ive been running all this time... yet in the end i still ran back to you

in the dead of the night, a lone employee stayed in the office building, on a quest to retrieve something from her ceo's office. well, steal, i mean.

chaeyoung gently knocked on the office door twice, whispering, " mr jeon? are you still in there?"

hearing no response, her plump coral lips curled into a mischievous smirk. she rubbed her hands together as she slowly pressed down on the doorknob of the large black door, entering the largest office of the building, labelled ' jeon jungkook, ceo'

the office was dark and quiet, the low rumble of cars outside the office building hummed in her ears as the only light came from the moon by the large glass windows.

growing goosebumps due to the eerie atmosphere of the office, chaeyoung flicked the light switch, orangey-yellow light shone from the chandelier, flooding the room.

chaeyoung sighed in relief before tip-toeing towards the ceo's long glass table.

as she scanned the table for her document, she eyed the framed photograph of a guy lifting up a girl in a short beach dress.

she knew the photograph too well. it was her and jungkook's first date at the beach.

yea, she is the fiancee of jungkook. broke up once, but engaged now. arranged, obviously.

shaking her head full of thoughts of why he would keep this photograph, she proceeded with her little search.

" aha!" she shrieked but quickly clasped a hand over her mouth. she had found the file of documents she wanted! smiling gleefully, she proceeded to turn around and leave.

when all of a sudden.

" sneaky, arent we?" a deep voice resounded in her ear.

obviously terrified, chaeyoung threw her hands up, dropping the file in the process and swung her legs in an attempt to kick the being who's saw her.

" HIAAAAA!" she yelled.

a deep groan resounded as she slowly turned around to see who caught her red-handed fumbling in the ceo's office.

a man in a suit was kneeling down, rubbing his leg. he had brown hair and a few piercings in his ears. he lifted his head up as he breathed, " are you the descendant of jackie chan or what?"

seeing his face, chaeyoung shrank a few inches as she leaned onto the glass table, heaving a sigh of relief.

" yah, you scared the living hell out of me, you know!"

the man stood up, towering chaeyoung for a few inches. he smiled as he flicked her forehead, " scaredy cat."

chaeyoung yelped as she rubbed her forehead, pouting that she was exposed.

" what are you doing here?"

" i left my keys here so i came to get them. i saw light from my office and a familiar silhouette of the lady of my dreams and decided to see what you're up to..." he bent down to pick up the file on the floor. he inspected it before looking at me with a stern face.

" chaeyoung."

chaeyoung pouted as she whined, " please, jungkook, i want to take this project on! im very sure that i am capable enough to get this done perfectly! you never let me take big campaigns like this."

jungkook sighed as he replied, " no, chae, ive appointed eunha to manage this project. besides, you must be busy with other stuff."

chaeyoung flew into a rage as she spat, " why do you always give the big projects to eunha? why dont i ever get to do them! you're preventing me from reaching my full potential! i can do better than just being your secretary!"

" are you in love with eunha? is that why you never put me into good use? do think im useless now?"

tears brimmed her eyes as she did her best to supress them. yes, she admits that she still loves jungkook.

it was like theyve lost that spark. they got too preoccupied with other stuff that they forgot to spend time with each other. arguments grew as their conversations reduced. soon enough, no one could take the toxic relationship, so they broke up.

but chaeyoung never stopped loving jungkook. she misses him from time to time. but the damage has been done.

when their marriage was announced, she was overwhelmed. she wondered if he still feels the same, but her blasted pride prevented her from asking him anything.

chaeyoung turned to leave but a pair of arms snaked around her tiny waist as jungkook buried his face in her neck.

she froze but waited for jungkook to say something.

he was heartbroken hearing that she thought that he didnt love her anymore. he was so afraid of losing her.

he grew hysterical after they broke up. sleepless nights, screams of frustration and tears of regret. he missed her day and night. he was over the moon when they were set to have an arranged marriage with one another, something they couldnt refuse. he just wanted her back in his arms again.

" i never give you these overseas project because i cant bear the fact that you would be everywhere else but close within my reach. i cant let you go overseas on your own without me by your side. i cant let you fall for other men when youre away. i cant bear to feel as if youre gone forever," he spoke in such a broken tone, tears streamed down chaeyoung's face.

" i dont love eunha. its always you. i love you since the very beginning. i have never stopped loving you, baby."

chaeyoung let it all out as painful sobs racked her body. she didnt know why she was so emotional.

jungkook turned chaeyoung around and wiped the tears streaming down her face. he pulled her into his arms as he stroked her blonde hair. chaeyoung grabbed his shirt tightly with her small hands as she slowly calmed down, burying her face into his warm chest, his familiar scent filling her nose.

" lets go home, hmm?" jungkook asked softly.

chaeyoung looked at him with her glassy red eyes and puckered her lips.

jungkook chuckled as he leaned down to give her a kiss before pulling away. he knew this expression only too well.

" we'll have chicken and ice cream. then we'll cuddle, babe, dont worry."

chaeyoung sniffed as she nodded cutely. jungkook lifted her up in his arms and carried her all the way to his car, driving home.






my first! tysm~~