Silent Cries

Do you hear them?

Their shrieks of internal torment,

Yearning to be free,

From this hateful sentiment.

Shackles of straining chains,

Welded to their wrists,

Others call them to refrain

And tempt them to resist.


Just don't.


Don't go!

Why are the useless of the youth

Struggling through everything that you

Said can't hurt us,

We're fine,



Think again.

They hold their broken hearts in their hands,

As they cover up the scars.

The girls wear makeup

But they don't learn to make up.

They may hide inside and cry inside

And they may lose control and die inside.

And the boys, they act so tough

Yet they still feel they're never enough.

And they may hide inside and cry inside

And they also lose control and die inside.

So stop,

Just stop.

Breathe they say,

But they can't breathe.

As their parents laugh

We erase their narratives,

Erase the trace

Of their souls and sentiments.

Constantly clashing clouds of continuous pain

As we soil their childish hearts

With fears,

Of tomorrow.

Escape they must, from this world of charms

Which disguises itself as wonders,

When it really harms

The minds of those who dare to walk arm in arm

Within this treachery we call humanity.

Some children lose everything to their desire

To rise above the clouds and sing with the choir,

Lost in time with their young souls on fire,

Running through endless 'what if's

And thoughts more dire.



What are you doing

With that knife to the

Clasp you call a neck.

Don't let their little lives end,

They need someone dear,

Maybe a friend,

Or someone who fears

Not what they think

But what they don't know

About the all the love

They were never shown.

Take care of them.

So you can be the one to say,

You were there and took their pain away.

Did you hear them?

Their shrieks of internal torment,

They are now living free,

From that hateful sentiment.