Legion Flight Rings

2008 - Arctic Circle - Fortress of Solitude

Through the use of Kelex, the Fortress, and technology that I've been accumulating, I've analyzed the Legion Flight Ring and have reverse engineered it. It doesn't only allow the wearer the power to fly and time travel. It also provides protection against adverse environments, navigational aids, data collection, and an array of communication abilities. It's truly an advanced piece of technology almost on par with the Green Lantern ring.

The Legion ring is based upon the unique properties of a rare element found only on the planet Thanagar, known as Nth metal. It's the only thing preventing me from mass producing this ring. I will be able to make several dozen, but beyond that, I would need to acquire more Nth metal.

Nth metal in its pure form, bonds with the quantum field generated by the brains of meta-cognizant organisms. This is what allows Thanagarians to fly and use their array of abilities. It's truly a fascinating substance. Nth Metal also tends to protect any allied organism from the elements, speed the healing of wounds, and increase the organism's strength.

That's right… DC physics are insane.

According to my metaknowledge, the Legion Flight Ring was invented in the future by Invisible Kid based upon research conducted by Brainiac 5 involving alloys and isotopic iterations of Nth Metal. Considering the Legion had the rings in order to go back in time to get Brainiac to bring him to the future, there's no way in knowing WHEN they brought Brainiac to be reprogrammed in order to help provide the research involved in the creation of the rings they used to pick up Brainiac and bring him to the future in the first place. Definitely sounds like a paradox to me, but I'm trying not to think about it.

Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid used an isotopic alloy they named Valorium, which was free from the inherent dangers presented by pure Nth Metal, to create the compact flight mechanism in the form of a ring. The Legion Flight Ring is capable of acceleration and abrupt directional changes that would liquefy normal humans, so the rings are equipped with safeguards that will assess the durability of each individual and enable enhanced acceleration based on the physique of the wearer. Obviously, base humans will only be able to go so fast and someone like Killer Croc could nearly max out the speed of the ring. It all depends on the physical capabilities of the body of the user.

I've managed to obtain some Nth Metal from museums and some excavations from Egypt and other locations around the world. I have enough for my projects. One of them is to duplicate these rings. As I said before, I'll make a few dozen of these rings. Some will obviously not have the time travel feature so I can give these rings out to select members of the Justice League that wish to be able to fly. Is Batman to proud to be accept a piece of technology like this? Is it really so much different than his other gadgets? Plus, it could save his life.

While Kelex and the Fortress work on that, I monitor progress of my other ongoing projects. I make minor alterations and corrections to the course of my projects. It appears the Green Lantern can be duplicated, but this ring has lost its connection to Oa. I'll need to get my hands on another Lantern ring to better replicate the technology. For now, I'll only be able to use the green hard light constructs and recharge the ring. I can make duplicate rings and lanterns just fine though.

I checked up on my backup Fortresses and construction was nearly finished. I feel much better having additional Fortresses. What was canon Clark thinking by only having a single Fortress? And why didn't he add any defenses? He was very dumb given the decisions he often made. Thank God I have common sense.