The Mysterious Guardian

After a day, Alley finally woke up, only to realize what had happened. She started flying to where she last saw the Mysterious Cave Owner. Only to find 2 broken gods who had lost their lives. Alley knew that the cave owner had died, but she couldn't find his body. She instantly went to The Cave Owner's Cave to see if he was there. As soon as she walked in, a see through version of the Cave Owner appeared. It explained that he split half of his soul into a hidden item so that if he died, he could be revived. Alley instantly started looking for the item. The Cave Owner's projection started explaining about the Guardian that guards the item, but alley had long left.


Grim had reached The divine god Stage. He decided to start collecting pill recipes from people in exchange for his protection. He took countless scrolls going from bad pills to so called heaven pill recipes. Grim finally decided to leave the Quest realm, and to find Alley. Grim sensed her and flew to her direction as fast as he could. Since he was back in his old realm, he was put back into the broken god level due to having too much power. Alley sensed him and flew towards him. She instantly started explaining what had happened, Grim was surprised by what he heard from her. He grabbed her hand and dashed forward. They both reached the cave in under 30 minutes. Grim and Alley saw a door as tall as a 100 ft building. There was a sign asking them if they were worthy to push the door open. Grim used all of his strength and saw the door not move. He brought out the Moon and Sun sword and cut a circle on the door like it was a pen on paper. They walked in only to see someone sitting on a chair, in front of that person was a glowing sword. The sword was inside a see through yellow rock. The person sitting in the stone asked them to try and pull the sword out. Grim tried to pull it out but couldn't, he let Alley try. They both failed. The person sitting down got up and pulled the sword out of the yellow rock. Instantly he appeared behind Grim and slashed at him. The even sword blocked the hit, but it was slightly cracked because of the impact. Grim was surprised, he instantly activated the full power of the Moon and Sun sword. Instantly he started fighting with the person head on. None were at a disadvantage, both clashing there swords, again and again. Grim noticed that even with the swords power, they were evenly matched. Grim instantly knew that the person he is fighting with, is the strongest person in the realm.