afford to not focus on my job at the Daily Planet. The most important thing about this android is that I can be in TWO PLACES AT ONCE. So, even if we look sort of similar, no one will know considering the wildly different personalities, the hair and glasses, and the most powerful factor of all: the Secret Identity Protection perk I selected.

I don't want members knowing about Clark Kent being Superman. As much as I trust all of the members, what would happen if one of them were captured and tortured or given a truth serum or something to force them to reveal the truth? The only exception is J'onn J'onzz considering he's been monitoring my body since I was in diapers, most likely. Kind of hard to fool him, especially since he's a telepath and will see something's wrong when he can't access my mind considering my other power to prevent mental attacks.