Fiery embers drifting away;
Cast outwards by heavy tempest, surviving the fiercest of crashing counterbalance.
Taken further by a sea of rage, unforgiving to the finest of light and softest of touch.
Staying afloat only by the densest of oil, Gathered from the deepest pits of emotional fodder,
Made stronger by burning away at the whittled edges of built up debris
Tracing back to simpler, more shallow pools where roaring seas have taken over,
Drowning any sound reason that beckoned its sane return.
Fiery specks lit into gasping flames upon an ocean of salted tears.
Drifting, sailing, travelling.
Moving far away from the sweet refuge of a home on land,
Where burnt driftwood and coal are soothed into dying amongst a forgotten fireplace.
In its place were a forest; a luscious field, nurtured by the pollen of affection.
Lost is the garden of caressing crop, as life is drowned by the roaring sea.
Only a burning, breaking, roaring flame survives afloat on the polluted waters.
Fiery hell slowly burns its life away among the waves.
Drifting, sinking, drowning.
Engulfed by selfish waters, demanding the flame never return to land.
It takes the flame under;
The thousands of silhouettes carved into the flame's magnificent grandeur are lost,
Taken to the bottomless pit of the ocean, returning to be oil and fodder for the home on land,
One day creating a new ember to be lost at sea,
So too is the cycle of fiery embers as they drift away.