Back to the Future Part 1 (Financial Results)

I returned back to my own time.

2009 - Smallville, Kansas - Kent Barn Loft

When I returned to my time, I was immediately assaulted by memories of the current timeline. I went into Flash Time and accelerated Speed Force energy to my brain to assist the assimilation of memories.

The lottery payouts ended up being half of the lottery grand total to cover taxes. It's such a ripoff, but still a lot of money.

Given that my past self ended up following the plans I made, there weren't too many more variations beyond the massive financial success accumulated much earlier and much more easily (less dependent on acquiring from criminal empires, stealing from drug dens, etc.).

In 2001, I had my dad purchase a ticket that resulted in a jackpot of $42.8 million. Throughout 2002, I had my mother keep buying tickets to help establish a pretense. Eventually, I had my mother buy a ticket for the jackpot of $217,800,000. After that, I established a lottery club. I gave $20,000 to each of my friends to go towards their college fund. As part of that money, I told them to set aside some cash so they can help pay for future tickets. And if any member of the group wins, we will all share in the future winnings. The winnings will be split by family. For example: The Kent family will get a share, the Sullivan family will get a share, etc. (instead of Chloe getting a cut, her dad getting a cut; we don't want the share of the money to be divided in so many ways - we figured it would be easier for each family to negotiate how they wanted the money divided).

We drew up a written contract so we wouldn't have any disputes if someone won and refused to pass over the winnings.

In 2003, after a year of buying tickets, everyone was getting discouraged until Chloe's father had a ticket for $198,300,000. I had used my super speed to alter the selections. We divided the money amongst ourselves.

In 2004, Nell (Lana's aunt) won $172,200,000.

In 2005, Pete Ross's mother won $305,300,000.

In 2006, Lois Lane won $308,800,000.

In 2007, Clark Kent won $252,100,000.

In 2008, Chloe Sullivan won $177,200,000.

Lottery winners' names are required to be disclosed by U.S. state laws throughout the country, including D.C., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Remaining anonymous when you win the lottery can only be done in six U.S. states: Delaware, Maryland, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, and KANSAS!!

Yes, that's correct. The state in which I'm residing has laws in place to protect the identity of lottery winners. Which means it's become that much more difficult for people to catch on to this lottery scam I'm running. After multiple winners appeared in the same town of Smallville, Kansas, investigations were conducted to find out how people were winning. They discovered the lottery buying group, but since they're legal, there's nothing they could do. Through their investigations, they also encountered many rumors about Smallville with the meteors, so they chalked it up to something in the water. Because our names have remained anonymous except to lottery officials, and I've changed the winner's name every single time, it's helped make it slightly more believable, even if all these winners every single year is mathematically improbable. There's really nothing they could do.

If they started banning us from winning, Pete's mom is a judge and would be so quick to sue. Also, I could just use the identity of an old lady by creating an android to assume her identity, then have the android buy the ticket and cash in without having to share with our lottery buying group.

At this point, all of my friends are millionaires and don't have to work for a living, which is such a relief. Chloe's dad could no longer be used as a pawn by Lionel Luthor. All of our educations are paid for and trust accounts are set up to give us money to live off of for the rest of our lives, our children's lives, and our grandchildren's lives.

I aggressively invested all the winnings to buy stock in Wayne Enterprises, Queen Industries, LuthorCorp, Kord Industries, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, etc.

I bought into BitCoin early on as well. I've purchased the Daily Planet, like I did previously (before the revised timeline).

Kent Farms is even bigger than before. With the huge amount of wealth I've amassed through investments, lottery winnings, funds from seizing assets from criminals, and other ventures, I've created the number one agricultural/food company that dwarfs any other in the United States. The Kent Farms brand can be seen throughout grocery stores in the entire country, rather than just regionally.

Using my future knowledge, I invested in startups that Google and other big companies would acquire later on. I allowed my control over the companies to drive up the acquisition cost, further increasing my profits from the buyouts.

I became greater than Warren Buffett through the aggressive abuse of my future knowledge to play the stock market, invest in growing companies and ventures, and of course, my lottery winnings. Although, my identity was protected through doing everything under LLCs so they don't know it's Clark Kent who is a billionaire.

My parents are much happier now that they don't have to worry about money. Like in the previous timeline, we've acquired so much farmland and branded it all under Kent Farms. We are now the largest owner of farmland in the country. Of course, we've allowed those families to work under us, and we've been benevolent owners. We haven't allowed any big companies to buy land from us (like LuthorCorp or any other companies trying to take advantage of cheap real estate in rural land for plants and factories). Jonathan Kent has been adamant that we keep these families farming, even if it's under the Kent Farms brand. We've set up scholarships for farm kids to be able to pay for their education. Many more farm families are seeing continued success, and because their kids are able to pursue their dreams, they still wanted to keep farming. It's built loyalty among our employees.

I've also bet on sports games, and I plan to continue playing the lottery into the future. I'm a little worried some kind of Time Police will show up and seize my Legion Flight Rings, but it hasn't happened yet. I've been able to remain anonymous even though I'm a billionaire, but who knows what this has done to the timeline. We are technically seizing jackpots before legitimate winners would get their winnings some time later. I searched for jackpots that had zero claimants (so we didn't have to split winnings with them) and were the largest size before successfully claimed. Did I feel bad for robbing someone else of the chance to be very wealthy? Yes. Was I going to stop "playing the lottery"? Hell no. Let this be a life lesson for them. You shouldn't gamble!