Cracked Time Cross Sword

After flying straight for 5 hours, Grim found himself in a long walkway. The walkway looked like a walkway in a kings castle. The walls were designed with gold and silver. Straight ahead there was a giant seat that looked like a throne. Grim saw someone sitting on it. The person was unfamiliar to Grim. Little did he know that the person sitting in front of him was The God of Death. The God of Death was dressed in a silver and gold set of armor. On the armor, there were markings that looked like some kind of ancient language. The characters of the words on the armor were designed with a mysterious ore that was unbreakable to anyone weaker than the wearer. He was holding a long silvery gold sword. The God of Death looked like a God that would be described in a fairytale. Grim took out the Moon and Sun sword and fused all of his other swords in his body. He then used all of the Moon and Suns sword power. Grim entered a state that no one in the lower realm could even touch. The God of Death was stupefied at the amount of power that Grim possessed. The God of Death stood up and walked to grim. He then spoke in a very seep voice. "You now qualify to enter the rankings of The Heavenly Rank." Grim was surprised and asked who he was. The person didn't reply and continued talking. "You are placed #1 in the heavenly rankings. You are now granted heavenly level 1. You may choose 1 thing, and you shall have it." Grim then thought for a second and asked for a body that could handle the power of heavenly level 9 without backlash. The God of Death then granted his wish. Grim was surprised that he granted it what he asked for. For a second, Grim didn't believe it but remembered he didn't fuse the even sword cause he was scared of the back lash. Grim then fused it into his body and his power skyrocketed. He then activated the Full power of the Moon and Sun sword, and then fused the sword in himself. Grim had reached heavenly level 2 with all that power. The God of Death was surprised yet again. Grim decided to leave The Reincarnation Cycle. The God of Death opened a realm portal that can take him to his own realm. Grim was gonna enter it with our hesitation until the god of death told him something that Grim understood. "I gave you your power easily, I can take it back easily. Everyone who has fought me lost because of that exact reason. As they strengthen, so do I." Grim then thought of a way to survive and cheat death. He would need to make a realm that could survive on its own, even if the creator died. Then he would need to split his soul into many fragments so he could be revived with any fragment. The only problem is how to learn to split his soul without damaging it to a certain extent where he would lose a drastic amount of power. Before that, he would need to learn how to create realms that could survive on its own and could be entered at anytime by chosen people. Grim decided to try and get past the heavenly levels so he could try to dispel the power that he was given. That way he could survive if he ever encountered The God of Deaths real power.



[player successfully made it into the heavenly level]

[raffle getting pulled]

[player got]

[Cracked Time Cross Sword]

[Cracked Time Cross Sword is able to make the player go up a level while in the heavenly ranks]

[sword will change into something stronger once the player leaves the heavenly ranks]


Grim decided to fight the person who rudely beat him and the guardian up. He returned to the realm where Alley was. As soon as he returned, he was greeted with a punch containing the power to rival with heavenly level 6. Thanks to the God of Death, his body could take the blow without being damaged in any way. Grim took out the Cracked Time Cross Sword and opened the Moon and Sun sword to its real form. The Moon and Sun Ring Sword. He used both swords power simultaneously reaching heavenly level 3. Grim then increased his power by using the true form of the Moon and Sun Ring Sword and making it into rings surrounding him making him look like a divine god. He had a Bright Red ring rotating around him at a curved angle. and a Pure White Ring rotating perfectly at the opposite direction and at the opposite angle. It looked like they were forming waves on him. The rings instantly started absorbing the Energy around him making his power raise at a decent pace. The other person knew it wasn't looking good for himself since he grew a punch at Grim with his full power and couldn't even scratch him, while his enemy was increasing his own power at a steady pace. Grim decided to test his power at its fullest. He took a ring off himself and threw it with his full force and power at the other person. The ring suppressed everyone but Grim's target, since he could take the full power with brute force. He could barely hold it back using his full power. Grim threw his other ring with full power. The rings instantly merged into one ring that perfectly cut through him without getting held back.