As the bell rang, people walked into the worldwide-conference room. The nobles all stood there, waiting for a few seconds, before they could go into the room, they had to go through a special "One-Of-A-Kind" security system. One, two, three, one by one, everyone went inside, taking their assigned seats, while the Lady-In-Power, Stood there, sipping her tea every once a second or so. She dipped a cookie in occasionally, making her seem like the rest of us. But that fooled no-one, everyone probably knew about what hid behind her cunning smile and eyes.
The Lady-In-Power had no definite name, some said it was supposed to be "Nessa" while some said it was "Zoanne". People would place bets on when she would reveal her name, and what her real name would be, No one really knew, because all of her past relatives, friends, well-wishers, anyone who knew her, where forced into exile, into the island called, "Exilima Panverna", They called it the "EP" for short, since many couldn't pronounce or spell it. Also because none knew the meaning.
The ones who refused were shot in the head, or are in prison, with their memories wiped completely. Some say that most of them were tortured in asylums, or probably solitarily confined. No-One really liked the Lady-In-Power, It was because her laws were barbaric. Everyone wished that her reign would end as they'd had enough torture in their lives, and her rules brought even more pain to the people who were already in pain.
She'd taken the final sip of her tea, and finished her cookie as the last noble walked to her assigned seat. She, brushed off the crumbs from her hands, and sat down, pointing at the first noble to speak up on his idea.
"I suggest..." He paused, trying to think of the correct words to put into that sentence, because one wrong move, the Lady-In-Power's bullet would be through either his heart, or his head.
"Speak up." The lady-In-Power said blankly, raised her voice, and added, "I SAID... SPEAK. UP!"
A terrified look appeared on everybody's face, Tears filled the first noble's eyes, But he didn't dare to cry, he fought back the tears. Everyone knew that The Worldwide-Hall was no place to cry, Only the strongest, and emotionless were allowed, None knew how the noble managed to become a noble.
"Ummm" He continued, hoping tears never drowned his face, "Swearing is an everyday use by the people, I suggest we ban it..."
"Good Idea..." The Lady-In-Power muttered, even though she never really heard or cared what he had to say, All she ever cared about was torturing the people in any way that she could, "Also, another rule... If you swear, you get stabbed on the neck with a dagger, or any other brutal ways that only I can imagine."
Silence left the room, as an indistinct chatter of discussion broke out, They knew the Lady-In-Power wouldn't ever change her mind on this, so they decided to not try to persuade her.
Tears gushed out as the First Noble rushed out of the room, only to be stopped by Lady-In-Power's dagger, which she aimed directly at his chest, burying the blade under his flesh, which would kill him in a few minutes.
"You..." He said weakly, as his tears entered his earhole, "Will... Never get away with this."
"We'll see about that..." The Lady-In-Power said, she walked up to him and, pushed the dagger inside even more, He flinched, "No one'll die without facing my wrath"
Liam's friend, Kate, switched off the TV before he could notice would clearly happen to this world...